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@Wildfire: Oh for sure, it's a costume piece but I think I can still get away with wearing it sometimes anyway, lol.

Anyway how are you doing today? I just put a roast in the oven. One of my favorite things to make!

@CooperationIsKey: LOL "Dork without an audience!" XD <3 Photos or not, how do you like the shirt, now that you have it and can touch it, feel it, and wear it?

If you've got no particular place to go, don't have to be there at a specific time, etc., I can see where your sleep schedule could get messed up. Mine tends to stray a bit without that absolute kind of structure too. But if it doesn't bother you and doesn't affect your daily reality, there's no harm in it, right? If it does bother you, then you could try enforcing a more regular pattern upon yourself ... set a reminder alarm "it's time for bed" kind of thing...

Kiddo who moved seems to be doing well, but it's hard to tell if he's pushing himself too far with the cold, for example, and apparently they're having a lot of issues with the animals freezing, etc., this year... :(

Shirt is more or less as expected; it's polyester so it's not the nicest thing I've owned, but it looks good. :) (Still haven't taken a proper photo though lmao.)

Yeah, it's really not a big deal most of the time, mostly just the occasional "I've got an appointment tomorrow I need to go to bed now" that's kinda hard sometimes. I sleep too much as it is (fighting depression tooth and nail) so that's not usually a problem though. :P

Oh that's awful with the animals freezing, gosh, that's gotta be hard to witness and deal with. I do hope he's doing well regardless!

@Wildfire: Without school or work for 'structure' I have a hard time holding to a healthy sleep schedule.

But yes, shirt came! I was going to take photos today modeling it (tried last night but our house is too darn dark) but my roommate and our houseguest were home aaaaaall day so I'm waiting until I can be a dork without an audience lol.

How are you doing? And how's the kiddo who made the big move?

Good morning, I was up too late last night kind of by accident. I looked up at one point and it was 3am, lol (at which point I made myself go to bed).

Also my shirt I've been waiting on finally showed up a couple days ago! I tried to take photos last night but the lighting in my house sucks, so I'm going to attempt to take photos today. :)

@Wildfire: Thanks! And yep, new knickknack to play with, hence the new avi, lol. I had to do something with the balloons. :)

Good morning, I woke up at nearly 2pm, oops. >_>;;; I wasn't even up that late! Oh well, had nothing I needed to do today really.

How are you doing today?

@Koah: Aw, thank you! I had to do something with the fun balloons. :D

Wheee~ Valentine's avatar a day late lmao.

@Wildfire: Oop turns out we're probably going to run errands after roommate (who came home) eats lunch. Which is fine lol, gives me something to do.

@Wildfire: Yeah, if worse comes to worst I'll call the dentist I went to last for help. Can't really afford him but I can't afford *not* to afford him, you know? Sigh.

Eh, we went to the store for a few things but that's about it. I think I've got the house to myself most of the day though, so there's that, lol.

Good news is my jaw isn't hurting anymore. So I'm keeping an eye on it but I think I'm okay for the time being. (Don't worry, I intend to tell my doctor and take antibiotics if he wants me to, but the dentist I can afford can't see me until *urk* September, sooo...)

Ah, health care in America. 🙃

Anyway how are you guys doing?

@Wildfire: For multiple reasons, including not having dental coverage at all for a good decade and my mental health tanking real hard a few years ago, my teeth are not in good condition. I need a lot of work done and can't afford it. Good news is I'm in with a sliding-scale fee clinic but the bad news is they can't see me until September. So I might have to get emergency work done elsewhere. Whee~

@Wildfire: Busy day but sounds like a fun one. :D

My past couple of days have consisted mostly of sleeping away pain to be honest. On top of shark week I gotta find a dentist this week, it seems. Fun stuff. XP

@Wildfire: " What album can you listen to again and again without getting sick of it?"

Maybe the early Lordi albums. They became comfort music for me over time and they still kinda are though I don't listen to them much. :)

How are you doing today?

@Wildfire: Thanks. And yeah I sorta have to; I can't afford to drop a lot of money on it at once! Lol, so a bit at a time is the key.

Thanks, and not really. Just gotta take my meds and rest mostly. I'm doing a little better than I was a couple hours ago though which is nice.

How are you doing today? :)

@Wildfire: Well I haven't gotten the shirt yet; it's been lost in shipping hell but it finally started moving so hopefully it actually gets to me soon. I still wanna do the green sneakers but those have to wait a little bit 'cause $.

I do not feel well today. Pain's high, and the discomfort is triggering my motor tics. Bleh.