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Forums Mini Shops Starting from scratch. ;;;

Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/03/18 12:21:21 )
@pachi: It's probably a good idea. I've been trying to do that too, though it's usually just for my desk area, since I'm there the most. I should probably wipe down my game systems and controllers and such too. squints.
Omg haha. A lot of people need that if their jobs aren't paying them! Q VQ !!! It would be nice for me if I lose the vacation I planned in June, or the wedding that I need to fly to. orz.

Yeah. Not about to risk my life for this job. LOL.

RIGHT? Everything seems eerily quiet? I mean there's still quite a few people that I've seen around, but it's kind of like a bunch of people are on vacation.
I feel like my work hours are being cut. Haha. I normally get into work around 7:30, and now they're telling us that we need to check our e-mails by 9am. So... I guess I don't start until 9 now? There's no set end time though, but all I'd be doing is sending e-mails I guess.
This is so weird.

Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/03/18 13:22:30 )

    @Yandere: yeah.. just stuff you touch a lot in general. get 'em clean and disinfected--
    omg "orz... yeah so many people's vacations are getting cancelled or postponed, it sucksss. i didn't plan any for this year yet so i'm like... well i can't do much right now anyway hA

    emails emails all day long~
    i'm trying to keep to my regular work schedule at home but i'm still sitting in bed but also checking my emails so hmmMMMM


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/03/18 21:01:07 )
Just "got off my work shift" and I'm heckin' exhausted. Who knew working remotely would be so much work? TT ____ TT rip me

@pachi: Same. Haha. I was just video calling with my co-workers and it was funny seeing them all touching their face. Hahaha. I kept fiddling with something on my desk or my necklace to stop from touching my face, but it still didn't work. asdkfhadksf.
Seriously. I hope mine in May or June don't get cancelled, but I feel like they're going to be. D:

Honestly, yeah. I get like 8 a day. It's exhausting.
I consistently check my e-mails throughout the day, but I feel like I should only have to check it every now and then. I need to remember so much. adsfjhasdkjfhaksd

Donator — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/03/18 21:25:05 )

    @Yandere: She looks good and so cute! So no changes needed!
    Thank you!!
(ง •̀_•́)ง

Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/03/18 21:46:36 )

    @Yandere: omg rip
    i felt like i slacked off a lot today but also one of the bigger projects i'm working on got postponed a bit so >_>;;
    yeahh... i don't foresee this dying down that quickly, especially given how potentially undiagnosed a ton of people in the states will be... yikes

    man yesterday i got a call from a lady from a company i was contacting but her mails kept going into spam and i didn't notice |D gotta check more thoroughly "orz


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/03/18 21:51:56 )
@valefor: Awesome! I'm starting on the lineart then! n ___n !!!

@pachi: I've literally never felt more exhausted tbh. I feel like it's a lot more confusing then it's supposed to be.
Ooooh. I still haven't gotten started on my comic that's supposed to be uploaded this week so... SWEATS. I'm assuming tomorrow is going to be another crazy day with non-stop assignments.
Ugggghhhh. I mean, as long as it's all cleared by the end of April, I guess it's okay. q vq Past that I'll be sweating because I don't think i could do this much longer lmao. I get my assistant back after spring break, so I just need to make it until then.
I still see tons of people outside, this is crazy. They already shut down restaurants, bars, movie theaters. Smh.

Oh dang. That's not good. Definitely not your fault though, so I don't think they can blame you.
I feel like a lot of people should be a bit more lenient with this whole week- at least for the first one. Everyone seems to be in panic mode right now.

Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/03/18 22:08:58 )

    @Yandere: do you have that uneasy feeling that since you're home you're not doing enough for work and try to overcompensate
    because that's what i feel but also ... work.... lol
    omg good luck @_@
    fjdkjg the streets here have been quiet so i'm glad for that at least but yeah... some people still have to be out but damnnn don't all go out at the same timeee

    yeah, that lady was pretty nice and we also chatted a bit haha
    it was all good in the end.

    speaking of comic, i just updated mine too hehehe (what is work


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/03/19 00:31:06 )
@pachi: P-probably. I just want to make sure it's okay for everyone. It's like we're making up things on the go, so??? Idk.
I was literally online for 8 hours straight today. I took a 10 minute break for food and to go to the bathroom here and there, but otherwise I was doing something the entire time. ;;;;\
Thanks! Same to you! Make sure to take mini breaks and eat and everything now and then. And drink water! xD
Going out for necessities is okay or walking a dog, but people were literally just walking in groups- I saw people at the park. Like. c'mon. That shouldn't be happening. x ___ x ; ;;;

Awwh, that's good! There's so many people who are understanding, it's kinda nice. I've never seen the U.S. working together so well tbh. Hahha.


Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/03/19 00:43:33 )

    @Yandere: wow that's so busy @_@
    yesss i've been making lots of tea for when i work but then i get too into it and it gets cold LOL....
    oh yikes that's not good... dammit people, do it for the greater good for once LOL

    LOLLL yeah
    takes a pandemic to cut the partisanship ... that's so sad LOL

    HEHEHE glad you saw then !!!
    you were right about people wanting longer strips on webtoon LMAOOO my ass coming from page-by-page smackjeeves here like welp
    barely even touched on the plot because it's chapter 1 but that longass exposition is coming soon woohoo


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/03/19 16:50:27 )
@pachi: Yeah, it's been crazy. I mean once we get into the groove of things, I'm sure it will be fine. U WU
Oh noo. Hahaha. I drink my coffee too fast before it gets cold. I forget to eat though, so that's something. I don't want to leave the call and start eating in front of them. Hahaha.
I KNOW. This is why this thing keeps spreading. Jesus.

I mean, it's a love hate thing? I understand businesses need to survive (especially with these online services), but it's crazy that they can't offer more than a day trial or something. Hopefully my kids have access to online resources, otherwise a lot of the kids are in trouble. @ ____ @

And then completely forgot. Hahahaha.
AHHH REALLY? I mean, 30 panels is what was recommended, but things like flashes of a background was considered one. I wonder if I could pull it up again.
Found it!! It's editing tips!
Though my layout is nothing like it. Lmao. Depends on what you're trying to go for, I guess.

You can't through it out all at once, it happens. xD


Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/03/19 17:05:44 )

    @Yandere: day 3 for me, at least i can focus on working on 1 thing at a time now since the office can get hectic with a ton of other tasks all at once;;;;
    eating is important too!! have some snacks with you at least :3

    omg yeah... @_@ good luck to your kids omg....

    i'm coming from page-by-page doujinshi as well so the panelling is more compact... i guess i'm going for a more mix between the two? not sure yet though. personally i hate scrolling through soooo much white space LOL
    thank you for sharing the tips though ^^ i'll bookmark it!


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/03/19 19:05:37 )
@pachi: Awhman. I finally had some people contact me. asdfkjhasdkjf. I was starting to get worried that nothing was working. Haha.
It's been pretty hectic over here as well honestly. It's like 4 people talking at once and there's 10 things that need to be accomplished by the end of the day. It's exhausting. I've been snuggling with my cat when he's by the computer, which is pretty awesome.
I should, but I also don't want to eat in front of them. > > ;;; It can get kinda loud.

Yeh. The first week is going to be rough. I had four that have responded to everything so far. Hahaha. Hopefully they manage by the weekend.

Ohhhh. O:
I guess? I'm not really sure how it's supposed to pan out. Hhaha. I only do 4 panels at a time. xD I tried making a storyline, and I couldn't do it. Lmao. I need more help with the writing portion of it since I only have the super plot/dramatic part of it, which is like 20 chapters later. LMAO.
I do too, but idk ??? Whatever works, I guess.
Of course! Gotta help each other out! * V*


Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/03/19 20:42:44 )

    yayyy for things working out but booooo for hectic
    the good thing with my work rn is just being on groupchat, no voice needed fortunately--

    i'm sure they'll be fine, kids are pretty tech-savvy |D

    writing is hard |D i dragged a few of my friends in to help me and for me to bounce ideas off them haha
    but yeah... i was pretty influenced by noblesse back in the day but then also manga/doujin influences
    stretched in all directions~~ just gotta work with what i like hahah


Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/03/19 20:42:57 )

    @Yandere: whoops forgot to @


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/03/19 21:40:29 )
@pachi: Haha, it's good. I check the threads I'm in regularly. Mostly because it's like... three threads. Hurrhurr.
Ehh, I can't complain too much. We finished at like 11:30 today and we're just waiting on feedback now. u wu Hopefully it's all good to go and we're prepped for Monday. AJHDKASJD
Dang, that is good. We have to send in a picture of everyone in chat showing their faces. q vq I'm like .... noooooo.

If they have a computer, then I'm set. /squints. Otherwise I'm kinda in trouble. I'll start reaching out to parents tomorrow and make sure everyone is ready to go.

It really is. afsdfkjasdh I'm so bad at it. I just rush to the end/main plot/goal??
I mean, It's still professional?? So I'm sure you're fine either way. People are generally attracted to nice art. Hahah. You're already doing great so. /wheeze. I'd say just continue what you're doing. U WU


Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/03/20 01:46:08 )

    @Yandere: i have a bunch bookmarked but when theres too much activity/when i'm busy i'm like ehhhg checks my mentions and my own thread only--
    11:30!! niceee
    we gotta be present the whole time of working hours so im _(:3/
    lol i got my webcam taped up so i can't use it anyway--

    yess gotta collab with parents in this time of crisis u_u

    i feel that-- wanna rush to all the good stuff before the build-up happens |D
    wheezes thank youuuuu i'm gonna work hard 8)))


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/03/20 13:46:36 )
@pachi: Fair enough. It's a lot easier to maintain 2-3 threads and check them regularly than a handful of threads. Much easier to check pings that way. ;;;

Yesss. I wasn't sure if there was anything that I needed to do, so I was still on standby, but I guess everything else was good.
Oh gosh, that's awful. I'm glad I don't have to do that. It would be awful. I don't have a board or anything to write on either, so it really wouldn't work showing my work at all. skjdhfkjasdf.
I had mine taped up too, but since everyone else was showing their face I did so too. kajsdhfkjasdf.

Yeah, I'm surprised more haven't reached out yet, but whatever. @ ___ @ I'll start really bugging them on Monday. They need to get their work done and I don't like handing out zeros.

Exactly. ;;; I feel like people won't be interested in it if it's not good, but I understand it needs build up too. ;;;
Eeeeee. I still need to do my comic piece... I meant to yesterday but I did coms instead. aaaaa. I guess i'll do it today if I have free time.

Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/03/20 15:11:31 )

    @Yandere: so true u_u
    but then sometimes i'm also extra chatty so eheh 8D

    i brought my work planner home so i'm more able to keep track of what i'm working on, but still it's a bit much... like the boss barely comes in at the office, this isn't much different |D

    yeah @_@ but also the fam situation might be stressful rn but hoping for the best for them--

    ganbaaaa i believe in youuuu
    keeping up with weekly updates, so strong


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/03/20 18:30:25 )
@pachi: I mean... fair. Definitely a decent way to get volts though. Haha. I've only been posting about 10 times a day?? Maybe??
Gotta get those volts, bruh.

Oooh, nice! I'm sure once everything gets going, it will be a lot easier. This whole week is like a trial run for everyone.
Ahahah. So it's all as usual then? I'm just glad I don't need to get dressed up or anything. I can post all this stuff and contact people in my pajamas all day. hahahah.

Seriously. I still haven't had contact with a few of them, but hopefully it's just a temporary thing. Hopefully they'll respond and join soon. Everything starts up on Monday anyway.

YESSS. I'M TRYING. Animal Crossing is a little distracting, but I'm caught up on everything for the day right now, so I'll definitely have time to work on it and post it today. >:3ccc

TH || dA ||webtoon

Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/03/20 19:19:51 )

    @Yandere: get that $$cash money$$ hell yeah

    man i feel like i did nothing but also i did a bunch of work, it still feels so weird. some of my tasks in theory shouldn't take that long but it actually does... @_@

    man everyone i know has AC rn and i'm here like... no switch maybe i'll play pocket camp again HAHAHA


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