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did someone say big sword
the halloween aesthetic is more versatile, i think
@Totalanimefan: those banana muffins look good :O
@Junko7: very nice!

@Totalanimefan: hey! how are you doing today?
oh last night we reached page 69, so now we're shooting for 420
hello everyone! how's the quest for 420?
@Junko7: i've seen videos where people "100%" the chao garden by breeding and training the ultimate chao and it boggles my mind. i never even paid much attention to the stats when i played, i just wanted them to be able to swim lol
@Junko7: the chao garden brings back so many memories... i was too young to know how to spell most words and my siblings would let me name the chao so they all got really shitty names like "MOM" or "DAD". the chao would start drowning and i'd go "MOM!" and my mother would go "what?" good times.
oh so is it more of an RPG?
@eleven: oh is this a gacha game? my girlfriend is really into those, but i always lose interest too fast
@eleven: mad father is this old freeware horror adventure game! it was made back when RPG maker horror games were really popular, i have some good memories of it
hey gang is anyone playing anything right now? i was just playing mad father for old time's sake, and i decided to take a break and check in on everyone
i was too young to be on avatar sites in their heyday, but i sort of have inherited nostalgia from my older siblings using sites like gaia
oh i forgot time zones existed. i saw it was 8PM and thought "what do you mean late?" and then i realized it's only 8PM on the west coast