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I can't sleep. I want to. But my body is too busy being an asshole--that is to say, I'm having really bad motor tics tonight and my meds aren't suppressing them like usual so attempting to sleep leads to me flailing around so much I'm hurting myself. As long as I'm up it's not nearly as severe so here I am, staring at the computer with nothing to do.


Holy goddang I'm tired. I got plenty of sleep, took my meds, ate breakfast... still barely managed walking in the pool and biking at the Y. Still made it to two miles on the stationary bike, and at one tick up on the resistance than normal. Trying to work my way up, but I'm so exhausted today I actually straight up stopped pedaling a couple times and had to force myself to resume. ^^;

@Mathonwy: I love kitchen gadgets. And oooh I'm so jealous. I've wanted a KitchenAid stand mixer for YEARS but they're so expensive. ;3; They're a dream purchase for real, though!

@Mathonwy: Zucchini bread is so easy, too! It's really really good. I did have to break down and buy a box grater so I could grate the zucchini though, lol. Totally worth it!

Aw, I love family gatherings but I definitely have a small social battery, so I understand hiding from them. Sometimes when it's too much I'll just park myself in a corner somewhere and observe. :)

@Mathonwy: THAT'S the other name for them! I couldn't remember, lol.

I haven't done pies (yet; I do have a cheesecake recipe I've been dying to try) but I love baking quick breads and cookies. I made zucchini bread from scratch earlier this year and it was sooo good.

And yeah that's the trouble with baking--you bake, but then SOMEone's gotta eat it!

@Mathonwy: Hello! And welcome! I'm sorry to hear about your cancer and hair loss but I'm happy to hear you're doing better! That's a really unusual talent, being able to discern so many apple types! (I didn't even realize there were that many that were that distinct!) Personally, I love Pink Lady apples best, I think.

I love baking, too! What do you like to bake best, anything in particular?

@Wildfire: Well my usual chronic pain did subside after a while (I ended up napping it off) but I've had sciatic nerve pain down both legs out of nowhere today.

Just one of those days I guess. m(____)m

How's your day gone?

@Wildfire: Dinner was sausage and potatoes. Nothing fancy. :)

Boy it's shaping up to be a bad pain day, I think. x_x

Rofl my shirt arrived in the mail right after I posted that! It's a dope Five Nights At Freddy's shirt by Cloak (Markiplier and Jacksepticeye's clothing brand). :D

@Wildfire: Just getting into better shape and losing some weight, really. Plus meeting a goal is nice. :)

And yes, the cough is tiring, it's so dumb. :(

Nothing really else going on with me I guess. I mean I have a shirt arriving from UPS today (yay!) and it's my night to cook but that's all, lol.

I did two miles on the stationary bike today (not the recumbent, either, but the regular one!), in just barely over ten minutes. :D

Now if I could just get rid of this stupid residual dry cough leftover from my cold several weeks ago I'd be doing great. It's not even like I've got anything to cough out, my lungs just decide I need to cough for a while.

Anyway. How's everyone doing today?

Posted in CRIMNAS Posted 2 years ago

My Halloween shrine likely will stay up until Thanksgiving, lol. But then I'll switch it out for my cute lil' tree with the ornaments that are mostly from my mom. <3

Also someone mentioned Christmas plushies; I just yesterday discovered I have one of those Ty "Beanie Ball" reindeer plushies, but I need more festive plushes to go with him. :D


I just had my first Whopper in years because in the past I've not liked Burger King's food very much... but Roomie wanted BK so we went and I went ahead and gave the Whopper another shot, and added cheese on a whim... Holy crappity it was SO FREAKING GOOD. Like seriously I know I'm going to crave this thing in the future. It was KILLER.

Even the fries were good and I've never really liked BK's fries either. They needed salt but they were hot and cooked just right.

We almost went to a local bar that Roomie and I like to go for lunch sometimes but we skipped out and did BK instead and I think it might have actually been better than the bar, and the bar has really freaking good food.

Man I'm not sure what's wrong but I have not felt well today. I slept ALL day. Like seriously all freaking day. I kept having hot flashes and getting too cold in between them. So I'd cover up, find myself drenched in sweat, uncover, start freezing, and so on. And I still feel crappy. :I