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@Wildfire: Tech toy? o3o

@Rei Ann: Ooh congrats on the monitor! That's always fun. Glad you had a good day. :D

@Totalanimefan: I was in Los Angeles. So yeah, big difference in weather! Roommate actually came home today! Although she sprung herself because she didn't trust the hospital after two major screw ups in her care, which honestly I don't really blame her (one nearly killed her!). We've got a roast I'm looking forward to but I dunno when we'll get to it.

Right now I'm upset because the paper I've been keeping track of when I've been taking my meds fell behind the bed where I can't reach it and I have no idea when I last took my cough medicine. :(

I tell you one thing I've realized from having this flu, is I need to keep sudafed on hand for times like this. Like, the real stuff you have to get from behind the pharmacy counter now, not the crap they have on the shelves that barely does squat. 'Cause the congestion has been maddening!

@Wildfire: They suuuck, yeah. And I'm gonna try!

And sounds like you have a good plan for the day. Your avatar is all ready for it too! :D

@Totalanimefan: I'm trying! :D And glad to hear it; I wanted to do more baking but obviously that's a bit hard when you feel like trash. I'm going to try to make up for it later. :)

That's awesome about your sister! I mean not that she had a breakup obviously but that's awesome that you'll be on the same coast again. And yeah CA is super expensive, I had to move away and I really didn't want to.

@Wildfire: Plans? Get more sleep if I can, lol. Every time I started to fall asleep last night/this morning, my throat would start itching, which would trigger a coughing fit. So rough night and I'm tired. How are you doing? Better than me I hope!

@Totalanimefan: Eh, not really. I mean my lungs don't hurt as much from coughing as they were yesterday but as I said above, I couldn't really sleep last night, so. Bleh. How are you?

Man my mom is so good with presents. She finds the coolest stuff! She got me a lotion bar (I didn't even know lotion came in bars lmao) that's even antimicrobial! A 'healing balm' for like little cuts and scrapes, a white chocolate peppermint lip balm (it's so nice), and a Doterra Christmas-themed essential oil mix that smells amazing with a little clay ornament for my tree (so you can put the scent on the ornament and it soaks in and smells good!).

Such a sweet present and I treasure it. Also my mom is awesome at cute packaging, too; I can't wait to put the sweet gift tag note and the little Christmas confetti pieces in my junk journal! :D

I'm not crazy about the dizzy spell I had while sitting up a couple minutes ago, especially since there's still a bit of an undercurrent of it atm. I hope it's just from sinus congestion. D:

@JosieOpal: Thanks, me too. My lungs and throat are so tired and sore from all the coughing! How was your day? :)

@Rei Ann: Pretty quiet, I made brownies this morning while I was feeling kinda better, made meatloaf this evening while I felt awful, and napped in between. :P Oh and opened a present from my mom which was really nice (skin care and essential oil goodies :D). Other than heating, how'd your day go?

@JosieOpal: Blessedly that has not been one of my symptoms! Mostly coughing and congestion. And Merry Christmas! :D

@Rei Ann: Oh good to hear! Scary time to be without proper heating.

Well I'm still sick but I have an appetite and that's surely a good sign right? ^^;

Been HELLA congested all day though.

@Wildfire: It really is; so rarely do we have the chance to step out and cool off in Florida, lol.

@Vozzy: Love the avatar! Super cute. :D

Good morning and Merry Christmas, Voltra!

@Rei Ann: Oh no! That sucks about your heat in your house! I hope you're able to get it sorted after Christmas at least with minimal trouble and that you can stay warm enough in the meantime. D:

@Rallaa: Ooh that sounds delicious! I love lasagna; we used to have it on holiday eves pretty regularly, although it was more often the boxed variety I think, lol.

I think the most annoying part of this flu at the moment is the recurrent itch in the back of my throat. I can't seem to get rid of it for long and it keeps triggering coughing fits. >:[

Seriously I am so over being sick.

@Totalanimefan: I finally did do exactly that--phone on loudest setting next to my head while I napped--because I was so tired. And she called finally! She's doing a little bit better (no surgery, but no update really on what's going on). She was just too sick to call/text earlier in the day. I'm guessing she's gonna be there a bit longer, which sucks, but hopefully she's recovering okay.

@Wildfire: Lol, I went out with the dog in shorts and a tshirt a few minutes ago, with just a fleece blanket around my shoulders, and honestly it just felt good. I think I'm having a hot flash though because I am sweating like mad and it's really not that hot in here. In small bursts I quite like going out in the cold!

@Totalanimefan: Thanks, it does really suck. Unfortunately I can't really sleep because at this point my flu is the least of my worries! My roommate was sent to the ER by her doctor yesterday after some scans (she's been ill with abdominal pain) and was admitted to the hospital last night--but we don't know which hospital and she's not answering her texts/calls (possibly her phone has died). Her stepmom has started calling me in concern and she's been calling around to hospitals trying to get info with no luck. So until I know something I gotta stay awake. I just hope she's okay/going to be okay.

What a Christmas. Sheesh.