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Forums Voltra Discussion Voltra's Runway: Trick or Treat | WINNERS!

Question: Who is bringing home the most candy with their Trick or Treat look?

  • 1: 0 / 35 0%
    0% Votes
  • 2: 1 / 35 2%
    2% Votes
  • 3: 3 / 35 8%
    8% Votes
  • 4: 1 / 35 2%
    2% Votes
  • 5: 0 / 35 0%
    0% Votes
  • 6: 3 / 35 8%
    8% Votes
  • 7: 4 / 35 11%
    11% Votes
  • 8: 0 / 35 0%
    0% Votes
  • 9: 5 / 35 14%
    14% Votes
  • 10: 3 / 35 8%
    8% Votes
  • 11: 1 / 35 2%
    2% Votes
  • 12: 3 / 35 8%
    8% Votes
  • 13: 2 / 35 5%
    5% Votes
  • 14: 1 / 35 2%
    2% Votes
  • 15: 1 / 35 2%
    2% Votes
  • 16: 7 / 35 20%
    20% Votes
Npc — She/Her Posted 9 months ago ( 2023/11/8 00:19:04 )

Hello Babes,
I'm excited to have our 16 Contestants strut the runway for you!

Take your time to decide on your favorite look(s), you have until Saturday, November 11th 2023 to cast your votes!

Please check the main Voltra Runway thread for dates, rules/guidelines, and FAQs.

Now, let me bring to the stage....

1 | 2

3 | 4

5 | 6

7 | 8

9 | 10

11 | 12

13 | 14

15 | 16


Admin — He/Him Posted 9 months ago ( 2023/11/8 04:13:55 )
So happy to see the huge turn out of runway contestants this season!
If you need assistance or just want to chat, you may contact me anytime by ping or PM.

Donator — THEY/M Posted 9 months ago ( 2023/11/8 09:29:21 )
Agree! Everyone has done amazing!

Npc — She/Her Posted 8 months ago ( 2023/11/13 17:56:31 )

Congratulations to all the winners and participants <3

1st Place goes to @Count Trashula:

2nd Place @Whim:

3rd Place @ahi:

Prizes and Participation Ribbons have been granted!

Donator — THEY/M Posted 8 months ago ( 2023/11/13 20:03:56 )
Thank you so much for those that voted my avatar and congratulations to the other two winners! Everyone did a great job with their entries!

Donator — Medical Biller Posted 8 months ago ( 2023/11/14 01:39:34 )
Congratulations @Count Trashula: for taking 1st place of 2 competitions!
@Whim: and @ahi: Congrats you both on your win!

I'll be slow to respond for this month𓃵

Artist Posted 8 months ago ( 2023/11/14 02:52:41 )
Congrats everyone! :D so many great avis, a tough vote for sure!

Donator — She, Her Posted 8 months ago ( 2023/11/14 06:33:07 )
Omg! Thank you everyone :)

Congratulations to @ahi and @Count Trashula as well!!

All the avatars look amazing, you guys went all out on this one, haha!


Art by Delightfully!
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Buying Ohms!

Donator — she/they/him Posted 8 months ago ( 2023/11/14 09:46:54 )

Congrats winners~


☥ "Think of me when you look at the night sky" ☥

leave me msgs here

The Crooked Dog Inn

plz ping me!

Donator — He/They Posted 8 months ago ( 2023/11/14 23:13:58 )

Oh, awesome, thanks! Congrats to the other winners, as well. Lots of cool avis in this one!


Donator — THEY/M Posted 8 months ago ( 2023/11/15 11:28:51 )
@Qiqi Agatha:
Thank you so much!

I had to scroll to read read of comments to see you said congrats, thanks! You as well!

@Count Trashula:
I agree! Congratulations again!
Currently Questing:
Angelic Solid Set (Clouds/Halos/Winglets/Wings)

Donator — Medical Biller Posted 8 months ago ( 2023/11/15 18:46:51 )
I'll be slow to respond for this month𓃵
Ensuite, je suis le fantôme de Novembre!

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