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Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 3 years ago
I'm super excited and also nervous lol.

Had to look up Boxing Day. Looks interesting, but I can't imagine having "second Christmas" lol.
@totalanimefan: Sounds like you had a delicious dinner! I had a rib roast for Christmas dinner, which was a first, but delicious!
@totalanimefan: It is! And ooh, what are you making?
@totalanimefan: Merry Christmas to you too, thanks! <3

Yay for home team wins! And that's so awesome that giving makes you feel that way. For me, knowing that everyone was happy with the gifts I got them made me happy lol.
@Wildfire: Sounds like a good day! It's been pretty chill here too (I'm at my parents' all day). Kinda wish it was warmer, but at least it's not rainy and miserable!
@Wildfire: Thanks, and same to you! I'm doing well. A bit sleepy, but it's good since I need to go to bed early tonight lol. Waiting for dinner, but it won't be ready for a couple hours. xP How about you?
Happy holidays everyone!! Hope everyone has been doing well?
Posted in Aisu's Ambitions (Open! Come chat?) Posted 3 years ago
She loved the earrings, and I was even able to find a similar necklace pendant to the one she lost, so I consider this year a success!

The pre-k has different options, I believe, but he's going in-person. The classroom has dividers to separate the students if they're at desks, and they will wear masks/shields when in close proximity to other students. He has 1 teacher and 2 teacher's aides, so I'm not worried about the staffing since I think the average class is now around 12 kids? No more than 18, we were told. He doesn't start until January 4th, and I'm taking that whole week off in case he struggles to adjust. But his teachers has LOTS of experience with transitioning kids of similar circumstances, so I'm trying not to be too nervous about the whole thing lol.
Hope everyone is having a happy holiday season so far!! <3
Anyone care to share something that made them happy recently?
Posted in What is the best concert you have been to? Posted 3 years ago
@Jessamine: Sorry for the late reply lol.

Your experience with Emerson sounds so wholesome and fun!! <3

I love concerts in general because people have the tendency to look out for each other and make sure everyone's having a good time. I'm small in stature, so sometimes when I get toward the front of the stage, it gets a little crazy and you feel squished like sardines in a can, but people tend to ask me if I'm doing okay lol.

I'm not sure if Remington heard the remark or if he chose to ignore it since he seemed to have no reaction, but it's fine. xD I'm glad your Palaye concert went well overall!

Ahh, Break the Cycle is good, though I'm not sure if I've heard Holding on to Smoke. I may have, but just forgot, so will have to give it a listen.
Guess we all have those moments lol.
I'm glad these tickets can be claimed whenever. I've been logging in to at least do that, but I did miss yesterday's, so glad I could claim it today.
I haven't been very active like all week lol. Oops. Guess I haven't felt very social.
Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 3 years ago
Ohnoes, sad news indeed. D:

Hmm, good news...I go on vacation in like 2 weeks? I'm not going anywhere though. I just took a week off so my son can start pre-k and hopefully he transitions well since he's never been in such an environment.
Posted in Aisu's Ambitions (Open! Come chat?) Posted 3 years ago
@Wildfire: Thanks. :) I found her some nice earrings with one of her birthstones in them, so I hope she likes them. I forgot multiple birthstones were a thing, so I looked up December and found tanzanite, which is a colour I think she'd love since she loves purpley-blue hues.

And my son doesn't yet know he's starting school because he's mostly non-verbal. But school will help him with that, and I'm sure with time, he'll come to love it because being pre-k is all about having fun lol.