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@Totalanimefan: Oof, yikes Total! That sounds awful, I'm sorry that happened :/ Least you get to see a band you really like soon! Doesn't really make up for it, but it's an upside at least
@Totalanimefan: That's awesome, congrats! I hope you enjoy it :)
@Totalanimefan: Ah man, that's rough timing, I totally understand though. Wanting to get tickets for an overseas band and not knowing if you can make that date has to be rough. I really hope it works out and you're able to go see them :) Let me know how that goes, I'm rooting for you! :D
@Totalanimefan: The show was absolutely phenomenal! Absolutely had a fantastic time :) How are you?
@Totalanimefan: Yes, she is lol. But hey, she's allowing me tomorrow off so I can see one of my favorite bands tonight and MVRROW is opening for them :D That's super awesome that you're doing that, and I'm sure soon enough it'll be done :)
@Totalanimefan: Life's been pretty good outside of the band, although my mother is driving me absolutely crazy lol. You did not tell me that, but that's awesome Total! Congrats :) Bet you can't wait for that to get done :)
@Totalanimefan: Yeah I'm super excited for them :) I've really fallen in love with this band. Fargo ND is only 2 and a half hours away, which means it's closer than the capitol of my state from my house lol. It's not really too bad, and I get to ride with the band over there so I'm literally riding with one of the bands I'm going to see that day, which is kinda surreal lol.
That sounds like a really fun time, I'm glad you enjoyed yourself and got to take some pictures :) Enjoy that weather!
Oh man, that's super close honestly, and getting closer every day. :) I hope you have an absolute blast!
@Totalanimefan: We certainly did make it! And I'm so happy it's March. My friend's band got picked to open for one of my favorite bands, Born of Osiris, on the 12th in Fargo, ND, and I'm SO PSYCHED to go see them, both MVRROW and BoO! Can't freaking wait :D That's so cool, I hope you're able to see all of your favorites at Otakon! :D
@Totalanimefan: I do normally like winter but this is just getting to be too much. The museum sounds like fun :) I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, and I wish I had that much to do here lol. All we have here in my area is bars and restaurants, unless you like being outside. Oh, I'm going to have a blast at the concerts! So excited! Hopefully you'll get a chance to see some of your favorites soon too :)
@Totalanimefan: I get it, even I'm pretty sick of winter at this point. I'm glad to hear work is getting easier :) I'm doing good, spent most of the weekend with my friends in the band which was a lot of fun. They got confirmed to be playing with Born of Osiris (one of my favorite bands) on the 12th so just a couple weeks before I get to see two of my favorite bands. :D

How are you, otherwise?
@Totalanimefan: That's true I suppose lol. I'm glad you were able to go to the gardens then and enjoy some plant life. Winter has been awful so I get why you'd get the winter blues. And I'm glad to hear work is going well :)
@Totalanimefan: I get it, new jobs can be tough to get down. But I'm glad it's going well! Yeah, life definitely has some crazy ups and downs. I'm doing pretty good, and how are you? Sorry it's so long between my responses, I've been out of the house a lot lately and I sometimes forget to check this.
@Totalanimefan: Ah man, I'm sorry to hear you're sick, and about the gun death. But hey, I'm glad you got to go see a show! Hope you had a blast! How's the new job been working for you so far?
@Totalanimefan: You should, singing is so much fun :) How have you been?