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@Wildfire: Thanks again, and yeah, thankfully I wasn't gone too terribly long.

I see we're getting new orbs soon, so that's exciting!

Have you been up to anything new?
@Wildfire: Pretty much, and everything's fine, thanks for asking. I guess I just fell into a slump where I didn't feel like even logging on. But I think I managed to get all the EIs from the last event. I know I got all the store EIs. Just checking to make sure I got all the daily scarves. And thanks!
AMA, gotcha. I hope you stay sleepy until you need to go to sleep then!

@Wildfire: Hey there. Not much besides work, really. Took an unannounced hiatus, so now I'm slowly playing catch-up. How about you?
Perhaps take a nap?
Normally this time of day I'm pretty tired too, but I've been sipping on iced coffee lol.
I'm more hungry than anything. Dinner is cooking though (fried chicken tacos).
Hey hey. How's everyone been?
@Totalanimefan: Thanks for the invite back to your threads lol.

Sorry, I went on an unannounced hiatus. Trying to get back into the swing of things.
Posted in Lina’s Quest Posted 3 years ago
@Lina: Thanks, but I didn't have that item yet so gonna keep it. <3
Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 3 years ago
That clay looks like fun to play with. xD I want to squish it.
Just popping in to say I'm alive, if anyone's wondering. xD Been too busy and tired to get online lately, but hopefully tonight after I get off work since it's my Friday!
Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 3 years ago
Sounds like fun, Mas! What kind of clay are you using? Polymer?

e, what's got you terrified, if you don't mind me asking?
Posted in Lina’s Quest Posted 3 years ago
@Lina: It is the best!

And you're so sweet! <3 Thank you very much!!! You're welcome as well!!
Well it's not very wintery, but I like it. xD

Hope you don't have covid, AMA!
I've seen false-positive test results before. Of course these were with folks who were asymptomatic.

Think I'll try to make a new avi. Maybe something wintery...