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Donator — She/Her Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/09/18 03:32:31 )
@Kory: So like many consoles, you need the online membership, to be able to access multiplayer. So I have the family memebership, whc]ich is like 30 to 40 bucks a year for up to 8 people in a family.

If you have that then people online can visit your island. If you don;t have that, then you can only do visits, in local play, so that would be people nearby you'd know with the game.

Donator — She/Her Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/09/18 03:46:54 )
@Kory: Yeah, but if you got Nintendo online, it opens other things as well. There free items for the game via that, as well as free retro games to play and other games online features. I do find it worth it, but my games have online features. Well a few of them.

The game also have like events, around different major holidays as well.

Donator — She/Her Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/09/18 03:59:40 )
@Kory: Well Portia came out on moblie, 7 days ago. I checked for ya.

Well it all depends on the style of game. Also lots of steam games get ported to the switch as well. Makes the play ground bigger.

Oh yeah, there tons of online guides. So the events repeat every year, with the same items, but there are around the time major events take place here.

Also say you lived in the Southern Hemisphire, it follows the weather and seasons patterns of there. When you start the game you can choose what region of the world you are in verus the north and south.


Donator — She/Her Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/09/18 23:16:43 )
@Kory: You'll have to let me know if you get it and like it. I've been playing a lot today, between resting. I have a killer headache that just won't go away. even with my sinus meds.

It seems odd to me, with how many people are now buying macs, that still so many games aren't out for the mac. I couldn't get a mac, because I like to game so much. Though, at least one of my big pc games, the sims can be played on a mac.

Oh it does do that in the sense of seasons and stuff. I love when winter hits, because it animal crossing, it's so darn pretty.

Donator — She/Her Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/09/19 00:14:11 )
@Kory: When I was a kid, it used to snow a lot more. Nowadays, it barely snows. It's much rarer now.

Yeah, I hope your second shot goes well. My head just doesn't like me, because MD loves to be all over the place weather wise. In my older age, it's started to effect me, when it didn't when i was a kid.

It blows my mind, that mac are still so unloved, considering how big apple is. Though I had a mac, old old mac book, my mom got me used for college, and let me tell you as a person who'se used windows, all her life, I hated it. Couldn't really use anything but word. Granted, it was also no longer supported by apple, but still. I actually got a little chromebook last weekend, for portable used, it was like 230 at mircocenter, and i love it. It's not really for gaming, but more for web usaged.

Donator — She/Her Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/09/19 01:55:21 )
@Kory: Well MD doesn't get that much snow, even in the before time. I miss snow, but my job still opens, so it's better that it doesn't snow.

Well I don't try to take meds if I don't have to, because I don't want to build a tolerance to them.

I feel like windows 10 is alot more like windows 7. I hated windows 8, which was like made for tablets and touch screen. I don't feel that the os changes that much between releases. Shrugs, to each their own ya know.

Donator — She/Her Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/09/19 02:13:54 )
@Kory: I would like a little snow, it would be very nice just not on my wedding day.

Yeah, plus I take pain meds, aka midol for my period for years and years, and now need more than the normal dose.

Ah, that would explain why you didn't get a windows. The current os works a lot like 7, and much better. I hated windows 8. It was the worst.

Donator — She/Her Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/09/19 02:23:21 )
@Kory: Well a little rain might be nice. My one friend got married and it rained like crazy on her wedding day. The other girl whos wedding I was in, had a hurricane going on and she got married.

Same, and like I don't want to take BC, because it can mess with hormones and stuff. So it's like I have to use pain pills, but they also don't always work, and ugh.

Well let's hope in the future, you can windows it up to make more apps and progarms to use.

Donator — She/Her Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/09/19 02:50:11 )
@Kory: It was like during the eye, sort of. Her father claims he rebuked the storm to wait until after her wedding. It was a rainy day, but in md, we don't get the hurriacanes that strong anymore.

Her wedding was in a half barn. Outside, it sucked for me as a bridemaid and her forced labor.

Right, like my friend just got on BC but like in her arm, and so her periods are gone for three years, her pain was really really bad and her horomones were fecked, so she had to go on it. I'm like I don't want something put in my body. No thanks.

Oh that would be fun. You could make a twitch.

Donator — She/Her Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/09/19 03:23:36 )
@Kory: Right, well honestly that whole thing was a train wreck. I just hope that doesn't happen to mine.

Same here, plus, I don't want them to cut me open in front of me. I can't even get a shot without panic, or get my wisdom teeth out, without freaking. There no way I could handle it.

I have heard that, for making content like it can be very very hard, and constant work in order to make monies.

Donator — She/Her Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/09/19 22:05:32 )
@Kory: Yeah that all sounds super stressful.

So I really don't feel good today, and this is the frist time i've opened my chromebooek. I threw up in the shower, and my tummy just won't settle. Think I'll be afk mostly. After the event ends, i assume we can move chatting to your hangout?

Donator — She/Her Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/09/20 02:22:41 )
@Kory: Yeah, Ive spent most of today relaxing. I just reopened my computer. But I'll be heading to bed once football ends.

WEll that's good news you still have lots of auditions to head to.

For sure, I don't know if I'll make my own hangout. Might be to lazy, no one really else came to this one ya knwo.

Donator — She/Her Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/09/20 03:42:11 )
@Kory: I think it might be the wweather change? I hoping it is. I can't afford to be sick that I miss work. I do have time off, but my bosses hate it and get pissy with us.

Maybe? I don't know, I do feel like I only see the same ten users posting as well, so that might be some of it.

Donator — She/Her Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/09/21 00:07:50 )
@Kory: Well I feel better today, so I think it was just a small stomach bug.

As for the groups, I do agree most have their friend groups.
Rei's Quest
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