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Posted in Art Dumpuuh~ <3 Posted 1 year ago

I just finished this yesterday~
It sucks I wasn't able to finish this on time on Valentines Day but at least I got it done =w=

@Wildfire: I have no clue really. I may take a nap later also if I get too tired. I already finished watching the anime last night so life feels a little empty every time I finish a good show. I'll just see how today plays out ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Have fun with your late outing! At least you have something to look forward to ^^
*cheers back*

@Wildfire: Alrighty then :3
Yeah my day went well yesterday. I was kind of on a rabbit hole watching the series but at least I got some artwork done. I need to post it online later.
I had very little sleep last night though like around 4 hours, so today is going to be a loong day =w=

@Wildfire: Yep but honestly I never finished watching Tsubasa when I was a kid and ended up dropping it. I don't want spoil too much but is not actually a feel good movie well is sort of but the story itself is too sad that younger me couldn't handle it xD

But now I can wohoo~
Well anyways, how's your day going?

Posted in Survey for Volts #3 Posted 1 year ago

What did you last break?

A glass cup. I was washing the dishes late at night and one of the cups decided to leap off the cabinet and fell and broke right into my second sink.
This is why we own mostly mugs...

Posted in How rich ARE you? Posted 1 year ago

42k I'm honestly too afraid to splurge on anything yet knowing I won't able to earn a lot afterwards....

@Wildfire: *give some of them back* Sorry sorry just wanna make a grand entrance hehe~
Kinda but not really. Just woke up once had a midnight snack then passed out like a baby.
An old one called Tsubasa Chronicles. I love Card Captor Sakura so much and is still hopefully and patiently waiting for the 2nd season of Clear Card. Is about time I rewatch Tsubasa as well and I got hooked x.x

*rolls in and drinks all the caffeine in the menu*

Morning~ I'm still tired but then I just woke up. I kind of spent these past couple of days binging this anime series so... I'm kicking myself to get other stuff done for today. First I actually need coffee and food on my stomach

@Wildfire: Lol well I did went complete anti opposite last year so... got to change things up xD
And I'm going to take a shower before I get even more lazier brb too o7

@Wildfire: You can go nothing wrong with food =q=
Well... this is what I got. There's a storyline on this one also

@Wildfire: Awe well I hope you guys have a fantastic date night :3
And yes one day I'll care about this day more if I ever gotten myself into a relationship.

I'm honestly in the middle of making a valentine avi atm. I couldn't help it I swear I'll shower afterwards xD

@Wildfire: Oh shi- you just reminded that is valentines today. I have absolutely no plans since I'm single =w=
I just woke up recently and I already crave a second cup of coffee or tempted to drink a tall glass of coke in my fridge... A bonk in the head for watching anime so late last night....

If I have motivation in me after my shower later, I do want to do some minor cleaning done as well but for now I'm just trying to wake up

@koah: Awe I love small towns :3
It would makes sense if that's their reasoning *nods*

@Koah: Lol true you should xD
And damn for free!? Now that's lucky

Posted in Art Dumpuuh~ <3 Posted 1 year ago

There are just my progress so far but current working on a dtiys challenge on ig.