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@Kairu: thank you my friend B) i just noticed our avatars are very similar! lol we're long-lost twins
hello everyone! i haven't been super active lately, but i saw the event is starting and i knew i had to be around for my first vibrance day! how is everyone?
Posted in Yep, it's another newbie... Posted 4 years ago
welcome to voltra! it's always nice to see new faces around. ^_^ i hope you'll enjoy your time here!
Posted in //whimsically wanders in Posted 4 years ago
welcome to voltra! i joined in november of last year, and the community here is very friendly, so i'm sure you'll fit right in.
Posted in bored....will draw your avatar for freeeeee Posted 4 years ago
you don't have to draw my avatar or anything, i just wanted to pop in and show support for my fellow artists! i'm sure your drawings will wow us all. good luck, have fun, and don't overwork yourself! ^_^ b
Posted in i'm back... and i have a cinnamon roll Posted 4 years ago
hey! i haven't been very talkative on voltra for a short while now, but i have been checking in every day so i still see the new items. pi day is very cute. how is everyone? did i miss some good conversations? happy belated lunar year, by the way! excited for year of the rat, even though i'm a snake (hissssss!)
Posted in Happy St. Patrick's Day Everyone Posted 4 years ago
i'm surprised people do things besides drink to celebrate st. patrick's day! i always thought it was one of those designated drinking holidays, like mardi gras or cinco de mayo. i'm irish on my mom's side, but i was never saw the holiday as a big deal, since i'm very out-of-touch with my heritage. when i was a kid, there was an obligation to wear green, of course, but i never did much else. happy st. patrick's to everyone nonetheless!
Posted in he/him lesbians Posted 5 years ago
@buggaboy: i wasn't planning on replying to this thread again, but then i had a dream about it, so it must've bothered me more than i thought. i'm sorry i was rude to you initially, i didn't realize you were expressing confusion rather than disapproval. i was defensive because it's typical for me and my friends who identify similarly to get rude comments from strangers and sometimes friends or family both online and offline. i should've put more thought into my reply, and i definitely worded things more aggressively than i should have. i hope you're having a good day, and if you'd like to talk further about the subject, i could give a shot.
Posted in he/him lesbians Posted 5 years ago
oh thank god there are people who support he/him lesbians in this thread. i'm a lesbian who did go by he/him for a short while to try it out (i use they/them now) and it's a relief knowing i at least don't have to justify my identity to EVERYONE, you know? like good god i go on voltra to have a fun time, not to see the same shit i see every day from people who don't care to even try to understand the perspective of gender nonconforming/nonbinary lesbians. you say "nonbinary lesbian" and people start acting like you're a disgrace to the LGBT community. i don't get it.

anyway i don't have much to say to have an argument or whatever, because i'm not looking to have one (i've had my fair share of conversations where i have to justify myself to anyone and everyone), but i will link a small site written by a he/him lesbian in an attempt to get people to understand. i wish you all the best and i hope that you'll at least try to give it a listen.
@ephenay: oh nice! that's good to hear! :D art/writing block is always the worst.
@ephenay: oh it's going well! the creative energy is really flowing tonight so i'm trying to get as many ideas written down as i can lol. how are you?
@ephenay: sorry i'm a bit late. ^_^" hey gang!
i tried the pixel by pixel method and it turned out way tinier than i intended lmao. i'll try again soon
Posted in Get In the Solstice Spirit: Community Goals Posted 5 years ago
good night koneko!