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Forums General Chit-Chat Hobbies! What do YOU do for funsies?

Donator — whatever Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/8 07:48:37 )
🌈 So yeah, what are your hobbies? Here's your place to gush! And also to ask questions and discuss!

My hobbies include raising odd little invertebrates, including isopods, sea monkeys (brine shrimp), fairy shrimp, and I'm hoping one day, millipedes and maybe a jumping spider! I also keep an array of plants (multiple succulents, some fittonias, a purple passion, some pothos), and am learning to build terrariums, too, which kind of marries both the invertebrate and plant hobbies!

I also have a couple YouTube channels that thus far I haven't done much with, but I'm preparing to do a bunch more with my invertebrate hobby channel.

And while being terrible at 'modern' web design, I love classic, Geocities-reminiscent web design and I maintain a personal website that is loads of fun.

Oh, and I collect all sorts of stuff, including hedgehogs, plushies, rainbow anything, and tiny souvenirs/mementos in itty bitty glass vials I have on a rope.

Please, do share yours! I'm super curious. o3o

Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/8 12:12:19 )
Drawing is one of my favourite hobbies of all time unless I get lazy and unmotivated to do so lol. I mainly do digital art (although not that good) since I find it easier to undo mistakes (especially the colouring) and drawing sketches/doodles just to past time or avoid getting bored. I'm pretty neutral about writing as I do find it fun to write stories but writing more than 800 words is quite hard for me since I tend to lose focus before switching to another hobby. I rarely do blogging (was into it as a teen) due to sudden change of interest and feeling that no one is interested in reading blogs these days lol

Used to play video games a lot long time ago, but I stopped playing them recently because I don't seem to have a good attention span to focus on gaming (especially video game genres such as MOBAs, BRs, RPGs and the like). I also love to listen to music, mainly bossa nova/jazz/chill songs, video game music and so on. I tend to use Youtube, my laptop or my phone as my mp3 player because why not lol? Also used said website/app to watch videos whenever I feel bored or curious.

Speaking of web design, I do find them interesting and like the idea of creating own website (I heard of Geocities but never knew about its functionality). But I don't have any great skills to make one haha

I don't collect stuff very often, except I did used to own at least 4 anime figures (they're smaller) then sold them on another marketplace app due to personal reason. ( < v< ; )

Donator — He/They Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/8 17:32:26 )

After spending several years with almost no space to myself, my only hobbies right now are digital art and sometimes writing (though I haven't had the quiet and peace of mind to write in a long time). Now that I'm finally moved out, I'd like to try a lot of different things once I actually start making some money again. Different kinds of art (especially sculpting, jewelry making, and miniature things like fairy gardens or dioramas), more outdoor activities, getting back into baking/cake decorating, maybe aquascaping and terrariums? Plenty more things I'd like to try or have an interest in that I've never been able to really explore beyond longingly browsing blogs and videos...


Donator — whatever Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/8 20:39:54 )

Totally didn't forget to check back in here this morning, lol. >_>;

I have a hard time focusing on stuff too, but then I'll hyper-fixate and be glued to something for hours, lol (like my profile on this site; I didn't sleep last night because I was working on it). I haven't heard of Ooblets. :o And yay another plant parent! I keep wanting to get air plants but I've never ordered any, just adopted the occasional ball moss that falls out of our tree, lol. Cats and dogs totally count; I mean I count my tiny pets so why not?

Terrariums are so fun; I watch a guy on YouTube who goes by SerpaDesign and he's a freaking wizard at terrariums, aquariums, paludariums, etc. He's where I got the inspiration and the information on how to start my own! I highly recommend him if you need inspiration. :D

I used to have bettas! I miss them a lot (I once had six at a time, and two were special needs!) but they definitely do require more maintenance than too many people tend to think (at least I haven't seen a betta in a vase on someone's cold desk in a long time).

I try not to open tiktok if I can help it, lol; it's a freaking time vortex, I swear. I do follow a ton of YouTubers though! That's cool that you've got one to bond over with your partner, too!

I draw a little; I enjoy it, I'm just awful at it lol. I'm usually not motivated enough to draw either, but I recently did this 100 Days of Art challenge over on Gaia and somehow, on my third year, I finally managed to complete it with something drawn each day, even if it was a doodle. I totally get you about being able to undo mistakes; it's why I scan and ink digitally lmao.And oh man, I used to write so much as a teenager and in college (primarily fanfic but still), but somewhere along the way it got too hard to focus on it and I haven't really written anything in ages.

I mostly play Minecraft and similar 'sandbox survival' type cames. I like digging and building bases, lol. Never really got into RPGs and such myself, not even Pokemon. Video game music! That makes up a big chunk of what I listen to, but I also have lots of fan songs and more 'indie' stuff like Steam Powered Giraffe and other smaller creators. I use YouTube as my music player, too, especially since I have Premium and can listen with my phone screen off. It's great for walks.

Web design can be a lot of fun, but also can be super frustrating. Part of that depends on how simple or complex you want your site to be, though. There's definitely a learning curve, but you should seriously give it a shot some time! I use a host called Neocities and they give you a brief explanation on how to do some basics, but it's not too unreasonably difficult to Google what you want to do to cobble something together. Even if you start with a template and learn how to change stuff from there.

Then again I've been building sites since I was about 12 (and I'm 37 now), so I may be biased. ^^;

@Count Trashula:
Aw, geez, yeah, not having personal space definitely cuts down on the hobby options. I lived on couches for a couple of years a while back and if it weren't for my computer (which was a gift at the best possible time!) I'd have lost my damn mind (I already kinda was, truth be told). Congrats on getting moved out! Sculpting is fun; I like polymer clay as I never really learned how to use "real" clay. I'm not great at it but it's quite therapeutic.

Ooh, cake decorating? I thought for a bit that I might like to get into that but other than just casual "I want cake Imma make a cake" I can't say that I have much skill in it. I love watching other people do it, though!

And yeees, aquascaping and terrariums are so fun! I'm working on my first serious terrarium (got most of the materials, just have to sit down and do it), and I really, really want to build a paludarium some day, with isopods and springtails on the land area and fairy shrimp in the water (since I'm unlikely to build anything big enough for proper fish, I think). Like I said above I really recommend SerpaDesign if you've not seen his stuff before; he builds such creative stuff, it's amazing.

I hope you get plenty of chance to try all those cool things you want to try out!

Sorry this got so long. I'm uh, kind of a chatterbox. ^_^;;


Donator — He/They Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/9 01:13:22 )

@CooperationIsKey: The only time I've been able to try real clay is as a kid in art class but it was definitely fun. I have a block of polymer clay just waiting for me to actually use it.
I got into cake decorating when I was in high school. I took a foods course as an elective and they had someone come in and do a demonstration, and I was hooked. I took a class at the craft store and was really into it for a while, but I wasn't very good at it and never got much encouragement. When you have no one to bake for but yourself and it's not even your kitchen so you always have to be more worried about cleanup than the work you're doing, it's easy to lose the motivation. I think what really killed it was applying for a cake decorating position at a grocery store. I thought they would train new hires, but turns out they expected me to already be at their level. It was really embarrassing. I don't dream about doing it as a career any more, but I'd still like to give it another shot now that I have my own kitchen.
Gonna sub to that channel... I have an empty terrarium I got as a gift, just waiting to be filled. It's made for moss, which I love. I really dig your paludarium idea. If you ever do it, you gotta show us. Or just me. I wanna see it lol


Donator — whatever Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/9 01:17:33 )


I think I fixate worse now than I did as a teen! But yes, move regularly! I spend most of my time on my bed when using my computer (which is... most of the time) and I still have to stretch/get up and move around a little regularly. Fortunately due to meds I have to pee frequently, which kinda forces me to get up a lot, lol.

I'd love to go nursery-hopping around here sometime; I know there's a bunch of them because it's Florida and pretty much everything seems to grow well here! And yeah, I'm pretty sure it's dead as I sadly forgot about it for a while, but I have a ball moss (air plant that looks a lot like Spanish Moss, which is also an airplant) pinned to my wall, lol. I'd love to have a big hunk of Spanish Moss in a hanging basket or something, too; I think it'd look neat. :3

Yeah, lol, it was a little much that time. A couple I had to keep in special smaller/shallower tanks because they couldn't swim well; one had lost a tail before I got her (not sure if fin rot or pecking from other females) and the other was missing a pectoral fin (same deal). I definitely wasn't keeping my bettas in ideal conditions initially, but I learned over time and upgraded them. I think my minimum tank size for a betta now would be 5 gallons. They're so much more active when they have lots of room and a warm clean tank!

Oh yeah, you should definitely try to keep a tank in an easy to get to place! Whatever helps you keep up with it. Plus they like seeing activity outside their tanks so being somewhere near where you spend time is good too.

Yeah, I totally get why they sell bettas in little cups like they do, but also I hate it. Especially in Wal-Marts. I once had to separate two males that had been dumped into the same cup with my bare hands. I opened a "Betta Water" to give him water and honestly, no guilt. Well a little guilt, in that I didn't take them both home to treat properly. :(


Donator — whatever Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/9 01:25:32 )

@Count Trashula:

Ha, me too, I got to try 'real clay' as a kid at a friend of my mom's studio, if I recall correctly. I was only like five at the time! OH! Memory unlocked! I also got to make like a little trinket box thing for my mom in ~6th grade art class, and now I remember working with clay for a project at a kids' museum workshop. So I guess I have worked with it a bit, just not since I was about 13 or so!

And hey, nothing wrong with baking for yourself! But I totally understand, and man you would think they'd train at least to some extent! But yeah, do it for fun, that's the best reason to do it anyway. :3

Cool! I love moss, too. And heck yeah, if I ever manage to build it I'll probably document it on my YouTube channel and I'm sure I'll be wanting to share it everywhere, lol.


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/9 01:33:49 )
@cooperationiskey: Ah I see. *nods* Though I've never did any art challenge before lmao. Haha yeah digital art is a godsent when it comes to that mistake, and me too! I too used to write fanfic a lot (the embarrassing ones..) when I was a preteen and in my teen years lol, I stopped writing them since I got older and feel like my grammar and sentence isn't the best haha and I agree with you about trying to gather motivation to write.

Oh I see. I've heard of Minecraft (never played it) but I'm quite confused about how did it got popular all the sudden (just curious that's all) o.o? I usually play simulation games like The Sims (and got addicted until I stopped myself from playing it because of it) because it's fun lol. And I see! Youtube is great for searching not-so well known songs or indie songs compared to other music player like Spotify.

That sounds interesting :o Neocities is sorta similar to Geocities, is it? Correct me if I'm wrong xD And true, web designing is challenging but rewarding at the same time.

I see. That's okay haha

Voltie — They/He Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/9 02:59:03 )
Should they keep it on display...
I make all sorts of art! I mainly do digital work, but I also make bracelets, maintain an art journal (sorta, not just art but w/e), paint, and make occasional origami!
I also play A TON of video games! I currently actively play roblox, minecraft, and osu! I have a bunch of others I bounce inbetween as well, like The Sims 4, Project Diva Megamix, ACNH, Among Us, Equilinox, and Transformice.
Aside from that, I occasionally play ukulele, I like watching youtube, I'm constantly obsessing over Thomas Sanders and his content, I scroll through tumblr, and I sometimes do roleplays with online friends over discord.
Or redecorate?

Donator — He/They Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/9 18:58:55 )
(Λ΅β—• α΄₯ β—•Λ΅)οΎ‰ Hello there

I got a couple of stuff!
I like drawing, since 2020 more so digitally then traditionally (just bought a display tablet aswel so yeehaw).
In 2019 i went to my first con with my own booth, it was fun!

I collect washi tape, i got over 200 designs already. Some where very cheap from dollarstore-like places, some i traded with people (not a whole roll, you just roll it around a posicle stick a few times) and some i got from artists.

I collect bjds (ball jointed dolls). I know to people outside the hobby this is a strange thing for an adult. Personally i make my dolls into my characters, i make clothes and wigs for them, i take pictures of them and b4 the pandemic i went to meetups wich used to be fun.

And my biggest "hobby" is creating characters/working on stories. This one influences my other hobbys alot. I like drawing my characters, im planing on making a comic and even a game.

Other then that i like being creative, ive made mini furniture for my dolls, ive made some cosplays, ive 3D sculpted, made a fursuit head, jewerly ect.

I also enjoy playing some games, my pc cant handle it but since last year i got a switch lite. I play minecraft, stardewvalley, miitopia, before i got burned out i rly like acnh. On pc i liked playing slime rancher alot and my friend got me to play some phasmaphobia... I think its obvious that i like calmer games lol. I used to really like osu but my old tablet had places it din register anymore so i had to stop, now i got my new one i think ill pick it up again tho

。.:β˜†*:ο½₯ヽ(Λ΅β—• α΄₯ β—•Λ΅)

♦ Gob | 23 | Taurus | Belgium ♦
Insta | Toyhouse | Gallery | Carrd

♦ My Art Shop ♦

Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/9 22:22:04 )

I love gaming. Expecialy horror games. But I play all sorts of games.

Listening to music. I can listen to music for hours.

Watching asian tv shows and movies. I even got Neflix for it.

And I like making custom content for the Sims 4.


Voltie — he/him Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/10 00:38:09 )
uhhh man I never have an attention span so my interests are usually all over the place when I have the energy for it

I guess obviously I really enjoy digital art (and to a lesser extent graphic design because that's my... career) and I like creating characters and writing for them. I bounce between projects like making comics and (attempting) to make video games, also been really into DnD recently

I love cinema, I've watched... way too many movies in my life. and it's usually either art films, horror films, or just the worst awful schlock I can find in general. but I'm pretty open to all genres and I like variety. I also like comics and cartoons but I try to limit how many of those I get into because they tend to consume my life as I binge, oops (same with video games)

as my name PROBABLY suggestions I'm really into the occult, supernatural, unexplained and mysterious. have been since I was a child when I thought "cryptozoologist" was going to be my career path but, alas...

I like going down information rabbitholes where I look up something at random and just kind of let the journey take me into unexpected places

also I collect VHS tapes and Transformers toys

Donator — she/her Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/10 01:20:13 )

My hobbies include drawing, watching/ listening to murder mysteries, daydreaming (if you'd consider that a hobby), and listening to music.


Check out my shop! Currently selling Winter '21 Plasma Orb Items and more.

Donator — Any Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/10 06:46:09 )

i cant afford half of mine lol. I draw (wish I could have some actual irl supplies though so i just do digital rn), listen to music, game a LOT (loving subnautica below zero rn!), watch anime or true crime docs, horror movies, and ive just started reading again! I really have SO many itd take forever to list off


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/10 12:25:59 )
I work 12 hours a day, so time for hobbies is pretty limited

My main thing is taking care of reptiles! I have a blue tongue skink and a ball python. I'm trying to make their large enclosures bioactive, so that includes some isopod and plant care, as well! Love serpadesigns but damn, does he make that stuff look more simple than it is! Lmao
Any tips for a newbie with plants would be much appreciated!

I love to draw and paint. Do more traditional these days but sloooowly getting back into digital. Was thinking of making a request thread for quick sketches of OCs and avatars :)

Lots of video games. Mostly Nintendo games and a ton of Elder Scrolls Online, and Stardew Valleybut I like a lot. I need more Steam friends!

Last I'll mention, I LOVE to cook. I barbecue often, rain or shine lol; I bake bread when I have a long weekend but that's pretty scarce cuz of work. Recipes for broke boyz would be appreciated haha

Donator — whatever Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/12 06:20:06 )

Please forgive how long these posts are; I can't help it, I want to talk to everyone but don't want to break the rules either, lol. Hopefully I'm at least organized enough for people to find my responses. :vanora_sweat:

To be honest Minecraft has been pretty popular since it came out, but it's definitely had a resurgence again recently. I'm not really sure why myself. I love sim games too; I have over 10GB of custom content and mods for Sims 4. (I know someone with over 30GB though lmao.)

And yeah, Neocities was designed as sort of a revival of the Geocities idea that everyone could have their own site. It's got it's own little community, too; I've made a bunch of friends through it. :)

People put mushrooms on their wall? I hadn't seen that but now I'm super curious! I have to look into that.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure it was some kids that put the bettas together; at least I would hope no adults would do such a thing (sadly I'm pretty sure they would, though). And Foo the Flowerhorn, I've heard of that channel, yeah! I get their 'feeding frenzy' videos in my recommendations a lot.

Oh man, I haven't done origami since I was a kid, I used to love it though! I remember one year I made a whole origami Nativity scene to decorate with at Christmas. I also haven't done a journal in ages, but I'm tempted to get another lil' Moleskine book to do like a junk journal type thing in. o3o I haven't played any of those games except Minecraft and Sims 4, myself. Several of my friends play osu, which I keep meaning to try, and I've heard of Roblox. The rest are new to me though!

Ukulele looks fun; I've always kinda wished I'd at least stuck with the trumpet I played in high school but I didn't and I never really picked up any other instruments. And I love Thomas Sanders, he's one of my top faves (I so love his creativity, especially with his "Sides")! I like to do rps over discord too, though my friends and I have struggled to get a new game off the ground for a while now.

You've had your own con booth? Cool! I just checked out your portfolio; nice stuff ("Thoughts" is beautiful, and I like Alcyone, they look like a fun character!).

I collect washi tape too! I've got... well not anywhere near 200 designs, haha. Maybe around 20 or so so far. I keep meaning to send samples of some to a friend of mine, and I hadn't thought of popsicle sticks; that's clever, thanks for that!

I think bjds are amazing. I've known people with multiple of them, and much like you they've generally been based on existing ocs/had ocs based on them! I know they're expensive but I'd love to have at least one some day. I have lots of characters too, and it's a big hobby for me, though I don't have any very cohesive worlds, or at least not enough backstory to do a whole comic or game! That sounds really fun. :)

I used to make miniatures for my dolls with polymer clay when I was a kid; itty bitty dollhouse-sized dolls though, not bjds, haha. I'm trying to get back into it, or at least polymer clay in general, though. I've never done a real cosplay though I've had ideas/intentions over the years (just nothing ever really materialized).

My laptop is fairly quickly becoming one that can't handle the latest stuff, sadly, but I can still play Minecraft and Sims 4 and those are the most important ones to me lol. I definitely have a preference for the more chill games, too, though I love watching people play horror games and more story-driven games, they don't interest me as much to play myself (well and my anxiety can't really handle the horror games firsthand).

I love horror games too! But I can't usually play them myself (my anxiety is too severe) so I end up watching other people play them, like Markiplier, lol.

I don't listen to music as often as I would like; my main 'music-listening' time used to be when I drove my car, and without a car anymore, I don't listen as much (go figure, right? lol).

I've watched various anime and I've seen the odd bit of Korean tv (mostly through other peoples' art streams where they put the show on on the side), but that's about it. Admittedly, I more watch YouTube than traditional tv or movie offerings (which reminds me I still need to catch up on Beastars >_> ).

You make content for Sims 4? That's so cool; I have many gigabytes (over 10 >_> ) of custom content/mods but other than recoloring existing stuff for personal use I've never really made anything unique. Do you make meshes or mostly retexture stuff? (either and both are amazing to me; I can barely recolor things lol.) And do you have a place you share it? (I'd love to see!)

(PS: Your profile is so nice! Love that 80s aesthetic.)


Donator — whatever Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/12 07:20:00 )

I love creating characters and developing them, though admittedly I collect art for them and build their profiles more than really write or even rp them. (I've tried to rp with one but after several games didn't get off the ground I kinda gave up). I also kinda attempted video game making (just playing around with some side scroller making software really) many years ago, but quickly decided it was way over my head lol. It did give me my introduction to pixel art, though, and I've stuck with that!

I have a hard time sitting through a movie, even old favorites on in the background I don't always get all the way through anymore! (to be fair I'm pretty sure I have undiagnosed ADHD lol.) I mostly like classic slasher films (the [original] Halloween series, Nightmare on Elm Street, or Re-Animator, for example), animated, or comedy stuff. I have an even harder time binging series, and again I'm reminded I need to catch up on Beastars, lol! I also wouldn't mind rewatching Invader Zim or Mighty Ducks: The Animated Series again sometime soon...

Oh I love supernatural stuff like that but I have to be so careful about reading up on it/watching stuff about it, because I have really bad anxiety and I spook far too easy. (Doesn't help that I keep the bottom fourth or so of my window--which at least directly faces the security fence a couple feet away--uncovered at night so my plants catch the morning sun. >_> ) Oddly I can usually handle ghost stuff marginally better than alien or cryptid related stuff, and I have no idea why.

Oh boy, rabbitholes are so dangerous; I almost always end up going a direction I regret at like 3 in the morning. I swear 9 time out of ten it ends up in horrible crimes or cults.

I used to collect Ninja Turtles stuff! And Sonic the Hedgehog (mostly plushies). Unfortunately I had to purge most of my belongings a couple years ago due to life circumstances, and I haven't really gotten back into either (kinda took the wind out of my sails I guess). I do still kinda collect the Minecraft minifigures though.

There are so many artists here; I swear almost everyone has stated drawing as a hobby! That's awesome. :D By murder mysteries do you mean fictional murder mysteries like Agatha Christie and the like, or true crime? I love the former and my roommate loves the latter, lol (she sleeps to true crime and I have no idea how o_o;; ). I'd say daydreaming counts! I don't listen to music as much as I should (most of the time my background is YouTube videos ). What kind of music do you listen to?

Dude, that is a mood. I admit I blew a lil' chunk of each stimulus check we got on materials for my hobbies, but on the bright side it should last me a while. I figured it was a good investment. Subnautica Below Zero is great; I've watched some of Jacksepticeye play it but I'm hoping Markiplier will play it eventually (I rarely get the bigger more expensive games myself because money). I like horror movies but I mostly only watch the ones I've seen a bunch of times (mostly the classic slasher films like Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street or Re-Animator) because I spook really easily these days (really can't do the ghost/demon stuff that's popular now). And oh man, I haven't read a book in ages. I think the last thing I tried to read was The Hunger Games (my god did I find that book boring). I have a really hard time concentrating on reading for very long anymore. :vanora_sweat:

Ah, yeah, I can see how that would cut into hobby time. But hey, reptiles! I really would like a snake some day; maybe a western hognose (I think they're adorable but I hear they're a bit difficult for a beginner). Don't forget the springtails in their enclosures, I find they're key to keeping the fungi under control. Though if you watch SerpaDesign you probably know that! And oh god I know, he makes it look so easy haha.

I don't know many special tips for plants really; mostly I water when my fittonias start to complain they need water (they're very dramatic), as that reminds me to check everything else. Other than that if you have succulents they are really picky about having enough light, and I ended up getting a growlight for mine which they're enjoying. That's about the extent of my plant knowledge, lol.

I mostly do digital drawing, pixel art, and photography myself, but recently I participated in a 100 Days of Art challenge that got me sketching traditionally and then lining/coloring digitally. Nothing fancy but I'm pretty happy with what I managed. And I've thought about doing avatar/oc art before but I can't... really draw people. lol. I can do chibi furries if I really put my mind to it but human features tend to elude me.

I haven't played Elder Scrolls but I love Stardew Valley. Only problem is I'll find myself playing it for hoooours at a time so I don't boot it up very often. It's so addictive!

I love cooking too! Mostly I like baking, which I'm pretty good at I think. I've used mixes recently just to get myself to make something but I did make my amazing chocolate chip raising oatmeal cookies recently (I finally have a mixer and don't have to mix it by hand! Hurray!). But I'm trying to cook meals more often, too, especially since my roommate does most of the cooking (for dinner at least) and I'd like to do it sometimes. I made some killer chicken enchiladas from scratch recently! And I've started building a spice cabinet (not literally, but I mean I'm collecting various spices) so it's easier to cook stuff without having to hunt down what I need to spice it specially for a dish.


Donator — Any Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/12 07:30:53 )

@CooperationIsKey: lol thats fair, i wouldve done the same had i gotten one xD. I really want to get into clay making, along with so many other things! Its my dream to be able to have a huge art studio in like, a trailer and travel around selling my stuff. Cooking is on the list too, but again so expensive!! I want to try a lot of yummy things, and switch over from eating meat entirely.. but it costs less to eat a burger than a salad here :{.
Having a lot of inspo for character design lately though, which has been wonderful! I need to get around to 3d, ive been able to do mikumikudance models with pre-made assets, but I would love to make my own vtuber avatar. Vroid is cool, but still sort of limiting.

Subnautica is $30, which compared to typical isnt too terrible but yeah games are still getting so expensive arghhhh. Im lucky my boyfriend bought it for me, hes the sweetest! I wanted the new RE, but i def cant afford that :C. I miss when $20 was the standard. I havent even gotten a switch to play the newer pokemon!! im upset about it lol. Hopefully I can find a job soon!
Yeah, its mostly comics right now. I used to be able to sit through like an entire book in two days, but cant sit and read for more than an hour anymore. and yes!!! gods the hunger games was not that good.. lmao. mostly hated it because i HAD to read it for school I think.



Donator — whatever Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/12 07:59:38 )

Polymer clay is one of the things I 'invested' in, lol. I really want to get into resin pouring, particularly the clear resin where you embed stuff in it? I adore how it looks and it'd be fun to sell, too I think (if I can get past being attached to everything I make). That's an awesome dream; I hope you're able to do it someday. :)

I want to reduce the meat I intake, not necessarily go no meat at all (though I did pescatarian for about a year I think? due to health reasons once), and I've been trying to find healthier recipes to counter my roommate's cooking (which she thinks is healthy but oftentimes... is not >_>;; ). I enjoy cooking I'm just not confident in my ability, especially when it comes to meats (I'm always terrified I'm undercooking).

I would love to do a vtuber avatar too, as I'm not very confident in my smile (I need dental work) but hoo boy, vtuber art/models/rigging is noooot cheap. I have a friend who does 3d modeling and I think rigs the models too and it's a good gig if you can do it!

Yeah, $30 isn't too bad but most of the time I have a hard time justifying even that much. Even when it comes to The Sims 4, I only every get stuff when it's like, half-price. The new RE is amaaaazing. I'd love to get into playing games like that series eventually, but for now I just watch other people play 'em. And I feel you on the Switch pain; I want to play Animal Crossing, myself. I've never played Pokemon; I've never been super big on the rpg battle system tbh. I love the characters and creatures though, so Pokemon Go is up my alley at least, lol.

Oh man when I was a kid I read voraciously. Then something happened at some point and now I just can't concentrate for beans. Which sucks because I'd like to read, it's just so hard to pay attention.

I was a little older than the target demographic when I tried to read it (okay, a lot older) but still, I've loved good young adult novels since like second grade so I don't see why it should change nowadays. But Hunger Games was like... Okay while I was actively reading it, but the moment I put it down I forgot about it; it had zero pull to get me back to it. Then again I didn't like the movie either (only saw the first one) so maybe it really is just the story that's the problem lmao.

Side note: apologies if I go on too much about stuff; I'm a bit of a talker. :vanora_sweat:

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Donator — Any Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/12 09:20:17 )

@CooperationIsKey: Ooh yeah resin is so cool, its very vesatile and I see a lot of people on tiktok selling their crafts! Im the same way with being attached aswell. I went to go make an adoptable and got too attached to her soooo now shes mine LOL.
Yeah, I have been doing that slowly. Trying my best to get healthier, especially now that I have a baby on the way! Im terrified of chicken, so i almost never cook with it but its my favorite..
Im super unconfident in general of myself haha. Same here, though my friend group has made me feel better about that. (All of us have had depression pretty badly and its affected our teeth quite a bit ^^ good to know im not alone with that haha). I definitely want to do the 3d route, though it seems a lot more complicated, its what im more used to. plus cool movements!! itd be a really nice thing to make some extra money for if I can ever learn enough but im too scared ill end up making something subpar for someone xD.
Thats fair, lol. Im always like, "yeah ill definitely buy this thing", and then I have the money and im like MMMM maybe another time i could use this for something else. I totally want animal crossing too, it seems so cute and is such a self care game.
I still read young adult novels, its kind of hilarious seeing my big goth 21 year old self in the kids section at a library. Then again I guess im not that much older than the target audience for them. Divergent was nice, i actually loved that one. I remember little to nothing about the hunger games, lmao. Dyspotian society is right up my ally, so its weird that i hated it so much xD. My favorite books still have to be Ellen Hopkins books. Especially Crank. Cut by Patricia McCormick is good too. Guess i just really like books about things i went
As far as comics, im reaaaally into acception! its on webtoon and such a nice comic.
I can talk for hours about things I actually am interested in! its totally fine! xD I have a hard time with small talk so this is the most ive actually talked to someone here in awhile


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