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  • Totalanimefan Totalanimefan (3 years ago)

    Was wearing a mask. 0-0 Sorry for the long string of comments lol

  • Totalanimefan Totalanimefan (3 years ago)

    finding somewhere to take your lunch and bathroom breaks. Like in CA there was no where and that was 9 hours of our drive. No Gas Station or Rest Stop had them open, but then in like AZ hardly anyone

  • Totalanimefan Totalanimefan (3 years ago)

    I'm thinking lots will be better in the summer and I hope it's the same for you and your job! The move wasn't too bad considering I moved across the country during COVID. The stressful parts was

  • Totalanimefan Totalanimefan (3 years ago)

    That's tough when work is really draining. Will work get any better soon? I've been pretty good. Moved back to the East Coast from CA. I'm living in DC now.

  • Totalanimefan Totalanimefan (3 years ago)

    Hey how are you doing? I feel like I haven't seen you around much and I just wanted to catch up with you ^^ You can also ping me in the forums if that's easier.

  • inatlaka inatlaka (4 years ago)

    it's okay


Cats, the Color Yellow, Family, Nice people. :D


people that take themselves too seriously.


Reading, Watching Chopped, Folding Laundry, Wasting time on the Internet.
