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Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/06/6 17:19:04 )

    @Alorrena: funnily enough this happened literally months before black clover was released as an anime. I had no idea the manga existed at the time.


Donator — She/Her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/06/6 23:53:14 )
@Alorrena: There are some shops, but I don't do well with like strangers irl. A bit shy, until I get to know someone. Though it is a good idea to find a way.

Ah, gotcha. I'm not big on horror, but I do know some people who'd be into that sort of game.

Oh is painting hard? I've never had to paint a room before.

Voltie — Z/They Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/06/7 01:39:51 )
@Alorrena: H-Hey, love n,n

Donator — Am Potato Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/06/7 01:48:55 )
@Bonnie: oh gosh that's ironic, but awesome!

@Rei Ann: I totally get that, i have bad social anxiety when i don't know people. I hate asking anyone for anything, even if i've known them for a while too, but the longer i know someone the easier it will be for me to ask for things. Even when ordering food (but not at the drive through? idk how that works) i have a hard time.

I'm not really into horror either, but this particular campaign is quite fun. lots of oh crap moments!

It's not really hard so much as it's taxing. It takes a lot of energy and time, especially when you're short(like me) and have to climb up and down a ladder. The hardest part is the edges and corners where any color changes are and keeping the paint in a straight line so it looks clean. Taping edges can help, but i find it easier to just go in with a brush and fine tune paint placement. I helped my mother in law paint the livingroom and our bedroom before we moved in, so painting the front bedroom won't be too difficult.

@DreamerZ: How are you today?

Voltie — Z/They Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/06/7 01:57:13 )
@Alorrena: quiet lol im just talking to a friend

Donator — Am Potato Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/06/7 02:01:24 )
@DreamerZ: oh nice. i woke up late and haven't done much. My mother in law came home and had Tyi move the door from the other room to our room, so we have a door now, which is the BEST.

Donator — She/Her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/06/7 23:23:57 )
@Alorrena: Well it for sure can be hard. Like cuz you never know how the person might react.

That good new that the campaign is fun. What has been your favorite moment of it so far?

I'm not really into horror either, but this particular campaign is quite fun. lots of oh crap moments!

Oh that does sound kinda of taxing. I know I wouldn't want to do painting. Best of luck to you with it.
Rei's Quest
Please ping me.

Donator — Am Potato Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/06/8 04:28:24 )
@Rei Ann: Well there's a few! here's a couple of my favorites so far.
When we were first starting, we had bluffed our way into getting a horse, which our halfling bard rode. So we were told to go through the mists to the west and just keep walking and we'll know when we've arrived. So we did until we got to this fortune teller, who basically gave us our quest to defeat Count Strahd von Zarovich. She told us we needed to gather some items before facing him in his throne room. and then she said to keep going west, as going east will kill us. So, we continue and come across a couple owl bears that we've this creepy village called Barovia (in a country called Barovia). There are sounds of wailing, no one's around, and we go to the inn, i don't remember what ended up happening there, but then we go to the Church, that's old and decrepit looking. So we go inside. We hear the priest sniffling, urgently praying, and a voice from down below saying, "Father, i'm hungry." and things like that. Mind you, the halfling is still on the horse. So because of that, the [i]floor falls out from under him and the horse[\i] and he jumps off the horse as the horse falls through the floor to the basement, and all we hear is " MEAT!" from down below when the horse lands. It looks to be a good at least 60 feet down. So, we hop over this hole in the floor to go talk to the priest, who only started praying more frantically. He doesn't wanna stop his prayers but we're persistent so he stops and explains that his son was in an army to fight Strahd, and came back different. The bard cracks a joke about "well that's probably not your son anymore, but we'll go take a look." Which makes the priest cry a little more openly, And so then we climb down the hole with a rope tied around a tree. I manage to fail my dex save(which is ironic because i'm a dexterity based character- a ranger), but fall on the horse, so i'm ok. We get down, look up to see the priest looking down the hole, still crying, and in the corner there's a man that's been chained up, straining to get to the horse. So we decide, ok, we can see he's hungry, maybe he needs food, so we toss him a ration pack, but he only cares for the meat parts, so we're like ok, well he's still hungry, so let's give him some of our dead horse. So we hack off a leg, toss it to him, and he devours it. So at this point he looks halfway between a vampire and a human (the bard called him a thrall? idk), and the bard yells up to the priest, "Unless you've got something to tell us about your family, that's probably not your son anymore." And the priest cries harder insists that it is, he's just different, and he can be cured. So we ask more about the cure, and decide that that's not something we can do nor really want to spend out effort on, so the bard says, "i have this super pure water," (basically the purest form of water you could get, there was a river of it that we crossed before we got to town when we got my owl bear (we saved him from bandits)) "let me try something." So he pours a little of the water into his hand and flicks it at the son, who promptly screeches in pain, making the priest cry a little more, and then the bard goes, "Yeah that's not your son anymore, and even if wer could cure him, it would be agony anyways so we're gonna kill him." Which makes the priest start Bawling. And then we do.

tl;dr: Our bard lost a horse by riding it into a building that had a deep basement and rickety floors. Then he made a priest cry because his charisma checks failed. it wasn't supposed to go the way it did.

So a little back story, because it is needed. We came across this item called Daern's instant fortress that basically grows to a 30 foot by 30 foot fortress thing, that you can store items in when it shrinks, but living things would die if inside when it collapses. So Basically, we stole Strahd's diary and a prisoner from his home, and went to this temple. upon leaving, Strahd confronts us, tells us he wants his things back, we basically say no finders keepers, and he initiates a fight. So we're getting our asses handed to us, and i decide, oh i'm going to throw the fortress, open the door as it falls on Strahd so he's inside it, and then shrink it back down before he can get out of it, effectively treating it like a pokeball that would kill a normal person, but strahd is a vampire, so we can't actually kill him this way, so he turns to a mist that goes back to his home so he can recover.

I did not paint today like i planned, maybe i'll do it tomorrow instead. I ended up playing maplestory all night last night, and was up until 2 pm playing it, so i went to sleep at 2 and just woke up about an hour ago. I'm planning on playing maple story until my MIL leaves for work tomorrow, and then i'll probably paint.

Voltie — Z/They Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/06/8 06:17:23 )
@Alorrena: well, privacy is important lol

Donator — Am Potato Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/06/8 08:35:56 )
@DreamerZ: That's true. There is an unfortunate side effect though- it gets really warm in here when we're both on our computers with the door closed. it's a bit toasty. We tried telling his mom that this morning when the power went out, and she was like, "it's not that warm." Like she was in our room since we got the door *eyeroll* she irritates me and i will be so glad when it's just me and Tyi living here.

Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/06/8 12:23:59 )
@Alorrena: Doing really good, and how are you?

Donator — Am Potato Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/06/8 12:38:22 )
@SorrowTheMad: i am really hot. We have 2 Gaming PCs in our room, with dual monitors (well, Tyi's second is still in the packaging because of the lask of space), and i turned my second one off because of the heat. My mother in law likes the house at least 77, but now we have a door and the heat from our room doesn't escape at all, so it's at least 4 degrees warmer if not more in our room than the rest of the house. I'm waiting for my MIL to go to work, because then we can open the bedroom door and set up fans blowing both in and out of the room. Other than that, i've been binging MapleStory tonight and last night, so that's been fun. What have you been up to?

Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/06/8 14:34:16 )

    @Alorrena: yes! very ironic but i need to catch up with black clover real bad. i just don't watch tv all that much anymore. but eventually i will!


Donator — Am Potato Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/06/8 15:56:07 )
@Bonnie: oh man, me too! i love it though, it's one of my favorites.

Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/06/8 16:01:52 )

    @Alorrena: yes! i really love it too. i like the all of the diverse kinds of magic that came out and the characters. my favorites are asta, noelle, and mimosa. hands down.



Voltie — Z/They Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/06/9 05:35:06 )
@Alorrena: lol i swear my mom nn sis do that XD

Donator — Am Potato Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/06/9 07:25:35 )
@DreamerZ: Yeah... i think family is hard do live with sometimes, and it's not like they're intentionally being jerks though, so you really can't do much about it because it would just cause more problems.

Voltie — Z/They Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/06/9 09:09:04 )
@Alorrena: i know that all too well w/ the way I've upset em =u,u=

Ping me and bring me food..=0.0=

Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/06/9 12:20:32 )
@Alorrena: Ouch, I hate that. My old computer used to do that to me, I actually put a couple external fans near it blowing cool air into it to keep it cooler in my room. I've been good, just been getting out and spending time with friends mostly.

Donator — Am Potato Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/06/9 12:34:20 )
@DreamerZ: Yeah. There's a reason i don't ever do or say anything about my issues with her and i just let Tyi deal with it. He'll eventually get annoyed enough by my complaining to do something about it, or he'll remind me that it's only a matter of time before i have a job and she moves out.

@SorrowTheMad: We have 2 fans in our room and during the day when my mother in law is at work, we'll open our bedroom door to let the heat out. Yesterday we set up a big fan on the floor pointing into the room, and put the tall oscillating fan (that we don't ever have it set to oscillate because ew) in front of and above the other fan, pointing out, so we can get a decent amount of air circulation. I think the only reason i'd wanna be up during the day right now is so that i can be comfortable while on my computer.
Call me Rena (Reh-nuh)! <3 married 02/02/2020
Rena's Quest

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