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Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 3 years ago
This advent calendar kinda makes me miss the chocolate advent calendars I used to get as a kid. I haven't looked for them in a while, but maybe I can find one for my son one of these years. Hopefully one that's of decent quality.
@totalanimefan: Aw man. Well for his sake, I hope he remains in good health for many more years!!

I'm certain I feed my cats too much, but they tend to scream at me if their bowls are empty. >.> However, it's also kinda funny because it's one of the rare occasions they get along and will get kinda close to each other.
@MoodyB: Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that your progress was small. But even if you thought it was small, I'd still celebrate that progress! And yes, I've had times where I felt like my art was garbage, but I posted it anyway for the sake of growth.

That's too bad. I'd say maybe do something fun before or after, that way it's not a huge disappointment, but I understand that may be difficult too.
@totalanimefan: I mean, I'm sure if they found anything to treat during their checkup, then that would cost money, but luckily just the vaccinations were out of pocket.

Ah, do you know if he does okay with surgery?

And thankfully they are in good health. They could probably stand to lose a little weight since they're both on the chubbier side, but I know they're not obese.
Posted in Lina’s Quest Posted 3 years ago
Aw, that's real sweet of you to offer to hold it for me. :) I think what I'll do once I go through all the EIs I'm in the process of buying, I may just go ahead and try to buy the rest from my wish list since I don't think I'll have many left to buy. SO, if you want to sell yours away, no hard feelings!

Yeah, funny how it feels like I've been here a year already lol. How about you? I think we joined around the same time anyway.
@totalanimefan: Oh, that's not bad, and yay freebies! When I had to get my cats' vaccinations updated, we went with a vet we'd never had before, and their first physical was free. Glad he's doing well!
@MoodyB: I like to say that progress is progress, no matter how small, and that should be celebrated. :) So congrats to you!!

I'm the same with my favorite NFL team. xD I get my hopes too high only to end up disappointed most of the time.
@MoodyB: I'm glad your year has had a silver lining! :D

Also, if you have low expectations, it leaves more room to be happier when things go better than expected?
Posted in Aisu's Ambitions (Open! Come chat?) Posted 3 years ago
Thank you!! <333 I really love the Krampus in this shade, so was excited to play with it.

And you're welcome! I'm glad those types of avis are an option here too.

Thanks, and we have. :) Every now and then he has a fitful night, but thankfully not too often.

Woot! Bought/am buying a bunch of EIs from my wishlist, so miiiight see about trying to buy the rest after I sort through everything lol.
@MoodyB: To be fair, it's been a rough year, and I'm sure a lot of us would prefer to forget it or something about it.
@Wildfire: You're welcome! It's crazy, these CIs don't seem to be as easy to find as previous months. Maybe because they're so popular?

I'm doing well though. Just had dinner, so I'm content lol.

@MoodyB: I hope you find something to enjoy on your birthday. :)
@totalanimefan: Ohnoes, the cone of shame! Although I always think that's adorable lol. I hope his treatment is easy and not expensive!
@Wildfire: Your new avi is gorgeous! Did you get all the crates you wanted?
Posted in Have you put out the butter tree yet? Posted 3 years ago
@vampiretaco: Oh wow, chocolate gorilla. xD I've heard of hot chocolate bombs, but that's another animal! (pun intended)