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@Wildfire: Pain is doing better today! Also we went to Aldi and I came away with pineberries and my beloved almond butter filled pretzels, which they very rarely carry, so I'm stoked about that!

How are you today?

@Koah: Oh definitely, the prices there suck. I loved living in L.A., it was fun and there was always something to do, but I couldn't do it now.

My mom is trying to move back to Florida and I really hope she's able. It'd be nice to have both my parents where I can visit them regularly. :)

Hiya everyone, I've been passed out most of the day with my pain being bad. :c I think it's partly because I walked from my doctor's office to Starbucks and back yesterday, which I think is a bit over a mile, and my sneakers were not the most ideal for it. So my legs are really sore. ^^; How's everyone doing today?

@Koah: Rofl I currently reside in Florida but I really miss Los Angeles. I just can't afford to live there anymore. But I have a ton of family in Florida so that's really nice. :D

@Wildfire: More or less. We'll see if he follows through with the psych referral but at least he refilled m y antidepressant in the meantime. ^^;

@Koah: Morning! And yeah it's ridiculous. I need to find a new doctor but it's such a chore to do so.

How are you doing? o3o

@Wildfire: It's absurd. As I mentioned above I should really find a new doctor, because 1.5 to 2 hours wait time AFTER your scheduled appointment time is just absurd and unprofessional. I don't understand, like is he back there playing freaking Candy Crush or something?? I've never, ever had a doctor with such time management issues--and I've had a lot of doctors! Hell this doctor once, when the pandemic was first getting started, left me waiting for him on a video call virtual waiting room for like 2+ hours. He never showed up at all to that one!

By contrast I guess I should be grateful he was about only 1.75 hours late to my appointment today. 🙄

Glad to hear your errand was a success!

@Wildfire: Lol I don't even remember last night's dream. Probably a good thing lmao.

I've got a doctor's appointment today so that's like three hours down. Seriously, my ride picks me up between 10:05 and 10:35 (probably closer to 10:05), my appointment is at 11, my doctor can take up to two freaking hours to even get to me because he's always running obscenely late but never bothers to tell anyone, and then I have to call for my ride home and wait for it to show up which could be ten minutes or two hours, before the 10 minute ride home.

It is an ordeal. ^^;;

@Wildfire: I imagine you've got a lot on your plate with the kiddo moving. <3

I'm okay. Slept too much to be honest. I couldn't keep my eyes open so I went back to bed but eventually my body informed me 'no more sleep today' by giving me increasingly unsettling dreams.

Bodies are weird, lol.

....Okay I only intended to put that message through like 10 hours ago. ^^;;

@Wildfire: Rofl! Go grandma, I guess? XD

Good question lmao.

How are you doing today?

@Wildfire: Nothing with limb transplants!! Lmao! It was so creepy. I remember looking down and vividly seeing the like staples in my leg where it was attached, and lamenting that my weird toe on that foot (I have one that needs correcting as it's trying to take over its neighbor lol) was no longer.

It was just super bizarre. o_o;;;

G'morningafternoon, I had a weird dream where I'd had a foot transplant and it is haunting me. o3o;;;

@Wildfire: Yeah I've never been a big phone person. Like I enjoy talking to my mom, very much, but I get frustrated with holding the phone after a while. Maybe I need to use the speakerphone feature more, lol.

From Florida to Wyoming? Wow that IS a move. :O That's gonna be some culture shock!

Definitely spend all the time with him you can while you can! I live half a country away from my mom (she's in Texas) and it absolutely kills me that I can't spend time with her in person when I want to. I miss her a lot.

@Lotus: Thank you. <3 And yeah, I'm excited about the cosplay, haven't done one really before! And as for my mom, I do keep in pretty close contact with her over messenger, but sometimes hearing a person's voice is nice too. I'm just not a big phone-talker in general. ^^;

I hope you're doing well today, shoulder injury notwithstanding!

@Wildfire: I tell myself that but my anxiety tells me "don't be a pest." ^^;; Plus I've never been a big phone-talker in the first place, so it's a bit hard for me to make phone calls.

As for today... I dunno, I need to do laundry so probably some of that. Also I have a devil's food cake mix I've been wanting to make so I might do that. :)

What about you, anything interesting planned?

@Wildfire: Thanks, yeah. I thought about calling my mom but I'm so anxious about bothering her and figured she was probably at work anyway so I didn't. Maybe I'll call her this weekend or something.

And yeah, I went to lunch with the roomie today, and not only did her cousin pick up both our tabs, I managed to score two plushies out of the claw machine for a whopping $2.50!!

@Wildfire: Oh definitely. I ordered a bunch of bright pony beads in the character's colors to make at least a necklace with to go with the cosplay and I'm excited about it, hehe.