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Softshell turtles are SUPER weird! I've always thought turtles/tortoises were cool animals, but man softshell ones are definitely oddballs. XD

Alligator snapping turtles are the ones that get SUPER HUGE right? Like, will take off a limb not just a digit if they bite kinda huge?

In other news, I'm reeling that it's 6pm already. I swear it was just 3:30, what happened??

@daniellerenee: Lol I'm stressed, but I guess I'm okay. XD Went to withdraw my rent money and my card was locked for "suspicious activity" so then I was on the phone with the bank for like an hour and I still haven't paid my stupid rent.

I ordered myself some lunch as a reward for not murdering anyone in the process. ^^;;

Hope your day is going more smoothly!

@Wildfire: Thank you! I found the pattern for the shirt and kinda went from there. :D Yours is very pretty; I love the colors!

@daniellerenee: Hello and welcome!

@Lotus: No, sure didn't. We've got a fruit fly problem in our kitchen at the moment that put me off dealing with it. Didn't want to make a fly magnet!

I did manage to cook that roast last night although I'm really grateful it was something that doesn't require a lot of babysitting to cook. Just scrubbing the potatoes had me wincing from how bad my arms were hurting, so fast! And even though I rested while it was cooking, by the time I finished just eating I was so exhausted I went right to bed. Bleh.

Today I'm thinking I might make this Cinnamon Toast Crunch cake mix I've got. Either that or the cookie mix (also Cinnamon Toast Crunch; I'm a sucker for cinnamon). The cake's probably less steps so I might go with that, lol. Just a sheetcake, nothing fancy. Even have Cinnamon Toast Crunch frosting for it, if you can believe that.

@Wildfire: Yeah, it could be sinus related, I dunno. Except I really haven't had much sinus congestion the past few days. So I'm not sure! I'm hoping it all works itself out though.

And yikes, that's scary with the car! Sounds like a recipe for an accident. Hopefully the mechanics can figure that out for you!

Posted in 2023 Goals/resolutions Posted 1 year ago

1.) Get my rear in gear (get in healthier shape).
2.) Get my dental problems under control.

@Wildfire: At this point I'm just trying to give myself time to rest and recover fully. I know if I push too hard too fast I'll just end up sick again, and I sure don't want that. If things don't clear up soonish I may at least hit up my doc for like, a virtual visit or something.

What's really bugging me is ever since the blood sugar spike that landed me in the ER, I've been feeling off balance and my vision's been a little blurry. Not sure about the balance but I know the blurry vision should resolve on its own as long as I keep my blood sugar balanced, but man it sucks in the meantime and is kinda scary. Not sure what to think about the balance thing though. I already have balance problems due to whatever disabled me in the first place, but for the most part I have adapted I guess and don't have much trouble with it--but the last couple of days I'm stumbling a lot and it's very frustrating. :I

Oh gosh, sounds like your 'week off' didn't quite work out! Hope your car problem turns out to be minimal when it's figured out. And hope your kiddo is recovering okay!

And lol, yeah, "other than everything else" things are pretty chill here too. XD

@Wildfire: When you're so tired that laying down feels exhausting, it's kinda scary. Fortunately that hasn't happened since after my shower yesterday. And yeah, roommate is worried about me, which I appreciate, but now, when I"m struggling to function, is not really the time to hassle me about being more active. :P

Things are fine otherwise, I guess? I dunno, being sick has kind of taken up all my focus lately so it's hard to say, lol.

How are things with you?

@Wildfire: I hope it's not something else on top of the flu, goodness. I was tested for both covid (negative) and flu (positive) on the same day, though that was two weeks ago now. My cough seems to be subsiding but the sheer fatigue is overwhelming at times. I have been told the flu is quite the butt-kicker this year though so maybe I'm just dealing with that, I'm not sure. I do have a fair few underlying health problems that I'm sure are not helping matters (including chronic fatigue syndrome!). I've been to urgent care twice and the ER twice--my blood sugar going haywire necessitated the second trip. Hadn't been to the ER in several years and then bam, twice in one week.

Roommate is talking about how I was "doing so good" while we were going to the Y regularly and such, and yes, I was, but also, I've had the flu for two freaking weeks, like gimme a break! Unfortunately she doesn't take hints well.

Thanks, I really hope this goes away soon. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired! Lol.

I'm so fatigued I can hardly stand it. I assume it's because I'm still fighting off the flu. Also if my roommate could stop nagging me to 'be more active' when I can barely function it'd be super. Seriously barely managed to shower (I had to sit down for half of it) and put clothes in the wash (nearly sat down in the hallway) and I'm so exhausted I'm nearly in tears. I hate being sick. //whine

So far 2023 has sucked for me. :P

@Wildfire: Hiya! I'm all right, except my lingering flu seem to have thrown my blood sugar all outta whack. It it's not one thing it's another, right?

I actually don't much remember new years eve; I believe I slept through midnight, lol. Things have been pretty quiet here really.

Posted in Event Closing! Posted 1 year ago

Thanks for the event and Happy New Year!