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@Wildfire: The goofy weather has me figuring out whether to wear pants or shorts for Christmas. I'm going to my dad's beach condo for the day, which would normally lend itself to shorts, but it's supposed to be pretty cold or so I thought, so now I'm not sure. Maybe I'll bring joggers just in case, lol.

Oh lord, I'll bet Costco was a nightmare!! And yes, I think most people probably wait until the last minute. At least if they can afford them!

Yeah, tis the season for the snowbirds, fa la la la la, la la la lol.

It's frustrating because I also need a new computer but like, how? Sheesh. Been considering a rent to own though I know that'll ultimately make me pay way more for the damn thing.

My day's going fine now! I slept weird last night (fell asleep early, woke up like around midnight, was up most of the night) so I fell asleep through the middle of the day, but I'm awake and doing good now. Pain level is way better than it's been the past couple days so I'm doing much better in that department! :D

Seriously, you ask for advice towards replacing the battery in your existing phone and end up with a lecture about how you should have a savings account. While I agree, I had to give up my savings account years ago because I couldn't keep enough money in it to not have it drained by fees every month anyway. And even if I could save money every month, I legally am not allowed to HAVE as much money as the latest phones require in savings without losing my benefits anyway. Phones are stupid expensive and disability rules are just stupid. :I

So anyway how are your mornings going? XD;

@Wildfire: Certainly warmer than it looks; my computer says it's 62 at the moment. I was out there in leggings and a tshirt and perfectly fine. Honestly I'm ready for it to be a bit colder for a while!

...I wrote that like an hour ago and got distracted talking to my dad about the repair I've gotta have done to my phone lmao. Oops.

@Wildfire: Heck no, that's way more responsibility than I am up to, lol!

And good morning! How are you this gloomy looking day?

I got logged out for some reason. :I

*grumbles something about there being no good male covers of Miriam Stockley's "Perfect Day" to use for their purposes*

Painting my nails, even though I plan to completely redo them in less than a week to match my new t-shirt for the family Christmas party.

Kinda bored. Got grocery shopping done though so we should be good for a while, hopefully. And I got another pair of $5 leggings to wear around the house. :D
Posted in Hide and Shriek | Investigation 5: Nix Posted 1 year ago


@Koah: Thank you so much! I'm really very pleased with this avatar. :D I love yours as well; the dark red with the green is so pretty!

@Wildfire: Oh man I do hate that weird "I'm hot but also I'm freezing" thing, that has definitely happened to me before.

@Wildfire: Eh I can't afford to do gifts and the only cooking I'm doing is a cake I did last year, so it's pretty chill around here. ^^; Looking forward to the family Christmas party though!

Do you prefer to be warm or cold? Uh, I prefer it to be colder weather so I can dress warmer. Does that make sense? lol. Definitely prefer to be cooler than hotter--I loathe sweating, and I sweat too easily.