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Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2021/12/31 15:08:02 )
Yeah, ditto. It was a weird year, and completely full of ups and downs and an occasional loop-de-loop...
I seriously hope 2022 is much more Sane.
What kind of "growth" are you thinking you'd like to see or have happen for 2022? It's an interesting word to choose for that question, imo.

Yeah, I've had a cup of coffee already but am thinking about grabbing another one. It just seems to be a day for it somehow...


Donator — 0% Edible Posted 2 years ago ( 2021/12/31 15:16:51 )

Well I'm thinking about learning to travel on my own. Since I'm always with a friend when I go out of town. That friend might not be living here for much longer, so it's best I figure out doing it solo. I'd also like to get where I can confidently take an assistant manager position at some point. I've come a very long way from where I was before, but I'd like to cover some more ground.

I now has coffee.


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2021/12/31 15:23:45 )
So personal growth... and that sounds like a couple of awesome goals to have for the new year! <3 Take it one step at a time and I'm sure you'll get there :3 It's awesome that you've come so far over the last year too :3 <3

Coffee is good. I think I am going to get that second cup...


Donator — 0% Edible Posted 2 years ago ( 2021/12/31 15:26:57 )

Couple of years ago, I couldn't even speak to an employee at a store without wanting to cry. My social anxiety was so bad that I'd literally let myself bleed out instead of trying to speak out loud to get help. But now I definitely can speak to strangers, I do not like to. But I can do it.


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2021/12/31 15:34:59 )
That is an awesome several steps in the right direction, AMA! You should be proud of yourself! <3

brb... coffee... quick shower...


Donator — 0% Edible Posted 2 years ago ( 2021/12/31 15:37:52 )

I am proud. Put in a lot of effort for the growth.

Okie dokie.


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2021/12/31 16:03:24 )
I'm back.
And yes, I imagine so - that kind of personal growth and achievement takes effort and determination!


Donator — 0% Edible Posted 2 years ago ( 2021/12/31 16:09:37 )

Yeah. People like to romanticize social anxiety and just live deep inside of it. I personally got sick of losing to my own brain.


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2021/12/31 16:19:48 )
Romanticize it? Is that really the term you're searching for right now? I can think of several other terms instead of "romanticize". It sounds like you had a genuine and fairly extreme variation of social anxiety, whereas lately, imo, the term tends to be thrown around far too easily and being applied to too many less serious situations that it demeans the "actual" cases (like yours).

You have come a long way and you should be proud of yourself. You should also continue to push yourself a little at at time, and it sounds like you're in the right mindset to do that over the next year :3


Donator — 0% Edible Posted 2 years ago ( 2021/12/31 16:28:32 )

That is the right word yes. A lot of people make it as a beautiful part of their personality. And it's just not.


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2021/12/31 16:36:11 )
Now I understand how you meant the word, and I agree with you. It seems to be accepted as a "beautiful flaw". There seem to be too many people mistaking a natural (for many) mild discomfort dealing with strangers or difficult situations with people, instead of as the crippling form of anxiety which it can be. I think we're talking about the same thing, just using different words in an attempt to explain.


Donator — 0% Edible Posted 2 years ago ( 2021/12/31 16:37:37 )

We are. It's been happening with a lot of mental health issues, just beautiful flaws. But they're not, they're destructive.


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2021/12/31 16:52:26 )
It has been happening with a lot of things, imo. As a culture, we seem to be encouraging a certain kind of victimhood and helplessness by using these kinds of terms and diagnoses too freely... it's becoming just an excuse to not do what needs to be done. I personally don't know many people who don't have some kind of "anxiety" talking to a complete stranger -especially in a weird situation- but that doesn't mean everyone has clinical, debilitating, social anxiety. Instead, it means you're human, having a very human basic "fight or flight" type response to the situation... one that you can deal with if you choose to just deal with that basic fear of confrontation.


Donator — 0% Edible Posted 2 years ago ( 2021/12/31 16:54:27 )

I don't agree with 'Wanting to be better won't magically make me better'. Well no. But you do have to want to go through the process of getting better. You have to want it every single day.


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2021/12/31 17:06:57 )
No - you're misunderstanding me. I'm saying that there is a certain (minor) level of "anxiety" that most people feel when having to confront a difficult situation and/or difficult people. This is a normal reaction going back to our basic "fight or flight" responses - something that most people learn to deal with fairly easily. I think this basic, normal anxiety, however, is being termed "social anxiety" and bundled together with a diagnosis along the lines of your experience... which is not the same thing.

It's the difference between people taking this "normal anxiety" and adopting it as that "beautiful flaw" we're talking about and an actual real disorder that requires assistance dealing with.


Donator — 0% Edible Posted 2 years ago ( 2021/12/31 17:10:02 )

Lol no I got you, I was talking about some of those affirmation memes I've seen.

I have social anxiety, ptsd, and biopolar all diagnosed. Which I go to a doctor to treat.


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2021/12/31 17:20:29 )
@Another Movie Addict: Ok. *whew* Difficult conversational waters to traverse, sometimes!

Yes, some of those memes can be helpful to the "healthy" but hesitant, but there's a point where that just doesn't work and there's a real underlying issue that needs to be dealt with to one degree or another.

That's a tough combination, AMA... I'm really glad you're getting the help you need and are making such positive steps forward! <3

..... I'm not running away from the conversation, but I need to go get groceries and I'm not sure how long my energy will last (or how long Publix is going to stay open today). Apparently my guys wiped out pretty much anything resembling food while I wasn't feeling 100%. I'll bbs-ish.


Donator — 0% Edible Posted 2 years ago ( 2021/12/31 17:22:20 )

All good. Lol have a nice run of errands.


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2021/12/31 19:31:49 )
@Another Movie Addict: I'm back. Publix was pretty busy - busier than I've seen it for a while, anyway.

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

Donator — 0% Edible Posted 2 years ago ( 2021/12/31 19:42:45 )

That makes sense. Everyone is scrambling to get their black eyed peas and cabbage/greens.


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