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Thank you so much, Staff! :D

I have 72 spare event currency if anyone needs a bit more!

Oh right, should maybe update my avatar, lol. I still like this one though! Maybe I'll rock it a little longer. :3

wow after over 12 hours of no major cough fits I just got hit with a doozy. @_@

Anyway how are your days going? XD

@JosieOpal: Maybe so. I think it was the clover honey in the cabinet that got me. There's also orange blossom honey in there and I'm not sure if it was that one possibly. Either way it was not fun. I need to make sure I have benadryl on hand to try it I think. ^^;

@JosieOpal: I would, but I'm a little paranoid about honey after having an apparent allergic reaction the last time I had some. I think it was specifically the type of honey but I didn't write it down and now I can't remember which it was. ^^;

Well I'm still coughing but in amazing news, my mom overnighted me this herbal tincture she swears by for this sort of thing, and oh my god not long after taking my first two doses (you take a dose and then another 30 minutes later) I had conked out. I slept for like 5 hours, which is probably more than I've gotten in the entirety of the last week!!

@JosieOpal: I have seen honey as a frequent recommendation as a cough remedy, but this cough, man, nothing was helping, not even expensive prescriptions.

I think I'm going back to urgent care when it opens... I've not gotten more than an hour sleep per day in several days and it's... getting to me.

@Totalanimefan: I actually have an air purifier running 24/7 anyway because she smoked in the house for like 40 years before I moved in. Though the houseguest mentioned he'd heard my coughing so I guess it's only doing so much. ^^;

@Totalanimefan: I have to imagine I'm waking my roommate and our houseguest a lot with my coughing and being up at all hours. ^^;;

@JosieOpal: Well I'm fighting the flu so my last several days have been... interesting. :P But it's been a week so hopefully I'm reaching the end of this dumb illness!

@Rei Ann: Too much coughing and not enough sleep due to said coughing, mostly. ^^;;;

@Totalanimefan: Eh, it's okay, fortunately I remembered what time I last took the important one so was able to figure out when to take it next. Just annoying mostly, since that's the pad I do my grocery lists on! Lol. I'll get it eventually. And roommate does seem to be doing better, though she had trouble sleeping (but then again so did I; every time I try to settle down to sleep I start having a coughing fit).

I don't know who thinks a leafblower at 8 in the morning two days after Christmas is just a grand idea but I hope they get a rock in their shoe. >:[

@Wildfire: Oh cool! New tech toys are always fun, hehe.

I love how I consistently tell YouTube not to even recommend the entire channels for these like lo-fi playlists and such, but like a third of my recommendations are just that. The algorithm is stupid.

@Alorrena: Well that certainly sounds chaotic but on the bright side the resin kit sounds neat! o3o