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Posted in Hey Posted 6 years ago
Howdy there kiddo! Well I say that but I'm only like a year older than you xD I actually wanna be a teacher myself but am not for some reasons that won't matter now. I hope your art teaching becomes a great career! It was fun taking art classes even if I wasn't good at it~ I miss them. Just know some kids can apparently be allergic to plaster of paris, which is sometimes used in ceramic classes. Yes, that's from one of my memories xD

Glad you're enjoying the site~ I dunno where Fresno is overall but I've lived in Cali before myself, so I hope you like it extra. Make yourself at home and tell me more about what you write and draw 'cause I wanna know as a fellow writer and lover of pretty things. :D
Posted in A new berry in the snack aisle Posted 6 years ago
@June July Thornberry: I only know they grow in my area at all and have only tasted it because they were shown to me on a guided nature walk once. I also got to eat raw mustard leaf there. And rose hips. It was like a decade or so ago. Time has flown fast. I haven't had it since then honestly, but... Think similar to blueberries? That's how I've seen it described: "Like a blueberry, but better."

I see! I play DnD only recently myself. I'm playing a High Elf with a not-likely-fitting name, but meh. xD My poor DM has to deal with sooo many questions on my part. Also I'm that one idiot who opted to play a Druid with horrifyingly low wisdom. But it's fun~ And she's easy to play so far because I'm used to being oblvious and for some reason I chose that. (She's based on characters I play in MMORPGs honestly) Also she's dead already 'cause we're playing a campaign where we're all dead pirates trying to escape the underworld.

That really is an interesting piece of info! Mind if I share it around my writing circles? I can't help but wonder if that should be a concern if I can't smell it anyway... But... I mean, I know most of my relatives... I think. I can't imagine anyone in my family smelling good anyway. Especially me and my dad. We sweat a lot. I already worry for my boyfriend's future having to deal with me and how many showers I might have to take so he can. Though I'm not sure he has great smell either... But he's better than me >>

@Tuijp: In New Jersey there's legal requirements for minimum temperature and things like that that the landlord has to keep it. If a health inspector ever came, they'd be sued. Our heat happens to be too strong half the time though so right no for example it's freaking 75 degrees in here. Turning it off tends to be a good aid. Or opening windows... which I can't think about without laughing right now still. I'm horrible xD
Posted in Comfortable is sexy: obviously a hangout Posted 6 years ago
@Eruca: Thanks! That was a pretty interesting one~ Though I'm not sure my head has a brain in it. Pretty sure mine was taken out when I arrived on earth and put in area 52. What you just described was the boulder they replaced it with I bet. And yes, I did just straight out admit to being an alien. Then again I never hide it. xD

It looks nice and easy to hang out here, yep~ I like it already. Looks both in depth and just relaxing and laid back. I like the less overwhelmingly fast threads usually. And just helps there's nice people in most of 'em all~ like you~
Posted in Nerd Hotel::We never left! Posted 6 years ago
@Kenome: Because I legit messed up the site for myself today by hitting an old link and not noticing something looked off... I think I'm gonna join in the end to be safe.

Even if I will likely regret it later. Gimme extra push plz? xD
Posted in Win Prizes! Posted 6 years ago
@Lady Luna: I mean, I'm trying anyway. The thing is, binge eating is more about balance. One day I eat like a pig and have like a million meals in one day and then the next I'm not hungry because I ate so freaking much. Not always for those reasons mind you. But basically, I eat when I'm hungry (which is not really how you should do it). I've gone a week eating one or two protein bars a day and that's it. And those days were me forcing myself to eat half the time. Other days I eat a ton though. Like half a pizza for dinner or something. xD Balance isn't really my forte in general in life. I mean... my personality disorder is even called 'borderline'.

@Ina: Like that's me when I write, only I'm not in classes and such. I just always wonder how I conceived thinking things were good etc. What's interesting is looking back at something yeaaaars later that you actually liked. And by interesting I mean don't even bother because if you're me you'll suddenly find all the imperfections and wonder what you were taking because you must have been even if you know you weren't. :'D
Posted in So light em up up up Posted 6 years ago
@Boss Rimi: I...don't want to think about the Twilight series. I read one book (and barely finished it I think) in high school because my teacher recommended it while I had free time in English since I was done with stuff and she usually gave me good books to read. She was one of the rabid fangirl types and wouldn't stop pestering me for what team and whatnot I was on and I was like "for starters, I find the book really boring and mary sue filled" in my head. I didn't say it 'cause... again, she was my teacher. But still! ;-;

I've been reading the Sign of Seven trilogy by Nora Roberts over the past year. I have a guess at your clearing throat one but not sure I wanna. xD Not sure what the Leviathan Trilogy is, but curious 'cause I like the name.

The book I got today is the updated/revised version of one I already had from years ago, No Plot? No Problem!. It was written by the founder of National Novel Writing Month and is considered a "low stress, high velocity guide to writing a novel in 30 days."

Which I just totally wrote wrong as 30 games so... I wonder what that is?
Posted in Nerd Hotel::Fill that battery! Posted 6 years ago
@Faust Sheep: I'm the type who worries about people even if I know they can just ignore me for some reason. But I also have a random tendency to just read things without consent like private RPs and stuff if they're on forums because why not? Like... Sometimes I read my boyfriend's rps I'm not in. He does some not-for-kids stuff with other people due to one of his characters being a perv. Sometimes I still get jealous when I see them, even though I know it's not hiiiim doing it. xD

Anyway, enough embarrassing myself. For me the problem is with the computer version. What country are you in anyway? I don't know if I know that so not sure if I'm 'out of country' or not. The net is amazing that way. Thanks for teaching me a new terminology there too~ and yeah... If that's what it means, he should not be saying that. *internally yells at them*

I've never heard of Pesterchum. What's that? I like the name. Sounds like something I would say a lot since... Well.. I often say I'm 'bugging' people when I chat with them. Or pestering. Y'know? But... Actually that's a bad habit of mine. I hope people on Pesterchum don't feel they're actually pestering people :'D Please remember not to think you are, kay? 'Cause it's self-deprecating and mean to yourself. Be nice to yourself. I'm still trying to learn how myself though xD

@Kenome: Thanks for the note~ I feel we're being fairly civil, but I'm simple xD I just know "I'm learning and that makes me insanely happy. I love this person now." Someone should fix my mind for that. :'D
Posted in Win Prizes! Posted 6 years ago
@Lady Luna: I mean, sometimes I hate food but that's 'cause I'm sick and food thoughts make me wanna vomit. But that's the only time. I'm kind of a pig most of the time. Well...50% I guess? <- has binge eating disorder, but has been better about eating a bit a day... lately pigging out too much again though

What I don't like is eating in the morning. Luckily...That's what nutrition shakes are for? xD
Posted in I GOTS THE PEN [ Art Freebies & Small Talk] Posted 6 years ago
@Mica: The ones I have are specifically the watercolor colored pencils. I dunno if I call them 'creamy' but... They are really wonderful to draw with to me <3 They feel juuust right against the paper~ mind you I basically only use computer paper. I've used sketchbooks but... I ran out of room and finding a good one is expensive and for me comp is fine xD

I'm doing okay thanks~ catching up on posts (I have like 17 notificactions to sift through somehow), chatting with friends and trying to write a bit. So far my word count today has been over 500, so I mean... That's good, even if I need way more in my opinion to feel satisfied. But I'll get there~ How about you? Day being nice? No migraines and such I hope~
Posted in So light em up up up Posted 6 years ago
@Boss Rimi: You meant books in a series, right? I read a lot of trilogies and stuff, so I'm basically doomed no matter what. I do love stand alone novels too, just... Not a lot I can remember. But I like certain short ones in manga too, and one offs. There's some good ones out there. I'm the type who prefers a long time to read though xD One book I have that is a one-off isn't a fictional novel but I just got it today and am suuuuper excited to read it. It's a writing aid~ xD

@Len: I can't deal with chemicals myself most of the time. Aerosol like lysol and stuff? I choke if I'm near it. Like, I need to try not to breathe around the bathroom when dad's sprayed it from using the toilet. >> As for kidney disease... Well, my godfather has/had it and was on constant dialysis so I find it extra scary to think about. But also... I live on medication including a lot of caffeine (my migraine meds) and harder things that I doubt are good friends with my kidneys. It's good they caught yours when they did though huh? But still...I'd like it if it went away for you~ <3
Posted in Win Prizes! Posted 6 years ago
@Ina: Trust me, it can never be as bad as mine. Or that's my opinion. But I also have super talented friends that make me feel some shame for failing so hard. But they tell me not to. I love them.

@Lady Luna: Glad to know someone is with me with texture <3 I know there are lots of us actually, including people with insanely *good* senses of smell (like one of my closest friends in HS). But... It's even more awkward when it's mostly 'cause texture is most of what you sense in your mouth xD

My favorite thing to eat? I like sweets. Like ice cream is one of my favorites... And cake. I'm picky with types and stuff, and sometimes even brands. I also eat lots of cookies and whatnot. Oh, right, normal food is important too right? Um... there's this special kind of tomato I get at Trader Joe's I like to eat as a snack (I eat it whole, don't bother cutting it up or anything). They're lower acid than normal tomatoes and kinda greenish in color (though the signs always say brown tomato, iunno. xD)

I like food. xD
Posted in I GOTS THE PEN [ Art Freebies & Small Talk] Posted 6 years ago
@Mica: So your mom is also an artist? It's a family trait, eh? That's like my dad and I and writing xD But yeah, it works well <3 I also like prismacolor~ And I'm glad you like it! It's meant to bring that kind of uncertainty and questioning, so I'm glad it worked out~

@Saeyra: The actual problem I have with it in terms of form is that last line's words are different than the iterations of it prior. In villanelles, that's meant to be a full refrain xD But I was going for a dark but whimsical feel, and that makes me think Poe, so... YES! *flails happily*
Posted in 《Unicorns Charity》making a new contest Posted 6 years ago
@Unicorn: Super delayed 'aha' moment. I see what you mean now! That's very true. I don't know how he treated his daughters really. I rarely saw them 'cause they were way older and lived out of the house already. xD
Posted in 1% battery left. Please charge!! Posted 6 years ago
@Yandere: Oh, Digimon itself is a long series- but it's actually a franchise. Digimon Tri is one portion of it. Like... Each 'season' in general (though not literally seasons) was more or less similar to Pokemon in there was a different focus and stuff each time... Except even characters changed. Like main ones, altogether. Besides Digimon Adventure 1, 2 and Tri... you never see any of the protags ever again from the early years xD