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Posted in Said Goodbye to my Best Girl. Posted 3 years ago
// AI-COM MNRVA : activate MIDNIGHT EXIGENT(aurora knives)

@Totalanimefan: That is true. I'm thankful to have had the gift of knowing her, especially so long! I can't wait to see her again someday. <3

@KDA Drew: Thank you <3 It wouldn't be so hard if we could just talk to them but...alas, that's just the way things go. She is no longer in pain and now she can eat all the eggs and pork loin she wants. <3

It must seem very strange having the house get emptier every time you visit; no doubt it's tough for your parents, too, having all their "kids" go away. :C

Time honestly sucks. Even if you do your best to make the most of it, it all just slips by too fast.

Thank you for your kind words. c: I wish the best things for you too!

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Posted in Said Goodbye to my Best Girl. Posted 3 years ago
// AI-COM MNRVA : activate MIDNIGHT EXIGENT(aurora knives)

@Totalanimefan: That's true. She just deserved the world and I wish I'd have given it to her. <3 But I know I can't change the past so I've been trying to focus on all the joy we've had. After all, fourteen years is practically ancient for a large dog like her! And her last years were spent on a nice big property with lots of room to roam and lots of bushes to sniff. c:

Thank you. <3

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// AI-COM MNRVA : activate MIDNIGHT EXIGENT(aurora knives)

@Totalanimefan: Aye don't sweat it! I was hoping these would have some better odds for you. c': But oh well, at least there's more material for your charity! :D

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// AI-COM MNRVA : activate MIDNIGHT EXIGENT(aurora knives)

@Totalanimefan: These are on the house! Consider them consolation for the others being kinda...lacklustre. xD Or you could call them the "bulk special prize" since you sold me so many items I really wanted! <3

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Posted in Said Goodbye to my Best Girl. Posted 3 years ago
// AI-COM MNRVA : activate MIDNIGHT EXIGENT(aurora knives)

@Totalanimefan: Thank you <3 She truly was such a perfect dog. Hindsight is always 20/20 and all that. I'm kicking myself for all the hours spent playing video games / wasting time on the internet and not doting on her. But I can't think like that. She had a good, long life. And she went in peace and dignity. <3

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// AI-COM MNRVA : activate MIDNIGHT EXIGENT(aurora knives)

@Totalanimefan: Oh no xD I'm so sorry c':

Well at least you got a Soulcaster which is pretty valuable but... AHHH xD yikes.

I have a couple more in storage that I was saving in case of a raffle or something... I'll send you one more of each to make up for it, and probably just reserve the others for prizes so it's not such a gamble. xD

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// AI-COM MNRVA : activate MIDNIGHT EXIGENT(aurora knives)

@Totalanimefan: Absolutely! <3 Hopefully you strike gold and get the good items!

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// AI-COM MNRVA : activate MIDNIGHT EXIGENT(aurora knives)

@Totalanimefan: Fair enough! c': And no worries. <3 I'm in no rush either. c: I appreciate you!

// AI-COM : return // end of line
Posted in Said Goodbye to my Best Girl. Posted 3 years ago
// AI-COM MNRVA : activate MIDNIGHT EXIGENT(aurora knives)

I made the hardest decision of my life yesterday.

I had to say goodbye to my best friend of 14 years.

It's hard not to think of the what-ifs, the could-haves. But she was old, and tired. And as soon as the vet began her procedure, I could tell she was ready.

I will miss you so much, Sandy. You took a part of my heart with you. But you have given me so much, taught me so much; always so patient and loyal. Always there for me, no matter what. I will always have the gift of the memories we made. I'm so blessed to have had you in my life. <3

An Angel returned to heaven.

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// AI-COM MNRVA : activate MIDNIGHT EXIGENT(aurora knives)

@Totalanimefan: Yeah I went snooping through other marketplace threads hoping to find a good starting point but to no avail.

Your numbers are all good! And I absolutely trust your judgment so if you think the Bayou orbs should be knocked down a bit, I'm more than willing to do so! c:

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Posted in Returned after a few years Posted 3 years ago
// AI-COM MNRVA : activate MIDNIGHT EXIGENT(aurora knives)

It's so nice to see so many people coming back! We're a very laid-back and close-knit bunch. I'm sure you'll be able to make some friends in no-time c:

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// AI-COM MNRVA : activate MIDNIGHT EXIGENT(aurora knives)

@Totalanimefan: I'm so sorry to leave you hanging :x the past couple days have been rough. And yay! So many items I've been itching to get my hands on!

For the orbs, I'm willing to let them go for:

Common Summer Orb '19 - 7k ea
Rising Phoenix Orb - 10k ea
The Bayou Orb - 15k ea

I don't want to let them go for too cheap since they're old and unobtainable anymore, and some of the potential prizes are high-value items; but also don't want to ask too much and have them turn out to be duds. |D

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Posted in Skin cracked Posted 3 years ago
// AI-COM MNRVA : activate MIDNIGHT EXIGENT(aurora knives)

Oooof I've never had it so bad that it warranted a doctor visit, but definitely wash my hands enough at work / throughout the day that I can relate to an extent.

Unscented Eucerin and O'Keefe's Working Hands are a little more expensive, but a little goes a long way and both are some of the best / most recommended products on the market.

If you haven't tried it already, I recommend Bag Balm! It's similar to Vaseline but imho smells nicer.

And, no joke, something like olive oil or coconut oil might help. Rub a heavy dose into your worst spots, put some gloves on, and let it sit for a while.

Hopefully your skin calms down soon! It's a really annoying kind of pain, and makes literally everything more difficult than it needs to be. (Not only that, but it's almost impossible to get it to heal once it's started since our hands are our tools!)

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Posted in Things Found in the Garden A-Z Posted 3 years ago
// AI-COM MNRVA : activate MIDNIGHT EXIGENT(aurora knives)

Boysenberries c:

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