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Posted in Hide and Shriek | Event Closing and Credits Posted 1 year ago

Woo! It was a great event, thank you all so much! The art, the writing, the activities, the items--you guys did so much and it came out so cool!

@Wildfire: Dang, it got down to 30? I think that happened during one of my naps (I have had decidedly abnormal sleeping patterns since getting sick, even for me lol). That's wild. It's a balmy 42 38 now, according to my computer phone. Hope those of you in colder areas are doing okay!

@Alorrena: A little bit? I think the meds urgent care gave me are helping at least. My fever has been mostly back to normal since I started taking the tamiflu and the (expensive) cough suppressant they prescribed had made the coughing much less nasty. Still sick, still congested, but definitely an improvement!

For the first time in a couple days, I don't have a fever. :D

I just sneezed three times in a row. Holy cow. o_o;;

@Rei Ann: I suppose backup is good to have in that situation!

@Rei Ann: Oh dear, stay safe! D:

@Totalanimefan: Now that I've got a diagnosis (flu) and a good cough suppressant, (I went to urgent care today) I'm probably going to sleep a lot to be honest. ^^; My poor roommate may be spending the holiday in the hospital herself, so very likely it'll just be me and our houseguest for a few days. Might still make a roast on Sunday but I'm not sure.

@Rallaa: Ah yeah, good idea! That should help cut it down some. :D

@Rallaa: Oof yeah, understandable. :/

@Rallaa: Can you hang a blanket over it?

I loathe cough drops but have finally resorted to them in desperation.

@blue: Yeah if it doesn't improve in another day or two I'll do another test. The cough is getting brutal (hence the above).

@Totalanimefan: Thanks, meeeeee too. ^^;
Posted in Hide and Shriek | Investigation 7: Myraj Posted 1 year ago

~Clean up, clean up, everybody everywhere,~
~Clean up, clean up, everybody do your share.~