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Forums General Chit-Chat Got my heart monitor removed!

Voltie — Moody Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/08/25 21:42:18 )
Moody Says. . .


@Totalanimefan: she's doing okay.
tho has to be on oxygen for a while and do physical therapy.

mostly her husband has been not that supportive and only caring that he got sick.
when she got sicker than he.

Donator — She/her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/08/25 23:23:49 )

@Vegan: Thanks -hugs- I'm hoping that I won't have to either! I would think I wouldn't need it for a while. Someone at the wedding I was just at said they had to wear one and it turns out their heart issue was caused by a lack of potassium. I thought that was interesting.

@Ruby: That makes sense. I really don't like staying places that are new overnight either. I looked up some tips and one was to always stay in the same hotel chain because their rooms will look the same and then it helps your brain get used to it and sleep better at night. Apparently when we aren't used to were we sleep not all of our brain shuts off and that's why we don't sleep well in new places.


Donator — She/her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/08/25 23:24:30 )

@vengeance: Thank you! <3

@MoodyB: Oh my gosh that's so awful! How's the physical therapy going for her?


Voltie — Moody Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/08/26 01:56:57 )
Moody Says. . .


@Totalanimefan: I think for the most part well.
just hard for her to do much since she has to be on oxygen for a while

If you need my attention for any reason please ping me.
[My Website]

Artist Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/08/26 10:40:14 )
@Alchemists Fire: Yeah, he wasn't the best but I've definitely had worse teachers lol

Yeah she was okay after some monitoring and fluids in the ER :) went home that same day.

For sure, it's definitely better to prevent it if you can, it's not a fun thing to have to deal with. I mean, you get used to it when you have to, but it would be nice to not have to worry about it.

I do have steam! idk how to do anything on it but yes, I do rofl That would be fun!


Artist Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/08/26 10:47:57 )
@Totalanimefan: Oh yeah for sure. We've stayed at the same hotel chain for years lol Doesn't always work though because all hotels in a chain are not created equal. After having problems with the last 2 hotels we went to a different one and man was it so much nicer and more comfortable.
I don't think I really have a hard time sleeping in new places, I just want to make sure everything is clean. I can't function in dirty spaces (that aren't mine lol) so now I look up reviews and stuff first before going anywhere. So I think that's my anxiety, will the hotel really be nice and clean? Cuz you never really know until you get there. Unless it's a specific hotel you've been to before and it hasn't been long enough for management to change for the worse lol.

Nothing money wouldn't fix amirite? xD


Donator — they/them Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/08/26 11:23:04 )
@Alchemists Fire:
Oh no, the adhesive 'glue' I am sure is what makes me have issues.
(I almost make spelling errors the same way despite English being my main language). xD;

Donator — they/them Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/08/26 11:43:09 )

-Hugs back-

I mean, sometimes doctors want to do tests to get more answers, even if it is annoying or painful.
(Painfully expensive as well if your insurance doesn't cover it which would be also annoying). xD;

A lack of potassium? That is very uh, unique. Doctors usually recommended an average of 2300-3000mg a day.
(Not too difficult if you eat a variety of foods, but, makes it more difficult if you don't absorb it as well).

Donator — She/her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/08/26 16:56:16 )

@MoodyB: Yes that makes it very hard. I'm glad that she is still here with us.

@Ruby: Yes. I don't like it when hotel chains look different from one another, but they are the same. I get that there are different levels are Marriot, but if I'm staying in an Aloft (brand of Marriot) those better all look the same lol).
I totally get that, and I'm sure the pandemic only made it worse. If you went with Clorox wipes or something like that, does it help?

@Vegan: Yes, and I'm not good with blood draws, but I'm working on it.
Yeah I was surprised. But maybe she was lacking it because she is/was also pregnant? I'm also not sure if she had any dietary restrictions either. But she said that it was fixed after that.


Donator — they/them Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/08/26 18:02:38 )
Ah yea, babies in belly get most of the nutrients. It’s fascinating really.

I used to hate my blood being drawn, I had a wonderful phlebotomist right before I moved here who I miss dearly. She was expecting a baby when I saw her last and before I moved here? I couldn’t believe it when she said her baby was already more than a year old.

I really should get my labs done sometime soon. xD;

Donator — She/her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/08/26 20:22:45 )

@Vegan: I need to find someone who is wonderful like you did. Good to hear they are doing ok. Time is a weird thing.


Donator — they/them Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/08/26 21:49:04 )
Last time I spoke to her was early 2019.
Haven’t been back to Oregon since moving.
(Moved to Netherlands on December 28th, 2019.)

Donator — She/her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/08/26 22:25:52 )

@Vegan: That's the last night I spoke and saw a lot of people that I know. It's hard to believe it's been almost 3 years.


Donator — they/them Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/08/27 10:51:53 )

It’s been rough for me during time because I miss my parents. A lot a lot. While we had a lot going on before I moved and I encountered a lot of high stress during that time, so, I try not to think about it and I sometimes often choose to block it out and ‘pretend I do not see it’.

There’s a lot I wish I could just go back during that time and do things differently, then again, I feel that many people feel that way or feel like they wish they could take back words they never meant, told people they love that they love them before they pass away or anything else. ; w;

, packing till the very last moment I could, as well as repacking multiple times to just get everything to fit on top of getting less than 3 hours of very light sleep we went up to Seattle (cheaper to fly to Iceland then to Netherlands - plus, Iceland-Air has been best flight service I’ve used to date. Nice seats among many other nice amenities).

The drive to my brothers place is about a 6 hour drive one way, it was around midnight when I realized and checked backpack after I did a meditation that I never did before that day to wind down say, “Maybe, you’re forgetting something, something important.-“ (later when I listened, it continued with something along lines of, “It’s okay, it will be there when you return.”) and saw my backpack with eyes closed.

Turned out, I accidentally left my passport at my parents home. That drive back to Oregon home stressed me out so much I even called my husband to say, “Can we put this off for now? All this travel is going to burn me out.” And I was sobbing, he told me, “I would like for my wife to be home before 2020 so we can start our new lives together without you having stress.”

So, yea, there’s more to that, I can laugh at it now, but, oh how stressful that situation was? Never want it to happen, ever, never ever again. I usually make a list to ensure I packed everything and check it off as I go. That’s the only time I did not.

By the time I got to Iceland security for EU immigration for them to stamp my passport, I forgot to pack the papers that showed I got married and some papers to show my husband has a stable job to provide for taking care of me. I’m lucky the first time I flew there, I talked to this one officer and he saw me struggling to tell his colleague, “Just go ahead and stamp it.” I was a huge mess.

As I moved my stuff to the side to repair my mess I dragged out to find the papers, I heard, “Her and I spoke her first time out, she’s in a long distance relationship.” He stepped out of his box, I expected him to say to me to have a safe flight or something else, but, instead?

“Ah, so, got married, congratulations.” I explained my passport situation and he laughed shaking his head, “Stress can take judgement, block and cloud. It’s okay. Take time and I will take you to your gate so I know you make it to your plane safely if that is okay by you (at this point I’m nodding excessively muttering something) I have your ticket please then?” - I knew what he meant.

Made it safely, by the time I got on plane, there wasn’t many people, someone was sitting in spot next to where I claimed, normally, this would bother me as I like my space. Less than 10 people that day, but, person sitting next to me? We got along and became close friends. :3

Donator — She/her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/08/28 04:40:58 )

@Vegan: I’ve moved country by airplane before and it’s very stressful.
Your story sounds stressful. I don’t know how you did it. Of course when it comes to me I can never turn my brain off. I’m constantly looking at my list and checking it over and over. I can’t even sleep the night before. I have to take meds to try and get me to sleep and stop thinking about what I need to bring.
The passport guy seemed nice. :)

Do you think that you could travel back to the US in 2023 to see your friends and family?


Donator — they/them Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/08/28 13:00:32 )

It really is indeed. My brain doesn’t shut off often either and so I had less than 2 hours of sleep between 21st of December to 29th (each day). I unfortunately am allergic to many anxiety medications so I can’t take them for flying, as well as my current ADHD medicine says to not take with them or anti-depressants.

(I also feel a high enough dose of CBD would help as well since I have spine issues, but, CBD is illegal in Iceland and so I didn’t bring any to take orally, had a CBD lotion for my lower back and spine, but, was told by my friend whose from Iceland to not risk it again because it could lead to either jail time or refusal into their location in the future for many years which sucks).

He was very nice. I wanted to give him a big hug and just cry. When we were walking towards my terminal, I said, “I’ll be fine. I can speed walk the rest of the way as I know my way around.” And he let me go. As I walked through a section which has food, I heard a voice I noticed, it was a lady who helped me when I was in a wheelchair (entirely different story and it made me see I could benefit from one due to my heart among many other things) before on my first ride back to USA.

We said hi and how it was nice to see each other. She’s been on my mind a lot more lately and I am hoping she’s okay. She was dealing with a lot the first time I met her. Second time she was doing better, but, still tired.

As much as I’d love to, I can’t afford it. I don’t work and my husband is the sole source of income for our family. But, what I do for hobbies brings in money sometimes, but, not always. On top of that my 5 year residence permit is still applied so I’d need to ask for permission first before I leave Netherlands and even Europe because they want to see I’m serious about having citizenship.

Once I’ve learned enough Nederlands (Dutch) and pass my exams (listening, speaking, and writing), I can get approved to stay for longer, then it’s all about getting my passport for Nederland (The Netherlands) and then hopefully have enough saved up to go back. Meanwhile, I have some people (some close friends) can afford coming here same with my brother and his wife. My parents have made it a bit harder to talk into.

Time will tell. :3

Artist Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/08/28 13:22:34 )
@Totalanimefan: yeah we usually always stay at the same hotel in that corporation group. But, they’ve all been so bad lately. We stayed at a higher end one in the same group last time and it was super nice (we were able to get it for free with our points)
And no, its not just wipeable surfaces. Usually my biggest concern is the carpet on the floor. I don’t understand why they have carpet anymore. Its nasty take it out. Its not even thick enough carpet to help with sound dampening so whats the point.

That being said we do always clean the remote and all flat surfaces.


Donator — She/her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/08/29 16:42:02 )

@Ruby: I also clean the remote, so don't use it the whole stay haha.
I know what you mean about the carpet. I'm not sure why that is? Maybe so the place isn't so cold in the winter? I'm not sure. Are their any chains that are carpet-free? XD

@Vegan: Another poor soul that has that like I did, I'm sorry. It really sucks! And sucks even more you can't take meds. I only started doing that for the last few flights and I've noticed that it really helped me, but I went many years and many, many flights without it and I just suffered, and it would eat into my trip/vacation time.
I've wondered about how CBD could potenially help me, and I've never take it before. Maybe if you happen to fly back to the US you could get some just to have for this side. Sucks that CBD isn't allowed there, it doesn't get people high.
Oh I see why you can't leave right now, maybe when you are finally able to, someone in your family could help pay for it? Or once you are a citizen you can start saving up for it. :) You gotta go home again at some point in your life. It was 7 years for my husband. But since then we have been back once. We were going to go this year, but prices have more than doubled since last year, so that's no good.

By Ghost
Discord: Totalanimefan
I'm friendly and will chat with anyone!

Donator — #Roy4Mayor Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/08/30 07:03:13 )
@Vegan: Ahh okay, the glue doesn't stick well is what you have issues with?
Also my brain is silly, I wanted to focus on "but adhesive and glue are the same thing, so saying 'adhesive glue' sounds weird", but that's so not the point at all xDDD
I also totally read "despite English being my main language" wrong and thought you were saying it wasn't your main language... why, brain?

@Ruby: Oh no, worse teachers doesn't sound good! But out of school now and no more worrying about that?

Ohh I'm so glad she was okay! Phew! That's still so scary >_<

I think I really need to start looking into my eating habits and try to start walking more, I'm starting to find even being on my feet long enough to shower and detangle my hair is enough to make my calves start screaming D:

I play so many different Steam games, ahaha, but Left4Dead2 (zombie shooting), Portal 2, Stardew Valley, and Gunfire Reborn are probably my top 4 most played xDD If you wanna, DM me your steam name or profile link?
Currently dressed as: Christmas Maple

Donator — they/them Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/08/30 17:50:07 )
I am glad that they have helped you, they can definitely have their perks. As for CBD, it's not illegal here, it is in Iceland (where my transfer was). I also don't see a problem with people who get high as I am one of those people myself (mostly for spine issues I have and if my migraines/headaches or anxiety get very hard to handle).

My mom tried CBD when I was still in the USA, but, it took forever to tell her it wasn't a drug or harmful and when she was taking it, it helped her with fibromyalgia, joint pain, and cognitive decline, among many other things. As for my dad? He is completely against it, even if it has no THC. If you do try CBD? I highly (no pun intended) suggest trying a gummy version of it.

Since you've mentioned going to UK in our past conversations (forgot if you said you lived there or what)? Holland & Barrett does sell some which are nice, but, the Jacob Hooy one didn't work well for me and tastes pretty vile like it was rancid or bad (but, that's my opinion). I could send you a message of the type/brands that I would recommend to someone who is curious, but, it also depends on what works for you as there are different ways to take CBD (capsule, spray, drops, gummies, etc).

I think we briefly talked about this, but, parents keep eating out vs saving up as they're both retired and so they wouldn't be able to pay for it (which I understand and would feel like I am burdening them if I ask them to). They said they'd love to come here, next time I talk about it? "Well we are old and it's hard to get around." which, I get, but, we're offering to help you when you get here, "Well, we don't have money at moment." so- stop eating out as much as you have been so you can come here then? >_<'

I definitely do want to go back, but, it's hard with how old my parents both are, so, I worry about missing out on seeing them in person again due to age, and the gap of long-distance among many other things, so, I will keep working on my lessons to pass exams as soon as I can and hopefully see them, been saving up where we can, but, sometimes, it's been hard/rough.

@Alchemists Fire:
Yea, it doesn't stick well, even warming it up so it will stick down, it just doesn't, then, if it's a different type of glue, it's finicky if I am going to get an allergic reaction to it or not. Adhesive glue is the best way I could explain it, because, saying it like, "the sticky bits" sounds silly and I wasn't sure how to call it other than the 'wings', but, that sounds like a pad. xD;

I can see how you would think I said English isn't my native language, the way I worded things isn't great, my sincerest apologies for that. xD; I also haven't been doing too well lately with my health. Been struggling with migraines that keep coming and going (TAF knows of this). Been trying to figure out what is causing these issues or raising triggers. I really hope that things over here get better and stress falls away soon. ; w;'

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