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Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/18 04:07:56 )
My mental health is just.... really.... down the drain lately....
I don't have motivation to do anything... I just want to sleep.... I'm okay at work because I'm busy enough that I don't think about anything else, but once I get home... I just..... I don't know. I have no desire to do any of the things that I normally find fun or exciting, I'm avoiding my friends again, I'm not answering messages, and I feel bad... but I just don't have energy for anything... I have some good days, but then I dip back down into this.... state.... and then at some point I climb back up. But then the cycle repeats...
Wasn't always like this though. I wish it would stop.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/18 07:31:14 )


pls don't

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/20 11:53:30 )
I'm so stressed lately that I've been having stomach pains and chest pains literally every day, but sure, come up to my door and start guilt tripping me while you know you have me trapped and forced to listen. That's cool, great way to get me to do what you want even so what you want will increase my stress tenfold! But who cares? You'll do that yourself anyway. I hope I wind up in the hospital, I really do. I want it to happen.
Uncledaddy's storage mule.

Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/21 10:45:01 )

Ok. Why the hell are bras so bloody expensive? Seriously.
I mean sure, some women can go into walmart or target (I'm guessing on that one. I'm in Canada, target isn't a thing here) and buy a bra for 20 bucks. SOME women can.
Women like me?
You're adorable for thinking that. I've been """"blessed"""" with J-cup breasts.
Guess what? No chance I can fit into the largest I can find in Walmart - DD.
I have to go to a lingerie store for my bras.

Ok, that as a basis, is not a problem!.
No. It's the bloody price tags attached.

My bras?
$100 Canadian. Minimum.
AND I'm stuck with those god forsaken underwires.
I'm looking at about $130 Canadian if I want something more comfortable (sports bra style).

Like come on. For something that is necessary for a woman's livelihood they should NOT be so bloody expensive. DX


Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/22 04:24:40 )
I know I'll never be good enough for you... but I'm still too weak to convince myself that your words don't matter.
I've spent too many years of my life letting you judge my worth... and I'll probably never be able to recover from that damage.

Donator — Fluffywuff Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/22 13:38:01 )
Go to turn on cold water, fine.

Go to turn on hot water......


Pipes are frozen.

Now I have to go down THERE in the mold, to fix them.
(Or likely, have to call someone.)

I am done with this, you guys....


Oh my love, I know you are my candyman
And oh my love, let us fly to bounty land~~

Közi (“Kouji.”)

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/23 08:53:51 )
Millet, spilling the tea:

Nightmares be waking me up crying.
Oof. My mind is so cruel to itself.


Donator — ghost Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/23 10:56:23 )

I have been very unwell lately. Sickness keeps creeping up on me, I've swamped myself with work and I'm really trying to balance everything. I do not have time for any distractions.You knew when you met me that I have responsibilities that I hold myself to and that I was already falling behind and letting some people down. Why are you so insistent on pursuing me? You're still married. You still love your wife. You want a distraction, I want no distractions. Seems like you're the one getting what you want. I can't help but feel some type of way and it's really getting to me. I'm spending time with you that I can't afford to be. I text you daily, I worry about you. I don't understand why, after so much protest, you're still pursuing me. I also don't understand how I'm suddenly starting to like it.

You aren't one of my priorities. Stop clouding my mind. I'm not even nice to you.



Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/23 18:41:16 )
Millet, spilling the tea:

"Please handwrite the appeals forms in blue or black ink, and mail it to our facility. If and when approved,
you may submit your formal appeals."

An appeals form? Sounds like just a another shitty corporate way to slow down patients seeking care.
I'm stubborn as fuck, you gonna play this game then I'm going to call you every other businessday once it is delivered
to get an update and I won't stop until I get an answer on every single damn case- because waiting a month for a reply ain't cutting it.

God I hate our medical system. and most of our other systems but thats another rant
What the heck major insurance agency representing an entire state DOESN'T HAVE A FAX SYSTEM FOR APPEALS- YOU ARCHAIC
SWINE. hope your boss chokes on a stapler

RIP my fingers and wrists, this could have been done in one tenth the time if I was allowed to type it- not even half done right now. orz


Donator — Winchester Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/24 12:43:17 )
We’ll carry on

I know you’re not feeling well, but, instead of being grumpy to me every time, you can also just admit you’re not feeling well. Your boss already said that you can stay home a while, to get better. Maybe do that instead of acting like a complete ass to me.


Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/26 03:02:20 )

I only think of me? Excuse me? Where in the blazes of hell is that coming from?

I don't care about you? Again, where is that coming from?

I don't love you, because I exist. Now that one makes zero sense to me.

I'm sorry that I offered a change to the plans. One that would work.

I'm sorry that you couldn't just step up and calmly explain why you don't like the idea.

I'm sorry that you got your nose bent so far out of joint because a small little change.

Grow the fuck up, mate.
My Youtube. I upload Tuesdays

Ping me. always
ALWAYS looking for art of my Characters
If you do art, PM me

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/26 04:19:58 )

I don't understand how people can just thrive on drama and being angry all the time. Don't you have something better to do? something more pleasant?
It says something about you when you are mad/talking badly about someone new every two weeks. It doesn't say anything about the people you are harassing. Seriously, get a hobby.

I'm sorry that you are not open to the truth and are choosing to send nasty, hateful emails instead. Just be aware that I am amazing at documentation and you really shouldn't EVER put anything in an email. probably shouldn't put it on voltra either Mousy, but what are the odds?

Dearest Mousy,
Stress sweat and ice cold hands are gross. You need to get control of your body's response to stress and quit worrying about nonsense that is not your fault and that you are not in the wrong about.

Please ping! I get distracted easily.

Voltie — Shy Kitten Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/31 00:31:30 )

I don't know if I'm the problem or if the people around me are --
but lately I've been getting so annoyed by the closest people to me
and feel like they are trying to drag me down.

@ for reply!

☾✧ quest tracker:

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/31 22:17:53 )
Millet, spilling the tea:

It's just how the world is I guess.
I see a man I used to work side by side with received another city wide award for excellence with students.
When I first heard I was working with him a couple years ago I was like 'Oh, that guy! NIce! Cool!' he had so
many awards for his efforts in charities, education, and student rights. I was genuinely looking forward to it.
Fast forward to me giving my notice to the school I worked at, I couldn't believe what a monster he was.
Infront of me and my coworker he dragged a non english speaking 6 year old girl by the wrist crying infront of
an entire cafeteria of students. She was crying because she wanted to do her homework.
She didn't *understand* the shools illogical policy that before any after school program starts- you have to try
and finish as many math sheets as possible for 45 minutes.

It was a random, unnecessary, illogical policy and one a student who doesn't speak English especially didn't understand.
Why did this big fat scary man just snap her book shut infront of her? Why was he yelling at her? Why did he want her to do
random math sheets that counted for nothing instead of her English Second Language Homework?

He was a volatile, over sensitie, narcissistic jerk. who harassed and picked on many students, while overly favoring others.
Giving them rewards for little to no reason and isolating those he deemed unworthy. Our kids were no older than 11, and most were around 6-7.
When my coworker and I reported him for abuse, he retaliated hard.
ANd who won?
He did.

He won.

Because he was two decades older.
Been on TV so many times.
Numerous awards for excellence.
And we weren't even close to his status.
He got a gentle slap on the wrist- and we got emotional games and torment
for weeks because he could get away with it. He could claim we were being too sensitive.
When it was obvious what he was doing.
This guy could sweat passive aggressive energy I swear.
And the students only became further confused.
As their ideas of boundaries, rights, blurred thanks to him and seeing us left no choice to leave.

I tried filing paperwork to the highest of higher ups. That was clearly tossed into the nearest trashcan.
The one lady who supported us wasn't high enough up on the food chain to make any waves.
Seeing his smiling face on a news network talking about children and their needs makes me sick. :/

Just another narcissist, who is successfully fake. Kids are lucrative when no one believes them. Disgusting.
And nothing I did helped. Except hopefully a few kids will remember an adult defended them and I hope at the very
least they remember that so that they can at least know to themselves what happened- wasn't ok. And shouldn't be tolerated.
Who knows. Makes me sick. Wish someone could just dethrone him hard but don't we all wish that...


Donator — He/They Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/02/1 12:31:54 )
I love how people just assume that my life = theirs, because if they can do something, why can't I? Stop telling me to just "make time" for things when you have no idea what I have going on outside of whatever it is you're asking of me. Or when I say something about my situation, "Well, I blah blah blah" like I even asked you. Not sure if you're trying to flex on me, trying to imply that I should be able to do whatever because you sort of did something similar under totally different circumstances, or just doing a really bad job of making conversation by saying something you think relates to what I'm talking about... but either way, just stop holy god just stop making everything about yourself all the time, everyone.
AKA Count Trashula

Voltie — Princess Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/02/1 14:23:45 )
Why do you have to be such assholes all the time! This is why nobody likes you!!

Always ping me please.

Voltie — He/Him/His Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/02/2 06:23:10 )
I'm currently scrambling to finish a whole term worth of notes in my math class because evidently I'm worse at math than I thought. If I had done these notes when I was supposed to I would have passed the midterm but obviously I'm not smart enough to do even a minimal amount of work so pfffffff here I am. It's dumb that I gotta turn them in, though. The notes are for me, so I don't know why it's required to turn them in.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/02/2 16:44:13 )
It's just to be a sleepover okay you don't need to go "I'll help you clean your room, I'm a pro at this" when its not as if the floor is messy, okay I'll do it myself I'll do it my way please stop touching my things you don't know what's precious to me I don't want to do this when you're over I just wanted to have fun?

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/02/3 04:10:10 )
When u sleepy and the fire alarm goes off and then u not sleepy anymore D<

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/02/3 08:29:19 )
Dear sister, we don't talk much, but you know that I love you. And I trust your advice, and lately I've really needed it. But talking to you today, and the "advice" you tried to give me, and especially the way you talked me - holy shit I feel like I never want to talk to you ever again.

I'm so upset about what you said to me - that it's all I've thought about for the past 10 hours. I had to type up a 3-page rant just to cope with my emotions. I've cried so much my head hurts. I don't want to talk to anyone anymore. I'll be surprised if I can actually get anything done tomorrow.

It's nice to know that someone I trusted to be supportive is actually so judgmental? Thanks... I'll know better next time...


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