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// AI-COM MNRVA : activate MIDNIGHT EXIGENT(aurora knives)

@Count Trashula: Forreal. xD Can't find a happy medium, so I'd rather sell the items separately or save the orbs as prizes / gifts c':

@Totalanimefan: Ah that's true, I recall seeing a chart about ideal brewing temperatures. Dunno why I forgot about black tea but for the longest time I wasn't a fan of green tea...until I learned I'd been burning it the whole time.

I'm dying to try some authentic Japanese matcha but the good stuff is expeeensive and I can't justify that expense on tea. |D

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// AI-COM MNRVA : activate MIDNIGHT EXIGENT(aurora knives)

@Totalanimefan: Yanno I'm so pumped full of caffeine most of the time that I forget black tea has a significant amount of it |D

interlaces fingers Squeezing the bag!? That goes against one of the tenets of teamaking! Though... I thought the water is supposed to be boiling so it scalds the tea?

That being said, I'm in no position to point fingers because I usually just stick the bag in a mug of water and microwave the whole thing for 3 minutes. Too lazy to clean out / refill the kettle on a regular basis oTL

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// AI-COM MNRVA : activate MIDNIGHT EXIGENT(aurora knives)

@Totalanimefan:Yeah that was always my indicator of wellness. "Still can't taste. Still sick." |D
And then you can't even get pleasure out of eating your favourite snacks. xD It's just lousy all around.

That's a lot of activity! Tbh even if your in-laws hadn't passed something on to you, it seems like you'd still be feeling pretty drained after all that! Don't tell me you weren't drinking tea every moment you were there lol

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// AI-COM MNRVA : activate MIDNIGHT EXIGENT(aurora knives)

@Totalanimefan: It to be like that though. Can't get comfortable, can't smell or taste anything cause the nose doesn't work... I know it's a big indicator of the 'Rona these days but I could never smell or taste while sick at all.

As a kid I would always get sick around my birthday, Halloween, and Christmas. (Not proud of it but I didn't wash my hands much as a kid... and I was a nail biter :X BUT that's probably why my immune system is pretty strong lol)

No doubt your immune system was weakened by travelling and whatnot--were you running around a lot during your visit to the UK? c:

// AI-COM : return [ Virtual . Integrated . Intelligence ] // end of line
// AI-COM MNRVA : activate MIDNIGHT EXIGENT(aurora knives)

@Anarchist Beauty: I said it first! >:C

@Totalanimefan: Not bad not bad how about you (aside from dealing with a cold?)?

Trying to focus on completing some tasks today. I planned to yesterday but took a break at around noon...which turned into playing Starbound for like 12 hours. xD

@Count Trashula: You're welcome! :D Tbh it's hard to price things like that since they're old and unobtainable, and you never know if it'll contain the rare or if it'll be a dud, so gifting them just seems like the safest bet lol. Plus I once sold Total some orbs that were complete duds...felt so bad

// AI-COM : return [ Virtual . Integrated . Intelligence ] // end of line
// AI-COM MNRVA : activate MIDNIGHT EXIGENT(aurora knives)

@Count Trashula: Ooop I'm so sorry to leave you hanging, I started playing Starbound again and it engrossed me for the last two days oTL
Shoot, it's just sitting in my inventory doing nothing. You can have it as a gift!

@Anarchist Beauty: Oh no it's THE FACE! I send you labelled trade. :D Consider it a gift! ^-^

// AI-COM : return [ Virtual . Integrated . Intelligence ] // end of line
// AI-COM MNRVA : activate MIDNIGHT EXIGENT(aurora knives)

@Vegan: I know the feeling. It's hard to toe the line between being honest / genuine and not hurting peoples' feelings -- and as someone who will bend over backwards to maintain civility... yeah I feel that. xD You can be yourself here, though, and that's part of what makes Voltra so great!

Smdh I don't know why I thought it'd be a good idea to move everything to my alt account but once I was halfway through I was committed and couldn't stop.

Eventually I'd like to make a feature that allows us to link our main and alt accounts

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// AI-COM MNRVA : activate MIDNIGHT EXIGENT(aurora knives)

@Aisukohi: Ayyy you're very welcome! It's always good to see items go to a loving new home! lol

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// AI-COM MNRVA : activate MIDNIGHT EXIGENT(aurora knives)

@NixieFae: Sorry for my delay RIP! But honestly I'll take 1500 for the Sea Witch so you don't splurge all your Volts. c:

@Koah: I gotchu!

@Aisukohi: Absolutely! I'll get the trade started in just a moment! :D

// AI-COM : return [ Virtual . Integrated . Intelligence ] // end of line
// AI-COM MNRVA : activate MIDNIGHT EXIGENT(aurora knives)

@Vegan: Ana is awesome. You can tell she's genuine and not really afraid to speak her mind or tell it like it is. And she makes neat little buttons and banners!

The cool part about it though is that even after a couple of hiatuses (one was pretty long), most of the same crowd is still around! It's like going on an extended trip and coming back to your family. :D

Btw so I was gonna send some items over from your Quest List

but I forgot that I was on my main account... soooo I'm gonna cancel the trade I just opened and resend it from my alt since that's where all my items are LMAO don't mind me

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// AI-COM MNRVA : activate MIDNIGHT EXIGENT(aurora knives)

@Starlight: Thank you! c:
Sorry for my delay, I was engrossed in projects RIP

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// AI-COM MNRVA : activate MIDNIGHT EXIGENT(aurora knives)

@Starlight: You've got a deal! c; I'll send the trade over from my alt in just a moment!

// AI-COM : return [ Virtual . Integrated . Intelligence ] // end of line
// AI-COM MNRVA : activate MIDNIGHT EXIGENT(aurora knives)

Buying and selling lists have been updated!

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// AI-COM MNRVA : activate MIDNIGHT EXIGENT(aurora knives)

@Vegan: Haha I'd be lying if I said I didn't worry a bit! Shoot, that was part of why I starting digging through other people's profiles; trying to see if anything happened... but it seems like we're in the clear. c:

Sapherna was a fantastic community. A lot of the folks here came from there or were regulars, and I actually met Vozzy over on Sapherna as well as Anarchist Beauty c: Hard to believe it's been like, 5 years? Whaaat

That's a cute little headshot! I'll be happy with whatever you create. c: No worries and no hurries!

// AI-COM : return [ Virtual . Integrated . Intelligence ] // end of line