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@Shadami: Lmao I guess. Also Sims 4 rocks. I have to uninstall it if I'm not actively playing it though because it takes up so much hard drive space!

@star2000shadow: I've been stuck on a laptop for years myself. This one I got in 2017 as a gift and it's a nice one, but it's starting to feel its age and I've been astonished that it can run Minecraft with the huge modpack (200+ mods!) I have running on it!

@star2000shadow: Crime Scene Kitchen? What a bizarre name, now I have to look that up, lol.

@Shadami: It's been several days XD;;

Posted in Anniversary Celebration! | art Freebies Posted 2 years ago

My day has been consumed by Minecraft, for better or worse. >_>

@star2000shadow: I primarily watch YouTube (gaming, educational, some crafting channels, some oddball stuff) and rarely ever watch actual tv, though I do occasionally watch a series that I'm interested in, usually in a binge lol.

Which reminds me, I need to get back to Sword Art Online. I finished season one finally but there's like four or five other seasons counting the spinoffs!

Oh, I can't just sit and watch anything, I'm *always* doing other stuff while I watch.

@Shadami: Oh I am! Though I should probably try to get something done around the house. >_>;;;;

@star2000shadow: True true, for me it's sometimes a game, sometimes working on my websites, sometimes binge-watching a show while I do one of the other two. Those are my top ones anyway. XD

Your avi looks great!


I slept till almost 1PM. Oopsie.

To be fair I was on a pretty major Minecraft bender last night. And now. And the last like week. >_>;;;

Oh dang it's Friday again already. Where'd this week go??

I really need to post more. o3o

Dinner's in the oven woo! Went with lemon pepper on the chicken breast for a different flavor for a change. :)

Meanwhile, I'm so, so fatigued and achey. Bleh.

@sunny: I sorta forgot that I was supposed to fast and ate a little after midnight I think. Hopefully it's still been long enough not to matter. ^^;;

Waaaaah I wanna drink something other than water but I have a blood test this morning. :I

I also don't expect this blood test to look very good as I've not done a great job keeping up with my meds. ^^;; Gotta fix that.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's Wanderings ┤▒├ Posted 2 years ago

G'morning all, I've gotta get bloodwork done today. Bleh. But at least I get to go out in cute halloweeny clothes.

Posted in Want avatar doodle arts? Make a request ! Posted 2 years ago

@Shadami: Yeah! I won it from a variety streamer I watch on Twitch. FierceKittenz. She does sewing (she makes bags along with other things) and gaming. And does giveaways from time to time, obviously.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's Wanderings ┤▒├ Posted 2 years ago

@Wildfire: Lmao I had to tear apart my closet to find my jeans. I'd seen them recently but could NOT find them to save my life, items were avalanching on me, I may have thrown an empty shoe box across the room, but I did finally find them, on the floor (at least they were folded) underneath everything else. I have no idea how they got in that position.

But it was very nice to see they still fit!! XD