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Whim She, Her

Whim's Avatar

Equipped Items


Hello! I'm Anika, but you can call Whim ♡
I'm black, 27 years old and I reside in the US and aspire to be a graphic artist.

I love fashion, thrift shopping, coding, let's plays, dogs, baking, cartoons, manga, anime, video games, sanrio (especially mel + kuro), cold weather, iced coffee, ikea and the color pink.

I grew up playing dress up games and found gaia accidently in 5th grade and it made me fall in love with avatar sites. I used to chat around syndrone, ernya, kinsaki, and a few others under different names.

My favorite animes are Bleach, Jujutsu Kaisen and Soul Eater.

I'm very friendly (and shy), so send me a message and I'll get to you soon. Mkay bye ~♡

[ Hangout // Quest // Shop // Showcase]

art by delightfully

art by pinster


  • Anarchist Beauty Anarchist Beauty (4 months ago)

    Your avi is soooo cute!

  • Ruby Ruby (5 months ago)

    Super cute avi! :3

  • Ruby Ruby (6 months ago)

    Ooh cute new avi! :3

  • Totalanimefan Totalanimefan (6 months ago)

    Same but it’s all his fault for firing the staff.

  • Totalanimefan Totalanimefan (6 months ago)

    Thanks. I alert’s liked your avatars too. I wanted to end with a nice avatar just in case this site goes down.

  • Ruby Ruby (6 months ago)

    Super cute avi! :3


Fashion, Sanrio, Colors, Manga, Anime, Video Games, Fall, Rain, Warm Tea, Iced Coffee, Pizza, Chinese Food, Baking, Lee Taemin, Internet, Dogs, Birds, Sleeping


Dry texters, Bugs, Rudeness, Hot Weather, Driving, Liquorice


Thrifting, Graphic Designing, Cooking, Baking
