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Posted in Get In the Solstice Spirit: Community Goals Posted 5 years ago
i looked at the answers for 4 and 5 and i knew i never would have gotten them so i left those answers blank ^_^"
Posted in Vontell's Memory Posted 5 years ago
this one's pretty hard! i couldn't get 4 or 5 :U
Posted in Get In the Solstice Spirit: Community Goals Posted 5 years ago
ACK! that was the name i was struggling to remember! "to kill a mockingbird." thanks @Tsundererra:
Posted in Get In the Solstice Spirit: Community Goals Posted 5 years ago
hello again everyone! i just logged on and i'm about to start work on the crossword as well! i'd like to think i've studied literature enough to complete this, but we'll have to wait and see. ^_^
Posted in What are you currently reading? Posted 5 years ago
currently re-reading undead girl gang by lily anderson! it's a really cool story about a mexican-amerian plus-size wiccan teen named mila using necromancy to help solve the murders of girls at her school. i found out about it because the author worked as a librarian at my dad's school (he's a custodian there). it has a really good twist but that's all i'll say. :x
Posted in Get In the Solstice Spirit: Community Goals Posted 5 years ago
anyway, how ya doin? i don't think we've talked before :p
Posted in Get In the Solstice Spirit: Community Goals Posted 5 years ago
every time i start typing a message on voltra, i think about that sims 4 activity where they're "trolling teh forums." i hope whatever malevolent god that's controlling the sims game that is my life is at least getting a chuckle out of it.
Posted in Get In the Solstice Spirit: Community Goals Posted 5 years ago
whoops i keep forgetting to drop in this thread. hello everyone!
Posted in Word of the Year Posted 5 years ago
i thought long and hard about what word to pick, and i decided on "honesty." i have a tendency to keep my thoughts to myself for fear of other people's responses, but i've been meaning to be more open to others. i'd also like to be more honest with myself! i'll have to try to remember this.
Posted in Vyctor's Memory Posted 5 years ago
@Hachi: omg you're incredible

@Goblin: thank you for the reupload <3

Posted in Vyctor's Memory Posted 5 years ago
it doesn't look like any of the images are working. :( it may be something on my end or on imgur's end.

also are vyctor and virgil boyfriends because they SO talk to each other like a couple would (excuse the dumb question i'm still new to the voltra lore)
Posted in Volkan's Memory Posted 5 years ago
@Totalanimefan: i nearly forgot about this thread! whoops. but yes, i don't see why not ^_^
Posted in Get In the Solstice Spirit: Community Goals Posted 5 years ago
@vengeance: thank you very much! (everyone on voltra is so unbelievably generous. it really astounds me! )