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Posted in VIBRANCE DAY FREEBIES OF WOE Posted 4 years ago
@inatlaka: i used an open-source freeware program called krita. it's meant to be similar to photoshop and illustrator

@Miss Sandman: nice! how's your island coming along?

@Deaa: oh she's lovely! i'll add you to the queue ;p
Posted in VIBRANCE DAY FREEBIES OF WOE Posted 4 years ago
@Kitalpha Hart:
hope you don't mind i changed the palette a little, i was in the mood for some nice, bright primary colors

@inatlaka: oh thank you but you don't have to if you don't want to :p
yeah i'm really happy with the event! it's a cute concept and i'm enjoying it a lot for someone who doesn't care for valentine's day. i really appreciate the work that went into it. i just like to joke about dating clowns
maybe if we reach page 420 we'll unlock the secret clown date
Posted in VIBRANCE DAY FREEBIES OF WOE Posted 4 years ago
@Miss Sandman: not much, really! i've been in kind of a funk lately, so i haven't been too productive. i've mostly been watching my sister play animal crossing because i don't have the motivation to play it myself, but i'm trying to be better about that sort of thing! i'm doing art to give myself something to do that i like to do, you know? how about you?

@inatlaka: i'm glad you like it! :D
Posted in Date Unlocked: Lin the Ringmaster Posted 4 years ago
voltra staff are cowards for including these two from the circus but not the clown. give me clown date or give me death /j

in all seriousness, this was lovely as always! i'm really enjoying learning more about the circus characters since i wasn't around during that event, but their designs have always interested me. thank you for the hard work, team! ^_^ b
Posted in VIBRANCE DAY FREEBIES OF WOE Posted 4 years ago
sorry about how messy this is, my hands get shakier later on in the day, but i wanted to finish it for you as soon as i could! i went for sort of a glamorous look since that's the vibes i get from your avatar!

@Synth: i love your username! and yeah sure thing, i'll add you to the queue!

@Miss Sandman: thank you! and hello :D
Posted in VIBRANCE DAY FREEBIES OF WOE Posted 4 years ago
@ghost: askjnfksdgnj i forgot the rest of the reply sorry. thank you so much! ever since i followed you on toyhouse, i've been admiring your work from afar! i really wish more people had the ability to fav images turned on on there
Posted in VIBRANCE DAY FREEBIES OF WOE Posted 4 years ago
yours is complete! hope you like it, it was definitely fun to draw ^_^

@inatlaka: i'd love to, although i have to warn you, braids are a weakness of mine

@Kitalpha Hart: @ghost: ocs are my favorite to draw, so yes absolutely! i love showing some personality through the drawing

i should start a little queue or something
@pachi: you're too kind
Posted in VIBRANCE DAY FREEBIES OF WOE Posted 4 years ago
@pachi: oh i'd love to, your avatars always have such fun designs!

@inatlaka: aaaa thank you very much ;_; i'm trying not to show how anxious i am about this thread lol is it working
@pachi: i can really only think of one other thing i'd want to save space for, so i'll reserve One (1) whole post (i know, so generous to myself)
Posted in VIBRANCE DAY FREEBIES OF WOE Posted 4 years ago
ok we good to go