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@Totalanimefan: me either, really.
How'd your family handle the storm? They okay?
@DreamerZ: i feel that on a spiritual level. I've been meaning to work on my friend's quilt, but i've barely started it because i keep getting distracted by books or videogames or tv shows. or sleep lol
@Totalanimefan: Yeesh. yeah i'd be pretty upset about all that too. it's always frustrating when loved ones don't take as good as care of themselves as we'd like them too. My dad is like that too. He's the kind of person to go go go until my step mom steps in and makes him stay home and rest, and even then it usually only lasts for a day, maybe two before he's back up and doing things even though he needs more rest. To be fair, he's never been one for staying home and relaxing, and always needs to be doing something or he gets antsy. Even when he was undergoing chemo, he was always doing more than he should have. I think dads are notorious for that though.

Yeah. i'm ready for her to move. Honestly, since then it's been like nothing happened, so idk what's up with her. oh well. At least we're at a place where it's fairly minimal conflict.

Actually it was hardly anything going on here. No flooding, no broken branches or anything in the back yard... In fact where the rain usually puddles up at the end of the driveway was mostly dry. Internet and power both stayed on, too, so i don't think it got too windy here. I think the storm was far enough north that it didn't cause too many issues in central florida. Northern florida and further on, however, got it pretty rough, so i'm glad that i'm not up there.
@Totalanimefan: i hope you have fun! You deserve it after everything you've been dealing with.

Yeah, honestly just knowing her makes it hard to tell. She definitely has OCD (things have be be cleaned just the right way or she's not happy) and severe depression, which i know untreated depression can make a person act angry and say things they don't mean when they're upset, but i think it might be more than just that with her too, because it's like once things calm down a bit she acts as if everything is fine. it's definitely frustrating.

Yeah, me too. I'm pretty lucky to have her as my mom. So far so good with the power and internet. I actually haven't even heard anything really outside since that brief downpour earlier
@Totalanimefan: oh nice! We're looking to go october 10th or 11th. I'm pretty excited to go lol
Yeah, she really seriously needs therapy. I think she may be a narcissist? or at least she has narcissistic behaviors. I also sorta feel like she needs to learn about respecting people boundaries and how to properly communicate to people. Like she says she just doesn't sugar coat things, but like, there's a way to say things that aren't just blatantly rude or hurtful. leaving details on your opinion out is one way, which i think would improve her relationships with her kids 10 fold at least.

So there's a hurricane that's going to hit northern florida tonight, so with where i'm at, we're in for a rainy night. I brought my bike into the garage just in case because if there's a lot of wind i don't really know how well my bike cover will stay on. around 5 there was a quick..... 5-ish minute downpour. like for as long as it took to unlock my bike, move it into the garage, and go back out to grab the cover, it was over. I was a little disappointed because i wanted a quick video to send to my step mom who posted something about a storm they had in Wisconsin yesterday, but i wasn't quick enough. I thought it would rain more periodically today but not really, actually. Yesterday my mom was freaking out a bit (as per usual) and had me place an order for canned goods for us to munch on incase the power goes out. I doubt it will, but hey, at least now we have snacks and spaghettios lol
So Tyi and i decided (well, really i decided and he agreed) that in October we are going to go to Food and Wine at EPCOT and get a hotel for 2 nights in Orlando. We're going to rent a uhaul pick up truck so we can drive ourselves out there (cause it's about 150ish compared to 200+ to uber/Lyft), we're going to uber/lyft to and from Epcot the 2nd day so we can drink, and we're going to enjoy ourselves on a mini-vacation that we kinda desperately need because we are going stir crazy without access to transportation.

So turns out my MIL is not moving in with her parents after all. I guess grandpa changed his mind, which fine, but like, would have been nice to know MUCH sooner. like before we moved in with her. But whatever. So Tyi told her that we were going to move in april when her lease is up since we didn't want to live with her long term to begin with. A lot was going on at that point, and i wasn't part of the conversation because i won't talk to her about things because of just how unreasonable she is. So i imagine Tyi said it fairly calmly and she decided to escalate the situation and said we had a week. Then about an hour after that whole thing, she messaged Tyi and said she was just going to move into a one bedroom place or move to Chicago, which is where her second oldest lives with his 2 kids (her first 2 grandbabies). So we'll see what happens.

So getting into what drama was taking place... A little background information, Tyi and i both have long hair and we shed, a LOT. And the thing with shedding is you don't really realize it's happening when it's happening. So the carpet tends to have a good amount of hair in it. So MIL decided that she was going to use my vacuum to vacuum it up. Normally that wouldn't be an issue but she didn't ask and then followed up with asking how we vacuum anything when it doesn't work right. Well it wasn't working right because she didn't clean out the roller brush and it was full of hair (not just ours, mind you, cause she lives here too and goes back and forth between her room and kitchen by way of the carpeted living room. so her hair was in it too.) So (us) Tyi asking her not to use our things or touch our things without asking us first turned into a big fight between the two of them. Idk why but the big dramatic fights always seem to center around a stupid vacuum. So during that fight he asked her if she had a roommate if she would just use and touch her roommate's things without asking and she indignantly said she would. I'm just so tired of her drama, really. Like, we keep to ourselves and keep the common areas clean (aside from our hallway, but that's mostly just stray hairs that you can't see anyways unless you're on the floor) and we're respectful of her space and her things and she just does not extend the same courtesy to us and it's frustrating.

There's more with the fight that they had, i just don't know anything because i was in the office with the door closed talking to my mom when it was happening. Oh, and the reason i was talking to my mom is because MIL had messaged her on facebook trying to get my mom to say something to me. But, my mom being amazing, told her to ask me about the vacuum and how i use it to vacuum or what i do with it when it doesn't work :) (it never EVER has gotten to the point that MIL got it to, btw. MIL just never cleaned it before using it and vacuumed the entire living room and the hallway until it wouldn't suck anymore because of the wrapped hair.) My mom Figures that the only reason MIL would be contacting her is to talk (complain) about me, and really unless it's asking about what to get me for a gift or something, anything that goes on between me and MIL should be handled by me, Tyi and MIL.

The only real good thing this last month and a half is she's for the most part been keeping the AC at 76 and it's been pretty great actually. And when she does bump it to 77 or the occasional 78, we are able to almost immediately catch it and put it back to 76 (or 77 for an hour and then back to 76) without any issues.
Posted in Dad is in the hospital Posted 9 months ago
@Totalanimefan: wow total! i'm sorry to hear about your dad and i'll keep you and him in my thoughts. Just remember to take deep breaths every once in a while.
Posted in 'Sounds of Wedding Bells' Posted 9 months ago
@star2000shadow: That's super special! Speaking from experience, once your sister gets her dress have her put it on with the crinoline and something for her to hold that will be similar to her bouquet and just figure out how you're going to walk together. My mom walked me down the isle when i got married and we did not practice at all how we were going to do it and that was probably the most awkward(feeling) part because i had a kinda poofy dress (A-line) and she ended up having to just hold my had while i cradled my giant bouquet (it was supposed to be a cascade style, but ended up being held like a pagent bouquet cause it was stupid heavy if i held it so it cascaded down.) Also practicing at least once before the big day will help you and your sister feel more comfortable.
@DreamerZ: -hugs- hey bestie, thinking of you too. How are ya doin?
@kiwi: It sounds like gall bladder issues to me. Make sure they check how well it's functioning if you don't have gall stones. When i had to have mine out it was because it was working at less than 5%. No gall stones, but pain after i ate. Just before the surgery it got really bad to the point that i was basically only able to be on a liquid diet. It sucked, but soon as it was removed i was able to eat again.
@Totalanimefan: Me too. I didn't realize how worried i was until i felt the relief. I like your avi! It's really cute! And Happy birthday! Hope you had a good day!
@Totalanimefan: She lives in wisconsin. So she got good news today! Our dad and she went to Minneapolis (where my nephew is) today and are staying the night because tomorrow they get to take him home!! (provided he passes the car seat test, which we're sure he will) He's off the feeding tube, my sister's milk came in, and so far so good! I'm pretty excited for them.
@Totalanimefan: He'll be okay. My sister gets discharged tomorrow and will be going to see him, so that's good at least. Today he's doing the same- still on the feeding tube, but i'm hoping he'll be off it soon and able to feed normally.
@Totalanimefan: She really should, but she won't. It's fine though, i've just stopped being in the office at night once it starts feeling too warm in here.

Yeah, i'm pretty excited for it. the mattress is supposed to arrive the 24th and the frame will be here the 26th. I'm honestly a little more excited about the frame because we have that issue where the pillows like to push the mattress away from the wall and we have to almost constantly readjust it. So with the frame, it has a small lip to keep the mattress in place with a nice headboard too.

My sister had her baby yesterday. C-section. The birth went well, but i guess after a few hours she sent my nephew to the nursery while she ate and went to the bathroom. When she was done she asked when they'd bring him back in and they said they had to take him in for a chest x-ray. That came back saying my nephew had pneumothorax, which is basically air in the lung cavity but not in the lungs. It can cause a deflated lung, as well as other complications up to and including death. He actually had it in both lungs. Fortunately, they reacted quickly. got him on oxygen and got him ready for a transfer to a better hospital. Today my sister told me they got the air out and he's off oxygen, but they're keeping him for a bit longer to watch for infection and to make sure he's breathing well enough to eat. So he has a feeding tube right now, but he's doing well enough to be off oxygen. So, small steps. I'm fairly confident that he'll be okay soon though. My sister on the other hand is worried and feels a lot of mom guilt right now since she couldn't go with him because she still had to stay for at least another day (she's hoping to be discharged and able to go to him tomorrow) for observation. She's in a lot of pain after the surgery, so it's good they they decided to keep her.

He's beautiful though. He looks a lot like his momma for sure. Her 1.5 year old looks like the boy's dad though, so it's really nice for her to see the newborn and recognize more features that come from her. I'm hoping to go visit for a week at the end of November. Both to see the rest of my family, as well as meet my nephews.