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@Wildfire: Understandable. We're always finding something to watch, even if it means rewatching series because it was just that good lol.

AMA, That makes sense. Eventually I'd like to read all the classics that I wasn't made to read in high school. See what all the fuss is about.
loool, maybe everyone made the resolution to read more this year. xDD That sounds crazy though, and I'm sure sleep was the perfect solution. Rain tends to make me sleepy, or at least feel lazy.
Wildfire, I keep both services because I watch stuff from both. xD But yeah, LotR is probably my favorite movie series, so was super excited when I saw that haha.

AMA, At least you had your priorities. I wasn't going to go out of my way to stay up, but it was a happy coincidence I guess.
@Wildfire: YES!! Here I've been salty about Netflix only having 2 of the 3 movies (I hate when they do that) but then found out Hulu had all 3?! I wonder how long they've been on there lol.
Oooh, that sounds like the perfect way to start the morning, AMA. <3

I actually stayed up late last night, which is a first in many years for me on New Year's Eve. xD Normally I fall asleep by midnight, but come like 10:30 we were looking for stuff to watch on Hulu and found they have all 3 Lord of the Rings movies, so we watched the first one. Was up until almost 2 haha. BUT WORTH IT!!

I hope everyone was able to ring it in in a happy way, whether you were sleeping or celebrating with loved ones. <3
@Ava: Your bunny sounds adorable, and I love pets who give headbutts for more pets. xD I love headbutting my own cat because he does that to me when he wants affection. My other cat doesn't care for headbutts and gives me that wtf look. xP

Yeah geese...can be butts lol. There's a ton of Canadian geese her year-round because Florida, and they poop everywhere and cross streets at inconvenient times (but really, when is convenient?). ONE time a group of geese came flying in and landed RIGHT in front of us as we were driving! Luckily we weren't going very fast at the time, but still! BUTTS!!

Oh wow, I somehow expected hamsters to live at least a little longer. ;A; But that's a good question--if their life span is in the wild or more in captivity. I thought my (almost) 5 years with my hedgehog was too short, but at least she lived right about to her typical lifespan.
For this last day of the year, I'm working, which I don't mind. I get off at 8, but I never do anything to count down lol. Normally I fall asleep before midnight. xD If anyone's still awake, sometimes they'll wake me up just to say Happy New Year, otherwise I wish them well the day of.

I have no plans for tomorrow that I know of. I'm off work, so might just have a nice lazy day at home. I gotta stock up on some groceries for tomorrow though...

My only wish would be for everyone to have a better year than they had in 2020. Doesn't have to be a perfect year, but at least better.
Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 3 years ago
@Evilcupcakecat: Yeah that doesn't sound like a comfortable situation for sand lol. Whatever you get, you should let us know!

Heh, the only mainstream social media I use is Facebook. I don't care enough to learn how to use the others. Snapchat especially...I just can't grasp being available a lot to remember wtf I was talking about. xD
@Ava: Agreed that fish are better pets for adults.

I'm glad you went straight to the vet too. At least you could have that closure that there was probably nothing that could be done. When I said goodbye to my hedgehog, that's what brought me peace. I got to say goodbye on our terms, versus finding she didn't wake up someday at home.

lol I'm sure lack of socialization with other chickens made him act that way, but I think roosters tend to be pretty cocky anyway. xDD My fiance's mom has a farm and all her roosters seem that way, anyway.

Do you know approximately how long hamsters live?
Posted in Aisu's Ambitions (Open! Come chat?) Posted 3 years ago
You're welcome!

And no plans, but I never do anything anyway haha. Normally I end up falling asleep before midnight, which is fine. I'm actually off work that day, although I don't mind working it since I never do anything. So I'll probably end up having a nice lazy day at home.
Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 3 years ago
Saaaame as far as the social energy. Sometimes I have more time to be here, but I'd really rather just stick to myself. I'm sure that'll go away.
@Ava: Yeah I don't think most kids realize how much work fish can be. I certainly didn't. For a brief moment, I'd considered getting a beta fish, but I figured I'd only give it so much attention before getting bored with it, which really isn't fair. So glad I didn't go that route.

Aww, I'm sorry about your bunny too.
Your chicken sounds so adorable. xD I wonder if he kept attacking his reflection because he thought it was another chicken all up in his turf? Did you end up rehoming him?

I love that name for your hamster. <3 I adore the way dwarf hamsters look. But perhaps you're right, maybe bigger is better for you considering this is your first one. Maybe once you have more experience, you can get a dwarf?
Posted in Aisu's Ambitions (Open! Come chat?) Posted 3 years ago
Oh thank you! I can't recall ever using this shade of pink in an avi before, but I really like it.

And I like your avi too. :) I have a hard time using that background because my avis tend to blend in to whatever the colour I use, but yours works well with it!