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@Totalanimefan: I appreciate it! Honestly, i don't think we're getting anywhere with either of the jeeps. The minivan guy messaged me back, but idk if it was a language barrier or not, but he seemed a little off. Like he didn't answer my questions straightforwardly and kinda answered without saying yes or no when i asked if he had the title. I haven't talked to the guy with the HHR yet other than to get the VIN, and that was this morning. i'm wondering if its cause he went to work or if he just got busy because he hasn't seen my response. Do you know if the HHR is fairly roomy or not?
@Totalanimefan: I know that they tip easily, but i don't think it's ALL jeeps, just the taller ones. My mom also had one, and while it felt tall, it didn't feel like it would tip with every corner like wranglers do. Also i don't know if either of the people selling the jeeps are going to respond, we will see. But i do have feelers out for a minivan and an HHR (which is an suv i guess) and both of them responded to me this morning, i'm just hoping the minivan will send me the VIN so i can look it up because Tyi said he'd prefer the minivan over the HHR, but i think that's because the minivan is roomier.
@Totalanimefan: Yeah, it's difficult. I'm not even really looking for anything that good either. Like my minimum requirements are that i and my husband fit comfortably, it hasn't been in an accident, it has decent mpg (18 city 22 highway, at least), and the mileage on it is at least 20k under what the car usually lasts for. Tyi requests an aux port or bluetooth, and preferably not a minivan, but he's getting more lax on the minivan thing. Right now there's a couple jeeps that i have my eye on, but we will see if they work out. Other than that i'm just keeping an eye on what's available on FB marketplace.

I hope they get less stressful too. i think they will be once i get a car. I know being able to leave the house whenever will be super nice for my mental health too.
looking for a cheap car is super annoying. i forgot just how many scammers there were trying to sell fake cars. Super frustrating. Yesterday i went to orlando to check out a car, which ended up being too small (i'm short and could barely fit my legs under the steering wheel with the seat put all the way back, there was no way Tyi was going to fit cause he's nearly a foot taller than me), so then i walked around and found out that the used car lots here were kinda scammy. either their cars were over priced, or they were in what looked like bad accidents and were repaired. (which is always sketchy.) I'm probably going to just stick to facebook marketplace for now, honestly. Probably will have better luck.

@Totalanimefan: i wish she would, honestly. Last night she spent the night there because she was babysitting my nephew and he fell asleep before she was ready to go and she didn't want to wake him. Of course, that was the night i went to bed at a decent time, go figure. She's back home tonight though. I think Tyi and i are just going to try to save up to move asap, but i need a job first so we can afford it. And I really hate job hunting. Doesn't help that i don't know what i want to do, but i know i don't want to do call center stuff. I might convince Tyi to get a job transcribing since there's a few sited that you can go on and there's no interview, you just have to have a certain wpm. I'm a relatively slow typer compared to him, which is why i don't do it.

I've been talking to my sister quite a bit lately, which is nice, but it's definitely made my "stick up for the little guy" instincts kick into overdrive because my step mom (sister's mom) has been unreasonable to Sam lately for various petty reasons. It's my unprofessional but definitely most probably opinion that she's a narcissist. It's a lot of drama there, but i'm literally the only one in the family sam can talk to about a lot of it because of how my step mom is.

@DreamerZ: what work ethic? lol I just had to do those things so my MIL didn't complain ( she did anyways)

@Koah: oh okay! gotcha. Yeah, i definitely get what you mean. Its definitely politically charged up there, and people tend to be obnoxious/rude/ridiculous when they have money,

Yeah, it is pretty nice of her. She's pretty awesome. I'm Very lucky to have her as my mom, that's for sure. (i know a lot of moms are fantastic, but the other "mom" figures i have (MIL and stepmom) are in my opinion not the best and make me appreciate mine so much more, even if they do have their "great" moments, but that's a whole other thing lol)
@Keo: first, congrats to you too! second, OH MY GOSH I LOVE IT! I also love how easily our entries went together! That drawing is so cute!!! I love it so much (in case i didn't already say that lol :P)!!! you captured them so well!
I'm excited for this new theme! I already put together something, but i might make another one with the new items!

@neon: Congrats to you too neon!! And thank you!
@Koah: I'm glad things have calmed down for you!
Yeah, i grew up in Boise. my mom's side of the family still lives there, save for most of my cousins.

Speaking of my mom, The other day she decided she would buy me a cheap used car to get me from point a to point b. so that's pretty exciting for me, especially since right now there's no feasible way for me to pay for it myself. Right now i have my eye on an 07 impala. i'm hoping i will hear back from the person today or tomorrow about it.
@Totalanimefan: my solution to miscellaneous stuff that should all be relatively together would be bookcases or those cube organizer things. (those are dangerous for me though because they turn into doom boxes unless they get labeled accurately. speaking of, i need to go through my cube storage stuff and organize/label them....

Yeah, she realllly does. This month is also going to super suck because the grandparents went out of town so now she has nothing to do after work and is coming home like 4-5 hours earlier than before, so that's 4-5 hours more that we have to overheat. And she keeps trying to put the air to 78 again. Like, why? Also, If tyi plays Baldur's gate it gets to at least 90 in here in 30 minutes if the room was at what it usually is before she comes home, otherwise it gets that hot within like 5-10 minutes if the door has been closed for a bit. Fortunately, with the air being so different, if we open our door at night it's generally pretty quick to go back down.

i think I definitely would prefer dry heat over humidity, but at the same time it's nice when it rains. I can remember several years where it would be super dry in idaho that there would be plenty of dead plants and trees and lawns by middle of august.
Posted in Hiya : ) Posted 8 months ago
@angelpurity: just wanted to point out one of my favorite features about voltra- the mention button. It allows you to reply to someone without quoting them! Also you can mention several people at once to reply to them all in one go. It helps keep things clean too. Also i'm glad we were able to figure out your post format and signature!
Posted in Rena's testing space Posted 8 months ago
Discord: vampygurl
OW2: angelpurity#1979
Apex: seraphicpurity
@Totalanimefan: In Theory, if i were to move into my forever house, i think i'd start with the kitchen (cause having things to cook with are important), and then i'd figure out exactly where i want my furniture, and then i'd unpack my clothes, because those are also very important. And then once that's all done i'd make sure the office was set up how i want it. everything else can be unpacked a box at a time without worrying too much as long as it got done. When i pack, i make sure to have all my dishes in one or two boxes if possible, and then i keep them next to each other. Same with clothes, but i also kinda just leave my clothes in the dresser when i move and don't take them out at all lol

I definitely get that. my stress is MIL related, but still stress. Today she tried telling me i didn't mop (i did, first thing when i woke up), and that kinda just pissed me off. Like don't tell me i didn't do some thing when you weren't there to see me do it. 🙄 Apparently i missed a spot she left specifically this morning. Like why? i don't get her. I just wish she'd learn how to talk to people.

That's good you didn't overheat! Yeah it's super easy to over heat in florida (that's one reason i don't go outside much). I think it's crazy how the weather has been across the country this year. Like idaho had a really late winter (snow in june!) and a really hot summer (triple digits for like a week), it's been unusually hot everywhere, and in florida i feel like it's actually been a fairly dry summer, like it hasn't rained as much. But then again i could be imagining things.
@Totalanimefan: oh wow yeah, it does sound like you've got a lot of stress on your plate. I hope talking to your boss will allow that door to be opened and will allow your boss to realize that they want you around still!

Unpacking is the worst. I'd rather pack things up than unpack because when i unpack, i always have issues with finding homes for things. (Also i have a lot of doom boxes/bags, so that's an issue too) I'm also not very motivated to unpack either, but that might be because i always feel like i'm going to have to move again eventually. I know that will be different once we eventually buy a house, but honestly, we don't know when or where we'll do that.
So for now, a lot of (almost all lol) our things are packed away.

Oh the farmer's market sounds like a lot of fun! I always enjoy going to those (or did in idaho, but i haven't been to one since i moved to florida) Yeah, it was noticably cool the other day/night so i can definitely believe it being hotter outside of florida. you definitely gotta be careful when it's hot like that and you're outside because it is super easy to get sick from the heat!

I've not been up to much, but i have been trying new recipes lately that have all turned out pretty well.

@DreamerZ: That's good, i still haven't done anything on my friend's quilt. I did vacuum and mop the house today though!

@Koah: Hi Koah! Hope you're well!
Posted in Hiya : ) Posted 8 months ago
Hi Angel! Welcome (again) to Voltra! What is your double major? I was on Gaia years ago. Like, it was my first avatar based website, and i spent a LOT of time in Towns and Rally when Rally was new. I joined gaia about 15 or 16 (sheesh) years ago and it's been several years since i was super active too.

Now you've made your avatar, feel free to peruse the forums or customize your profile! Voltra is a quiet but friendly place, and i've found it's active just enough to keep me coming back and not getting lost (at least when there is not an event going.. Once events happen, things pick up a bit more!)
@Totalanimefan: oh good, i'm glad to hear. Have you gotten up to anything interesting lately?