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Posted in Closed Posted 3 years ago
@Mousy: I'd legit be willing to add volts for maximum price guide value! Really, I can always earn more volts, so I won't miss them. xD
Posted in Closed Posted 3 years ago
@Mousy: Wow, really?! Assuming you want all 3 Anniversary Cupcakes and the Bundle, that value is 8.5k, but I would think the Corrupted Ichor is worth more? How much would you like for it? I can supplement in volts as well!!
@Wildfire: Gotcha. I think I'll stick with the Command Hooks and boards, if only because I don't want to take the chance that a giant sticker will do paint damage lol.

@MoodyB: Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. I've never played with gouache, but it looks fun. I feel like I'm better with traditional art than digital, but I get the feeling it has to do with the grip of the pencil (or whatever media).

I may disappear here in a bit since I've gotta get ready to go to my parents'. Gonna pick up a cake and candles for my mom's birthday. <3
@MoodyB: Ah, so watching like speedpaints? Those are especially fun to watch. <3

I should watch some of those eventually to help when I do digital stuff, which isn't very often unfortunately.
Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 3 years ago
@pachi: We miss you! Hope you've been doing well. <3

Hello everybody!
@MoodyB: Ooh, that sounds like fun. I love watching people make things. What kind of paint is it?
Posted in Item Suggestion Thread Posted 3 years ago
Not sure if this has been suggested, but more over-the-face skulls would be nice. Similar to the Necromancer deer skull would be amazing. <3 Human or animal, doesn't matter, but more skulls please!
@Wildfire: Temporary wallpaper is a thing? What kind of black magic...? xD I may need to look into that as well! Thanks for the suggestions. <3

@Purpsy: Yep, the Krampus and the Silent Night (which is the moon item I'm wearing) are the "commons", if you will. :3 See ya later then!

@MoodyB: Doing well here, thanks. How about you?
@Wildfire: That makes sense to me, and I'm sure it helps a lot! I don't really have any spaces to put boards without putting holes in the walls, which I'd prefer not to do. Oh wait, Command Hooks are a thing...I may need to look into that lol.

@sunny: Thanks! And even though entries are anonymous, sometimes I can tell whose is whose, which is fun lol.
@Purpsy: Who knows. I feel like because they're regular CIs and not rares, their value should hold steady for a while. At least I hope that's the case for you.
@sunny: Thanks! I missed the last couple of themes I guess because I wasn't feeling any inspiration for the themes. This one should be interesting though, and I may play with different jewels before submitting an avi.
@Another movie addict: Good. Let the other dude see how much of an idiot she is.

@sunny: I'm sure you will! I'll admit these orb items had to grow on me some. And now I'm looking forward to attempting the AOTW theme.

@Wildfire: lol wow, I envy families with that level of organization. I'm more of a 'fly by the seat of my pants' person when it comes to that stuff. xDD The only issue with my fridge with the magnetism...the doors aren't magnetic, but the sides are, so getting whiteboards that'll fit will be tricky.
@sunny: I'm sure you'll make an awesome avi with the hairs!

@Wildfire: That's a good point lol. My fridge could stand to have a bit of cleaning. >.>

@Another movie addict: "ArE yOu GoInG tO wAiT?" Well gee, I have no choice now, do I? I hate stupid questions like that.

@Purpsy: Well with these items being so popular, I'm sure they won't be too hard to find when you do have the funds for them? ^^;
@Wildfire: Oh that's smart. :o You know what I'd kind of like to have, as a dream appliance? One of those fridges with transparent doors. xD

@sunny: Oh thanks! I was super excited about the dreads, and the 'do was well-executed by the artist!

@Another movie addict: Well I hope he tears her a new one then. IF YOU ARE NOT A PHYSICIAN OR THE PATIENT, DON'T EFF WITH PEOPLE'S NEEDS!! I'd have had words with her, for sure, idfc.