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Posted in Vikings, Picts, Celts, etc. (fiction and non) Posted 6 years ago
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If you know of any great books on the subject of these peoples, please share your favorites! I'm having an obsessive moment.

So far on my reading list I have:
- The Lost Language of the Picts (non-fiction linguistic reference text)
- Sky in the Deep (young adult fiction about Vikings)
- Eaters of the Dead (adult fiction about Vikings)

I am especially interested in the Picts but information is hard to come by. I found one book on Amazon that supposedly had religious texts and recipes and chants and all kinds of stuff, but the reviewers said it was 100% fabricated new age nonsense and a little research proved that the culture was pretty much completely decimated and no writings from the Picts has survived. (The linguistic book I mentioned above is largely guesswork but at least people have tried to reconstruct what little archaeologists have uncovered...)
Posted in I would pick him up right away Posted 6 years ago
She could really be hurting from the loss of her previous pet. She may feel that it's a betrayal if she "replaces" the one she lost, even if she thinks it might cheer her up to have a new companion. I would cut her some slack. And if you can't, you can always unfriend her or you can turn off notifications/following and you'll never see her posts.
Posted in Halloween decorations Posted 6 years ago
For cheap but good holiday decorations, Big Lots and the Dollar Tree actually have really nice stuff. So you can buy a lot on a budget.

Crepe paper streamers look very festive and cost very little, and you can reuse them.

I would recommend steering clear of "bloody handprint" things. I had a gel-like bloody handprint that I stuck on a white closet door at an apartment once for Halloween, and it stained it. >_> That came out of my deposit. And who knows what the landlord thought it was. LOL!!!

I normally go all out but for the past couple of years I have done nothing. I even leave my porch light off so kids won't come looking for candy. I just haven't been feeling it. Work's just gotten hectic and I can hardly take care of the day-to-day, let alone celebrate holidays, though Halloween was always my favorite. Until recently I was the kind of person who would throw a party, pass out candy, watch scary movies, hang decorations on the wall, put streamers up everywhere, and generally turn my house into a whole new place for a couple of weeks. The older I get, the more it just feels like a chore. I feel a wonderful sense of nostalgia when I see Halloween decorations in stores. Maybe this year I'll feel up to a little something.
Posted in Gimme tips on making friends please. Posted 6 years ago
I got lucky enough to marry my best friend, so I always have one person to do things with, at least. My best friend from high school recently got another job across the country and moved away, so we can't hang out anymore. Other than that, I just happened to become good friends with some of my coworkers and their spouses. I would recommend just asking someone you go to school or work with if they'd like to go see a movie or attend some kind of casual event together, a concert or a convention. Or just grab coffee. That's what I always do, if I meet someone I have something in common with.
Posted in Living for the Weekend Posted 6 years ago
LOL! I usually don't do anything but this weekend I was strangely booked up. Next weekend I'm going to a con so I'll be busy then, too... I really don't mind just staying home and doing nothing.

Cards Against Humanity was great. Nothing I could repeat here, obviously... I think we played for like 3 hours. It flew.
Posted in Dolls Posted 6 years ago
I wish I knew a skilled carpenter, then I'd get them to build me an amazing dollhouse... Right now I have two "rooms" built on a bookshelf, a kitchen and a bedroom, just cause I needed a place to put my childhood doll furniture. I had to just leave stuff boxed up and not displayed. It seems like such a waste.
Posted in Kendare Blake Posted 6 years ago
Oh, yeah! Of course, if your plan was to murder people, being a poisoner is the way to go. XD I meant for just regular life, that wouldn't be useful to me at all. If i wanted to be a serial killer it would be awesome, though. Bwaha!

I think elemental would be the most impressive. Who wouldn't want to fling fire around and call up storms? =D That would be awesome.

Fox has acquired the film rights to all 4 books planned for the Crowns series. Hopefully the first one will do well so we'll get to see them all come to fruition. It could be really epic if they handle it the right way.

I'm enjoying the third book so far but I expected it to pick up where the second left off, and instead it jumps ahead in time a bit. I feel a little like I missed something, but I'm getting into it. I do wish I'd reread the first two before starting, though, cause there's this one recurring character and I keep wondering, who are you??? lol!
Posted in Unique entertainment where you live? Posted 6 years ago
Anything interesting where you live, that you can't just find anywhere?

Something I enjoy doing locally is touring historical homes (especially those of Civil War interest). It's actually very inexpensive. For only $2 or $3 you can walk around a beautiful, lavishly decorated mansion and learn some history. Most places don't let you take photos inside, but some do! And many of them have lovely gardens and grounds you can roam at your leisure. One day I just house-hopped and went to three different old mansions, one after the other.

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Posted in NaNoWriMo Posted 6 years ago
Ugh, that's happened to me, too. Whatever word processing program came with my original computer saved files in a weird format. They could not even be opened in Word. So when that computer died, I lost my stuff. Luckily my wife is a computer genius and recovered them! They came out in a super weird format but at least the text survived.
Posted in Pre-Ordering Posted 6 years ago
I always preorder, mostly because I prefer to be a reclusive shut-in and have the mailman bring me my games, but also because there are bonuses sometimes (content or art cards or steel cases or T-shirts or action figures, what have you). I heard Amazon will no longer be doing their 20% off preorder price, and Best Buy shut down its game rewards program, but I order almost everything I buy from Amazon Prime anyway so I'll still use them.
Posted in E3 2018 Posted 6 years ago
I'll probably get the updated Tales of Vesperia. Somehow I wind up with multiple copies of the same game every time they change platforms. lol

I'm more excited about Elder Scrolls VI than any other video game in the world right now. I might not see it for a decade but I am no less ecstatic now than I will be on release day. XD
Posted in The witch and the hundred knight Posted 6 years ago
Looks like something my wife would enjoy... Maybe I'll get her that for her birthday!
Posted in Moble games What are you playing ? Posted 6 years ago
There's an adorable one I love called JellyFlop that's totally free. Each level is a single screen and the goal is to use a limited quantity of pink jelly to create a path for this cute little jellyfish guy to collect feathers because he wants to make himself a pair of wings and fly like a bird. It sounds stupid but it is the cutest thing.

Two Dots is entertaining and challenging. I don't like puzzles so I stick with the easy levels. You get a screen full of colored dots, and the goal is to draw boxes with all same-color dots until you clear 10 yellow, 10 blue, and 10 green (or whatever the challenge is that round). It starts getting harder when they encase the dots in "ice" and you have to make several boxes to break all the ice first. There's another version called Dots & Co. but they're both basically the same thing.

And I've played a LOT of Midnight Cinderella. It's a dating simulation sort of thing. I like romance novels and dressing up an avatar, so I find it enjoyable. And it's extremely well-written. Yes, the princess you play as is totally vapid, but most Asian games of this nature get horrible translations that are almost unintelligible, but this reads like an actual choose-your-own-adventure/find-your-fate type of book in flawless English. You choose among various hot anime boys to pick a suitor, and then read the story and choose a different path at frequent intervals which cause different outcomes. It's worth replaying over and over again to see the different scenes and endings. They have frequent events that give you items to dress up your princess avatar, and you can also decorate the palace garden however you like.
Posted in OMG ITS AWESOME! -New game- Posted 6 years ago
Looks like The Sims... I might enjoy something like that.

Have you heard of Trauma Center: Second Opinion? It's like...playing doctor with hot anime boys. LOL! You don't build a hospital, you interact with your dead sexy anime boy coworkers and then you have to use your Wii-mote to perform surgery on patients. It requires a steady hand but it's kind of entertaining. lol For the art, at least.