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@Ava: My male cat loves headbutting me, so I headbutt him back and he likes it and demands more affection. xD My female cat, not so much, but she does love affection otherwise. She tries to climb in my lap all the time, even when I don't want her to because I'm busy with something.

I kinda like country-ish areas, although I've always been closer to the city. Was your town very big?

I agree, you never feel like you had enough time with your pet when they pass. But at least if they're older and you know their days are numbered, it kinda softens the blow.

@totalanimefan: Yeah I can't wait until he's more verbal so he can tell me the things he likes and doesn't like. He seems to do fine with fireworks, although I haven't yet gotten him super close to them (such as holding a sparkler).
I should write a list of books that I need to read. I thiiink our library is open again, so might see about getting a library card instead of buying all the books.

I'll be back in a bit. I should wash the dishes lol.
Yep, my name's Portia lol.

And I'll have to try to remember Camille since I enjoyed Moulin Rouge, or at least the movie.
@totalanimefan: Yeah normally both downtown and the beaches do fireworks shows, but obviously didn't this year because of Rona as well. And my son is 3.

Yeah I like how they did the fireworks to write out 2021 lol. I should really play more of that game this year since I've been neglecting it so long.
I've read a few of Shakespeare's works, but never the story of my namesake lol.

The Count of Monte Cristo...for some reason, I've never finished that book, and I've tried reading it at least twice. I'm not sure why I can't seem to finish it, because it IS an interesting read! I won't watch the movie until I read the book entirely.
@totalanimefan: That sounds like an awesome way to spend the evening. :) I saw a few fireworks here and there when I was picking up my son from my parents' house (I worked yesterday). One of these years I'll take him to actually see a show.

My friend recorded her Animal Crossing countdown and I thought it was adorable lol.
I should really read The Merchant of Venice, which is where my name comes from. I picked up a copy once, but have yet to actually read it, heh.
@totalanimefan: Nice! I stayed up for once because we found out that Hulu has all of the LotR movies, so we watched the first one. xD
RIGHT?! I hope my son doesn't have to read any of his works when he gets that age. If so, I'll probably just get him the cliff notes or something to avoid the same headache I had.
I don't think I'd enjoy reading that then lol. I get annoyed when writers do that, so thanks for the heads up.

I felt like both Dickens and Hawthorne took forever to get to the point. Great Expectations was a bit of a dry read for me, whereas AILD...Hawthorne wrote run-ons like it was nobody's business. And the one chapter where it was literally 5 words. Utter BS.
Sounds like a nice way to pass the time.
I think the two that I read and couldn't stand were As I Lay Dying and Great Expectations. The writing styles of both authors were terrible, imo.
I know some of my siblings have some of the classics I never read, so I'll just borrow their copy lol.
Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 3 years ago
Happy new year Mas! <3
@totalanimefan: Happy new year!! Did you do anything for it?