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My lanyard should be here tomorrow~! :D

@Wildfire: Chicken and yellow rice, and we had spinach for our veggie. There was a ton of rice leftover, but instead of freezing it, roommate's gonna pick up more chicken tonight and we're going to have it again lol. It's a simple cheap meal to be true but it's tasty!

Well I guess I know to expect it here soon. We have a big ol' Live Oak in our front yard so I'm sure we'll have a mess soon enough lol.

And yeah... I did, lmao. Looking forward to it!!

@Wildfire: I ended up eating the rest of my sandwich for dinner lmao.

Speaking of dinner, I ordered the wrong size of yellow rice packet for dinner. It's like double the size I need. But, I know if you don't cook the whole thing at once the spices don't get distributed properly. So I think I'll just make it all and freeze half for another meal. o3o;; Also I could have sworn we bought canned chicken for this specifically but I can't find it now; fortunately I have a can and a half in my personal cupboard and I'll just replace it later.

You know, you may be right lmao. I've been waffling on the dang lanyard for like a week or more now, but I do love it.

I'm surprised the pollen is so bad for you; I haven't seen any sign of it here yet! I suppose I will soon though.

And dude! Some rabbits get so freaking huge, it's weird to me because I raised rabbits as a kid but I had small species--Minilops and I think Californians? But then I see photos of people with these monstrously huge, as you said pretty much dog-sized, rabbits!

@Wildfire: This place we go to makes a good one, too (Cuban I mean). We split a sandwich and I couldn't even finish my half! Guess I have a midnight snack lmao.

And yes, I'm stupidly happy with the ID, lol. It's just so cute! I'm tempted by a metallic alligator-scale lanyard I saw on Etsy but I can't decide if that's going overboard lmao.

@Wildfire: Lol, fair. We did end up getting lunch, so that was nice. We split a Cuban sandwich. 👍

I found a sort of metallic purple that I think will look great, and then I got a bonus iridescent glitter because it was pretty and cheap lmao. Oh! Speaking of the cosplay, I have the printed, laminated "ID" in an ID holder now.

Sounds like you ran into quite an 'adventure' yourself. Gotta love road rage. 🙄

@Wildfire: I believe we're going to Walmart since we need dog food. And I need purple nail polish for my cosplay so I'm going to try to nab that while I'm there. That's about it as far as I'm aware.

I lead such an interesting life, lol.

@wildfire: Wow, I guess you did need the sleep, lol.

I've had one of those days where I just am not interested in anything. Super overwhelmingly bored. Bleh.

@Wildfire: Well she's decided to run me to the bank this morning but she's charging me an "uber" fare of $10. -_- Which I mean is less than an actual uber but wtf. Sigh.

And gosh soup sounds so yummy. It's nice and cold (by florida standards at least) today so it's a good day for it!

@Wildfire: Oooh soup. Did you end up making that? What'd you settle on if so? o3o

And yeah I'm pretty peeved off. Though apparently the grocery store up the way has an atm (since the walgreens one is currently dead) so I guess I'm walking up there tomorrow to get the money. Because I loooove taking a buttload of cash out in public and then walking home with it in my pocket! -_-;;;

If I get mugged she's the one who's out of luck as quite frankly it's her own fault.

@Wildfire: Lmao, right? And yeah, we've got an easy four meals out of it! I look at the pork chop package last night and it was 3 pounds total--seven chops--and then the ground turkey was four pounds total! And I like turkey but don't usually get it because it's kinda expensive. So that's fun! I have no idea what'll happen with the delivery person, tbh. I'm sure Walmart reimbursed the person who actually ordered the meat in the first place at least, but I'm sure they're annoyed because that'd be another delivery fee/driver tip. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

As for my shoulder, yeah, I have no clue what happened but it's been bothering me for days. I can't lay on it which is annoying because I often sleep on my side. Idk, if it doesn't sort itself out I'll bug my doctor about it I guess.

Not really. Might bake another cake, lmao. That's about it. What about you, what are you up to today?

I am annoyed at my roommate/landlord at the moment though. She expects my rent in cash each month (she doesn't trust online banking so transfers are a no-go even though we use the same freaking bank), and we agreed when I moved in that she'd take me to the bank each month to take out my rent money (it's a couple miles up the road). Well this month she decides "you'll have to arrange your own transportation" and uh no?? That'd be like $25-$30 with uber/lyft just to go take out my rent money, there is no freaking way. I'd walk to the atm nearby but it's been out of order for weeks. There is no way I'm walking all the way to the bank either. So I have no idea what in the world I'm going to do but I'm peeved.

@Wildfire: I ordered ibuprofen and cookies, lmao. The meat was a surprise! But it'll get eaten in this house for sure.

Yay anime! But boo for wet clothes left in the washer, oh yuck. That does get pretty gross pretty fast.

I'm not up to much of anything at the moment. Just ate leftover frozen pizza and am trying to puzzle out why my left shoulder has been bothering me lately. Other than that I'm just kinda here.

@Wildfire: Well the Walmart delivery driver screwed up pretty hard and gave me like $30 or more in fresh meat (ground turkey and pork chops) so I guess I'm doing pretty well, though I imagine the delivery driver isn't doing as well. ^^;;

Sounds like the last couple of days for you have been nutty! A "do nothing" day may be just what the doctor ordered then!

I was just thinking about making chocolate milk, myself! Lol!

@Koah: To be fair cherry tomatoes are pretty awesome. I was especially fond of them as a kid, myself. XD