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@Totalanimefan: Nice! Enjoy that! :) I think I might start making tiktoks of myself singing, just for the fun of it. I'm not trained or anything. But it could be fun.
@Totalanimefan: I don't play, although I can sing (somewhat lol). I just go to hang out with and support my friends. It's a lot of fun :) Everybody is super nice and welcoming, and I think having an ever-present fan helps morale for them.
@Totalanimefan: I'm glad to hear that at least :) Poor kitty. I'm glad he's gonna be ok. I'm glad you had a good weekend too :) I'm gonna have a good weekend too. I'm friends with a local band in the area and I'm going to be hanging out with them on Sunday for band practice :) Super excited.
@Totalanimefan: I totally get where you're coming from Total. That's gotta be so tough, and I'm sorry :/ I'm doing pretty ok today. I hope everything goes well with your kitty. :/
@Totalanimefan: Ah man, I'm so sorry Total. You definitely didn't need that after losing your dog. I'm sorry :( That's awful.
@Totalanimefan: Yeah that's good advice lol. Oh man, I bet you're just freezing :/ Sorry to hear that. How are you and how's everything else going?
@Totalanimefan: It really does. Yesterday it was 22 most of the day and I almost left home without a jacket. Thankfully I decided to bring one anyway lol, it got rather cold last night on my way home
@Totalanimefan: Yeah! Thankfully this last week or so has been above 0 and without terrible windchill so it's been "nice" lol. A heat wave, as a lot of us joke. Lol.

How are you?
@Totalanimefan: Of course Total :) You're not alone in this. Promise.
Yeah that's pretty cold for where you're at, yikes! Thankfully it got up to between 6-16 yesterday for most of the day here. Much better than -30.
@Totalanimefan: Yeah I can totally understand that. I'm sorry Total. It's really tough :/ I'm here for you if you need to talk though.

Yeah it's been crazy cold here but thankfully the last two days have been a little warmer. We had -40 windchill at a couple points this last week.
@Totalanimefan: Of course Total, not a problem at all :) We've got you, girl!

Ah, ok, I follow you now :) That sounds like a lot of work for you, which is good because that's job security lol. Good for you, I hope you enjoy it :)

Nah, it was a couple years ago. He was sick for many years so while it wasn't surprising when he did pass, it still makes October not as fun for me. It's my favorite time of year too, so that really sucks. Thank you for being there for me though :)
@Totalanimefan: I totally get it. I've grown up with animals all my life so I've experienced that kind of life, I can definitely understand how you might be feeling right now. I'm here if you need to talk about it.

I'm a little confused. Public Transport like as in like a bus service? How do you then help businesses from relapsing on contract? I'm not trying to be facetious, I'm genuinely curious :)

Yeah she's not great. I can understand, it's hard to enjoy a lot after a recent loss. I lost a sibling in October and even though it's been many years, Samhain still isn't as fun as I want it to be, because I'm thinking about it. I'm glad you were able to make the most out of it that you could though.
@Totalanimefan: I can imagine, that has to be so tough. I'm really sorry Total. That's gotta be so hard :/

What is it you'll be doing exactly with this new job? I'm curious now lol. I hope it's a lot of fun and fulfilling for you :)

Nice, that sounds like fun! Yeah it ended up being a lot of fun. We played some games and got some good food :) Best part was I got away from my mother for several hours.
@Totalanimefan: I can't even imagine. I'm so sorry that happened to him Total, but I'm glad he's not hurting.

I'm glad to hear it went well, and congratulations! You'll do amazing, I know it :D

My Thanksgiving was boring, I didn't really do anything except spend time with a few friends of mine. How was yours? I'm doing my best to be safe lol.