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Donator — She/her Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/24 21:12:10 )

@NixieFae: that’s ok. No worries if we can’t chat everyday.
Thank you. That’s the look I was going fit but you are the first one to say anything lol
I’ve been good considering. Oh there are new orbs coming out tomorrow. I’m looking forward to that ^^


Voltie — The Dude Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/24 21:30:50 )
Forgive, O Lord,
my little jokes on thee...

@totalanimefan: I think we're a little behind on you guys. I think we're at 40%? I haven't checked the numbers. However, I DO know that the plan is for at least 80% to be fully vaccinated by the end of this summer.

...and I'll forgive thy
great big one on me.

Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/25 00:57:33 )
@Totalanimefan: She's really adorable and she's definitely already part of the family. She ate up all the attention at work too (since my dad can't take her out, we bring her to work). She kind of leaves the cats alone (unlike previous dogs we've had) so the cats actually are kind of curious about her right now. With Lucy (my coworker's dog) she always was trying to get the cats to play (which went over about as well as you'd expect from cats lol) but this is like the opposite so they just can't leave her alone lol.

Donator — She/her Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/25 03:32:40 )

@Colin: that’s pretty good. I think we are something like 40% fully vaxxed. By Sept I would think most would be done (including kids) but I don’t know what percentage that would be because there are a lot of people who won’t take the vaccine. :(
Not related to what we are talking about but my favorite team just lost their game tonight by a lot. It was bad lol.
Anyway, how are you?


Donator — She/her Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/25 03:34:24 )

@SorrowTheMad: oh nice that you can bring her to work but I guess when your mom is the owner you can lol. I just love that she is adjusting so quickly. She’s special.
Maybe your cats are interested by the fact the dog doesn’t bombard them with attention. Cats love getting into stuff. Lol


Voltie — The Dude Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/25 03:38:44 )
Forgive, O Lord,
my little jokes on thee...

@totalanimefan: I'm doing ok.

What team are you referring to?

...and I'll forgive thy
great big one on me.

Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/25 03:39:20 )
@Totalanimefan: Yeah having mom as the owner certainly helps, but she also rarely barks, and follows my mom like (for lack of a better phrase) a lost puppy so she's never getting into trouble. But yeah she's very special. I told her earlier how lucky she is that she found a home where she's so loved and she just looked at me and I could tell the feeling was mutual. Crazy kid lol. But yeah I think that's why. Even before we adopted them, I'm sure their only experience with dogs was them being in their faces wanting to play, so this is new for them. Lol

Donator — She/her Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/25 03:45:26 )

@Colin: the Miami Heat. It’s a Basketball team. It’s the playoffs and they didn’t play like it.
Good to hear. My anxiety is through the roof tonight. It’s a little better now but I don’t know why it was bad.

@SorrowTheMad: cute! How old is she again? I forgot. Do you know her past history? She must have had at least an ok life before you got her.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/25 04:11:40 )
Forgive, O Lord,
my little jokes on thee...

@totalanimefan: Well, I don't follow Basketball, but I DO know the Miami Heat. Really, I'm not super into sports. I have an NHL team I keep tabs on, as well as an NFL team.

Also, oof... anxiety is... no fun. At ALL.

...and I'll forgive thy
great big one on me.

Donator — She/her Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/25 04:17:07 )

@Colin: I feel so honored that you know my team. Been a fan since 2005. Lol but my dad was a fan from before I was born so the games were always on growing up.
Yeah it’s not and 2020/2021 is making it happen a lot more. I was able to get through it but I need to be able to see a therapist in person again when I’m fully vaccinated.


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/25 04:29:11 )

    bloooops c; here for just a little bit!



Voltie — The Dude Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/25 04:39:30 )
Forgive, O Lord,
my little jokes on thee...

@totalanimefan: Honoured? Oh, pfft, stop. Though I admit, everything I know about basketball, I learned from playing Basketball Sega Genesis games as a kid.... but still. I learned a lot of teams that way! And I have a friend that followed basketball religiously. The teams I like... I have no idea why. They're not the teams my Dad always cheered for, though I do have a special part in my heart for them as well.

Also, yes, the past year+ has been... trying, to MASSIVELY understate it. I truly hope you'll be okay until you can go and see a therapist in person.

...and I'll forgive thy
great big one on me.
"There is no shame in deterrence. Having a weapon is very different from actually using it." - Ghandi

Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/25 12:29:43 )
@Totalanimefan: I think mom said she was 7, not 100% sure if she or the foster family know that for a fact though either so she could be older or younger. We don't know much, except that she originally had an older couple taking care of her, they passed away and the dog went to family. They didn't want her so they put her through obedience school to help her get adopted. When that didn't happen, an animal rescue non-profit from Minnesota came and got her and brought her here in January, then she went through a foster family until she was adopted by us. People are crazy, I can't imagine refusing such a sweet girl.

Donator — She/her Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/25 15:29:15 )

@Colin: I think. I played that as a kid. My neighbor had that console. I think I also played NBA Jam too.
Which teams do you like?
Yes it's been hard. And harder cause I feel like it's hard to explain what happened since March 2020 and how to explain how it effected me, of course we are still all going through this too. So that doesn't help lol.

@SorrowTheMad: Oh I see. She has quite a history but she seems to have always been taken care of so that's good. ^^


Donator — She/her Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/25 15:29:35 )

@Bonnie: Sorry I went to bed right after I posted here last night lol


Donator — She/Her Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/25 15:55:53 )

@Aisukohi: Yes it’s crazy. FL and CA I feel like have been extra crazy. The same stuff is happening in DC. Likely my husband and I were able to get the house we did cause we looked at it over Christmas and someone else just backed out after putting an offer in, so people thought there was something wrong with the house. If it was now we never would have gotten it. I hope that you guys are able to find something soon.

Boy, you did get lucky lol. My dad is saying the housing market is going crazy because people who already live rich elsewhere (NY and CA) are buying up cheaper properties out of their state just 'cause, either for investment or summer homes. His new neighbors across the street are from Maine, and the buyers only plan on living there some months out of the year, while the rest they'll rent out to their daughter.

Donator — She/her Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/25 16:52:27 )

@Aisukohi: There are some people buying up 2nd homes, but actually it's mostly 1st time home buyers in 2020/2021. I think people were sick and tried of their old places during the pandemic and the stock market is doing really good right now, so everyone that put their downpayment money in stocks/crypto came out ahead PLUS interest rates are really low, which means that people can buy larger mortgages because less of the payment is interest charges.
Also since the great recession American hasn't built enough housing and it's coming to bite us in the ass.

Here is the study.


Donator — She/Her Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/25 17:09:13 )
@Totalanimefan: I get the feeling that the stimulus checks really helped some with buying houses too, at least if you're lucky like us and never lost your source of income through the pandemic. That other stuff makes sense too, and the interest rates especially. For us, we'd like our own space where we don't have to live by other peoples' terms. Our current landlords have been fantastic, and they even offered one of their other properties to us when we told them we'd be moving out, but the place they offered is on a property whose management were less than friendly to us (we lived there before we came here).

But all that being said, I'm not rushing into anything I'm not comfortable with. Sure we've seen some properties within our budget, but they were in crummy neighborhoods or too far out from our comfort zone. It's frustrating to not feel settled, but if we have to go through a few more lease terms before finding somewhere to call our first real home, then so be it.

One thing I do find both intimidating and aggravating...down payments. Lots of people want anywhere from 10-20%. Like how many people do you know who have that kind of money just sitting in their bank account??

I'm probably rambling at this point, but there's so much stress in finding a place lol.

Donator — She/her Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/25 17:34:41 )

@Aisukohi: Yeah that might have helped too. I feel like $1,200 is too little to help with the down payment but maybe with the closing costs. I lost my income (most months I wasn't working, but some of the months I was) but my husband never lost his and he makes way more than me, and our stocks that he got from his company as a bonus skyrocketed in value. We were able to put more down on my current house because of that.
I'm sorry that you guys were able to keep your jobs and that you had a good landlord. ^^

I didn't want to rush my search either. It's a place you have to live in for at least 3-5 years if you want to sell it again and not lose money. So you gotta like it. I wanted to live in a walkable neighborhood but it didn't have to be a single family home for me. I actually don't mind condo life. Yeah sure, you pay an HOA but do you know how much it costs to fix a roof? The foundation? Lawn Care? That shit is expensive. Turns out the SFH we bought has a way worse fountain then we thought and it's going to be 24k to fix it. Ouch. If we were living in a condo that would be the HOAs money spend on that. Oh and we need new windows. One of them is cracked, but they are all old and in need of repair.
Anyway, long story short, you guys have to decide what repairs are worth paying for. In my old condo in CA there was no AC. I was happy to pay for a new system because I wanted a good one and I wanted a new one.

Yeah the downpayment is tough to come up with. And the closing costs too. Some places just add that to your mortgage but not always. For my condo in San Jose we only put 10$ down. I think that's fine as long as it doesn't F your interest rate. But they are so low right now that you could end up with a lower payment with only 10% down at 3% then waiting until you have 20% and but now the interest rate is 5%.

It's really stressful. How long have you guys been looking? Do you have a Realtor to help?

By Ghost
Discord: Totalanimefan
I'm friendly and will chat with anyone!

Donator — She/Her Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/25 19:41:12 )
@Totalanimefan: True that stimulus amount isn't much, but for those who claim dependents on their taxes (like me), they got more, so that helped us boost our savings.

We're wary of places with HOAs, but you have a good point that they take care of a lot of expensive stuff. I'd just hate to get fined over the stupidest of things. "Your grass is 1/4 inch too high!" UGH!

While I like condos as a temporary solution, we both want a house because at least we can have a backyard and more privacy. There are a ton of new developments popping up all over town, but the problem is that the houses are practically on top of one another, and I don't care to get to know my neighbors THAT much. Although condos do tend to come with their own amenities, so there's that to consider...

We started looking in February or March of this year. Kinda hoping the market settles down as it gets into fall and winter. But like I said, if we're still renting for a few more lease terms until we find something to our liking, I'm fine with that. Wherever we pick, we probably won't want to sell anywhere in the near future. We've thrown around the idea of just finding a starter home for now since it's just us 3, but I fear getting too "settled" in it and never really moving on.

I'm super indecisive btw, which doesn't make this process any easier. xD
Goodbye, Voltra.
Feel free to add me on Discord: aisu9811

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