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Posted in Date Unlock: Vanora Aria Posted 4 years ago
oh my god this is adorable i'm so excited
i usually have the blackout theme on. nice and dark, with cool accent colors. *chef's kiss* beautiful. i had to change the site theme as soon as i could, the white was too much for me. but hey, different strokes for different folks.
i try to keep the event themes turned on during the whole event, so i'm gonna at least give the vibrance day theme a shot, even if it's a little cheery for my tastes. :p

how's everyone's day today?
omg the site theme changed and it's so bright @_@

anyway hi everyone!
@Junko7: don't listen to the haters (i'm kidding about there being haters) your avatar is amazing
vibe love letter check, how's everyone's count looking? i'm at 35
@Tsundererra: they started business in the san francisco bay area, which is where i live, so that's why i know of them :p
apparently quickly is a global chain. i had no idea :O
Quickly (Chinese: 快可立; pinyin: Kuàikělì) is one of the largest tapioca milk tea franchises in the world, with over 2000 locations in Africa, Asia, Europe and North America.
@sunny: i know there's a chain restaurant that sells it called quickly's, but i'm not sure if it's just a local business or not.
yeah, we're approaching MAXIMUM VELOCITY. i switched tabs to post on the pet thread, and when i came back there were a good 30+ new posts.
@pachi: your art looks great as always!
Posted in Pet thread!! Posted 4 years ago
oh this is such a good thread idea!

i have two cats, a brother and sister from the same litter. yoshi, the orange cat, and isabella, the gray cat. they just turned 10 last month
i have 13 now, which is my lucky number, so i'm very pleased
@PurpdaBurpPurp: i only have 9, but that makes sense as i just got here a couple minutes ago :p

@pachi: don't overwork yourself! i'm sure everyone will understand if you want to slow down to keep up with the thread or anything else. your art is incredible by the way, very cute ^_^ b