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YEAH i find that always makes the calls more difficult to sit through
oh i avoid my family zoom calls because they make me anxious lol. good thing my older relatives really just like to talk among themselves. hope yours will go well!
@pachi: thanks lol. it looks underdressed in comparison to yours, but i wanted to give a street look a go! plus i bought these silly pants and i gotta use em somehow :p

@Bonnie: i'm doing well! been playing silent hill 2 so i'm in a nice and spooky mood.
hey gang! how is everyone today?

@pachi: here's my attempt:
my decoding services are free, you're welcome :p
thank you my friend! ^_^
i had a need for bigger hair
@Junko7: yay for you! hopefully your commissions continue to go well!

@Yandere: good night!
@Junko7: it is! vary nice, i mean. i need to get my hands on more items (the majority of mine were gifted by some very lovely folks), but i'm very bad at actually talking to people with the intention of making a transaction. maybe i'll stop being so shy and give it a shot soon
@Junko7: just checked! it's called Acrobat. your current is spectacular though! you should keep it for at least a little while longer :p
@Junko7: i don't think i have that item either. i do know of a butterfly-themed item with multiple arms, though! or at least, i think it does. i'll check my inventory for it
hello again everyone!

@Junko7: more eyes would look incredible, wouldn't it?
checked the wiki and it didn't say what the dragon slayer is made of. aw nuts.
@Kairu: i don't actually know what the dragon slayer from berserk is made of, i'll have to check the wiki
It was too big to be called a sword. Massive, thick, heavy, and far too rough. Indeed, it was a heap of raw iron.