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@Totalanimefan: I get that. I am kinda the same, but i have control issues and anxiety to the point where if i don't do it myself, i either feel like it won't get done, or it won't get done how i want it correctly. Like, my husband is great, but not the best at packing.

I get that. Honestly, with how my MIL is, i just wish she would CLOSE her vent. or at least get something to redirect the air flow. There's things that do that... Actually i'm pretty sure she could just remove the vent and turn it around and it would be better. she complains because the vent blows right on her bed and that's why she gets cold. She's also said (when we had the house set to 76 one night) that she had 3 blankets (quilts, is what she said but they're not quilts) and she was still "freezing." Idk, i think she exaggerates. One quilt is all i need when i get cold. We have a fan in our room that sits where our vent blows to that redirects the cold air to our bed. so we get cold vent air PLUS the fan, which makes it feel colder when in front of the fan. I honestly don't understand how she's cold when the house is at 76. We've gotten her to the point where she's okay at 77 all the time though, at least. so progress.

Speaking of beds, my mom decided to buy me a new mattress, and then a mattress cover, sheets (two sets) and new pillows. And then she was like, we need to hold off on a bed frame. and then we talked about it and i was window shopping so she knew what i liked and i found one on walmart that was apparently a good price because she saw it and said, "well for that price i'm just going to get it now." So next week we will have a new bed! Which will be nice cause i think the one we have now is making me sore when i sleep.

@Totalanimefan: that definitely helps lol

Having everyone being available to pitch in with the packing helps (unless you're neurotic like me, in which case i want everyone OUT so i can do it myself and don't have to worry lol)

If only it were for more than just this weekend, but it's nice while it lasts. There is a vent in here, and it's open, it just doesn't keep up because with the door closed it traps a lot of the heat so the thermostat doesn't know when to kick on to cool the room. So when we opne the door during the days she's not home it is comfortable in here. It's still not what the house is set to, but it's not too bad. A degree or two off is like nothing in comparison to what it's like with the door closed. I think i might even take advantage later and play more subnautica or something and be comfortable. Not sure yet though cause i also need to work on the quilt for my friend.
@Totalanimefan: I've heard okay things about there too, but not much.
It's good that you've started packing, but packing is definitely a chore and in my opinion best if you take plenty of breaks.
I'm gonna make a mental note of your birthday and hope I don't lose it lol Shouldn't be too difficult to remember since my sister's having her new baby on the 15th and it's only a couple days after that.

So Tyi's mom went on a weekend trip somewhere (i don't care enough as to where to remember lol) and the difference between having the office door open vs closed (since she always makes us close the door when she's home) is so drastic. Like, the other night tyi was in here by himself cause i was sleeping and he was playing some games with his friends and had to stop because he said it got to 91 in the office. (pretty sure his mom had moved the ac to 78 at that time cause i woke up hot in our room and went and looked at it and it was at 78 so i bumped it down to 77 and then later i moved it to 76) Today when i woke up and came in the office the thing said 79 and we have the air at 77. Like there's absolutely no issue with the temp in the office with the door open. We normally have to put the air to 75 during the day for it to cool off enough in the office once we wake up. We had it at 75 for a little bit yesterday, and then we realized she was already gone for the weekend and tyi said he was pretty sure we could have it at 77 and be comfortable in here and he was right. The door makes such a huge difference with central air.
@Q t e a p o n: I totally get that. For me it's more i have bad adhd, so unless i get into it pretty quickly, i won't finish a book. Also, it took me a while to realize that my prefered books tend to be YA. There's a few non YA books that i've read, but i didn't enjoy them quite as much. I also have a heck of a time reading books that are non fiction. like... i just can't. Ironically, though, i've gotten several ads on facebook for books available on amazon that have caught my attention, and i'll read those. That's how i learn about a lot of books actually. Or facebook reels with book recommendations.

@Totalanimefan: Yeah, but it is a lot closer to my family in idaho. I know CA does tend to have a higher cost of living, which is an obstacle, but not entirely unmanageable. NC would be okay, i have a friend i grew up with who lives there now, actually. As for you moving, it's totally understandable that you won't be around much. Have you started packing yet or are you waiting a little longer? Also i hope you have fun at Otakon!
We do have curtains in the office that keep out most of the heat, but the computers are the biggest issue. I woke up this morning and came in the office and the thing said 88! Tyi was playing subnautica for a while, though, so that's probably why it was so hot. That, and the office door being closed. It's like this room needs it's own AC unit, really. Honestly, though, as soon as Tyi's mom moves (whenever that may be), we won't have that issue since the house will be set to 75 all the time (which is surprisingly comfortable), and the office door will only be shut when i'm working (i'm starting a new call center WFH job soon) and i need quiet. At least it will be once our gf and her son move in. He's 7 and makes a lot of noise. Other than that, the door will be open and it will be comfortable in here lol In our bedroom we have a window that doesn't have a curtain (it's like 1.5 feet wide, but tall) but we have dressers and boxes in front of it that keeps out most of the light/heat, so it's not too bad.
@Q t e a p o n: I would like to mention it is available on the website on KU if you have it! Otherwise, it's possible that the library would have copies, or you can buy it off amazon lol. I don't think my local library has copies, but i haven't checked in some time. The books are Super Powereds: Year 1, Super Powereds: Year 2, Super Powereds: Year 3, and Super Powereds: Year 4, and there's a spin off in that literary universe called Corpies. Also worth a read, for sure. The books have several chapters, but they're shorter than normal chapters, because originally the books were written as a web series (which Hayes explains in the forward), But honestly, it didn't make a difference to me while reading. I also go through spurts of reading a ton and not reading much for a while, usually between series (or for one case, authors). At least until i can find another series to snag my interest.
@Q t e a p o n: Thats unfortunate that Canada has those restrictions. Not all books have narration, but one of my favorite series (at least book 1) called Super Powereds by Drew Hayes, has it. i'm currently rereading it, and would recommend it if you like the idea of superheroes in college learning to be heroes (which is what it is, at it's MOST basic level lol). It's a little of a slow start, but it picks up fairly quickly.
@Q t e a p o n: oh gosh, i am the exact same! Also i need to have a written copy too, since i have a pretty bad audio processing disorder due to my ADHD (like to the point that when talking to someone i really need to see their mouth move so my brain can read their lips while they talk or else i say "what?" or "huh?" a lot.). It's nice to have the audio books available when/if i need them, and when i'm like in the car and driving and have one playing, i end up rereading what i listened to so i have better comprehension of it. That's something i really like about kindle books that have narration available, because it smoothly transitions to where i left off in the narration to where i am reading, so i can have both. All i have to do is book mark the page i started the narration on, turn on the narration, and then book mark the page i end the narration on so i can read between them easily.

@Totalanimefan: So i got an indoor digital thermometer for the office to see what the temperature is at night with the door closed. Well, i slept all night and Tyi stayed up and he went to bed when i got up, so with just one PC on last night and one body in here, it's at 86 right now where the house is set to 77. Yesterday when we got it, it was during the day and we had the door open. The house was 75 and we had both pc's on(and didn't play any games- that makes the graphics card work harder and run it's fans, causing more heat) and the thing said 79 in the office and we were comfortable. I can't imagine what it'll say when we're both playing graphics heavy games like subnautica (which is our current game we've been playing a lot).
Today i'm planning on starting a quilt my friend commissioned, so hopefully i'll get a lot done. It will help that i won't be in the office while i work on it, so i at least won't be hot.
@Totalanimefan: oh that's right! For some reason i thought you had already moved into the condo. so it's finished finally then?
Yeah, we're still at Tyi's mom's, but it's literally the next street over, and we moved here to be closer to his grandparents because gram has dementia and we moved so we can help out if need be. She was supposed to move in with the grandparents, but hasn't yet, which is bad cause it's super frustrating living in someone else's home, but good since she covers half the bills, which is nice.. Ideally we'd move to a state that has all 4 seasons, cause that would be really nice for me. I really miss cold winters, haha. But I think we'd probably end up moving to like California or something because he lived there before and has a couple friends there. Realistically i doubt we'll actually end up moving out of florida, though. I think he's too attached.
@DreamerZ: you too!!!

@Totalanimefan: yeah, i can't imagine having another mouth to feed with the cost of groceries right now. I didn't realize you were moving again! Hopefully the move goes well! The storm was jarring to wake up to, but mostly because of how loud it was. I don't really like thunderstorms as they cause me anxiety, but it's fine. It definitely is storm season. I'm hoping it's not as bad as last year though. I kind of want to convince my husband to move elsewhere, but he's hesitant because all his friends are here as well as most of his immediate family, with the exception of one of his brothers (my favorite one lol) and his 2 kids. And I know he won't move to where that brother lives, because he doesn't like the area. Also i think that brother will be moving back as soon as he can.

@Q t e a p o n: I could, but unfortunately the closest branch is a little to far to ride my bike to, and i don't have a car anymore, so that's out. Once i pay off the fines i'll be able to use the online resources again at least, and a good selection of the books i'm into are available through the library online, too.
@DreamerZ: i messaged you lol

@Q t e a p o n: yeah that's true. i didn't care enough to escalate it though, Fortunately, since i did return the books, they haven't added any fees. and it's been a while.

@Totalanimefan: oh my gosh no kidding. I used to be able to get a month's worth of groceries with $100 for me and Tyi, but now it's like my mom's spending 100-150 a week for us. (we also are eating a bit healthier, which doesn't help the cost, unfortunately)

It's also been raining here all week. Actually i woke up today because of a thunderstorm this morning. Super loud crack of thunder around like 6:45 woke me up. Like, the windows and walls rattled. I already dislike thunder, but loud ones like that make me extra anxious, so i wasn't able to go back to sleep.
@Q t e a p o n: Yeah, i'm not sure. When i asked they basically said they couldn't do anything about it, but i think i was making more money then. Either way, i don't mind paying the fees since it will go to support the library anyways, but i just gotta make sure it doesn't mess me up with my other bills first.

@Totalanimefan: Yeah, there's one that's not too far from my home that runs like every wednesday, so i've been going to that every week so my mom doesn't have to help quite so much, but they only have nonperishables usually. When i lived in idaho and was between jobs i went to food banks often and there were a lot. One even had frozen meat and milk and eggs and cheese too. and you got a lot from them too. It was easier for me to be broke in idaho lol

@DreamerZ: Awe. Well i'm trying to be around a little more. And remember you can always message me on discord and tell me to get my butt on here lol
@Totalanimefan: Fortunately right now my mom's been helping out and buying our groceries each week, so that's always nice. And with what i get from my job working with my sibling as a caregiver i can pay for the rest of the bills with a little extra on the second check of the month, but we usually end up spending it so our lives aren't completely boring. So when the paychecks line up in like august, i'll be able to take care of the library.
My first check of the month before the 15 pays rent, which is due the 15th lol. It also pays me phone bill and the electric, unless the electric is high, and then that's paid the second paycheck. And then on the second check we pay our subscription services and anything else we need/want. So because of that way of doing things, if we were to take the paycheck that lands on the 30th, we'd be late with our july rent payment and we can't do that lol

@DreamerZ: -hugs- hey bestie! How have you been?
@Totalanimefan: They probably do, but i have bad social anxiety and would rather just pay what is owed on my account. It's also not like i won't be able to, i just have to wait until like august to have the extra money. Technically june is a 3 paycheck month, but because of how rent and bills land, i won't be able to count the 3rd paycheck as a free check until around late july/early august.
@Totalanimefan: eh, yeah, a bit. There were like 14 books i had checked out and then had to move suddenly so they got packed up and put in storage, and i had no way of getting to my storage unit before i could return them on time (i ran out of renewals on them too), so i got a bunch of late fees, and then by the time i was able to get to my storage unit the library had marked them as missing, and while i returned them, my account is still showing them as missing, so i have to pay the fines for the books as well as the late fees. It's currently not something i can afford, but maybe in a couple months when i'll have 2 free paychecks. We'll just have to wait and see though.