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@Wildfire: Oh gosh, I remember growing up in Washington state [rainforest area] and pollen just hammering the cars. =O
I can totally envision your car being yellow now.
Wait until your son sees the foxes that run around out here! oh my gosh, I actually mistook one as a coyote. [totally wanna see that picture of the bunny lol]

Yesterday was a good day, however, kind of ended the day on a weird note.
But today is a new day, I did a coffee run. [falling back on that bad habit] >.<' I'm expecting... 6 kids today, I think, at my mom's daycare. Or maybe 5. /shrugs/

My kids are headed to hawaii for spring break and my son is already checking the hawaiian weather channel to mentally prepare for the temp difference. XD
@Purpsy: I ended up with sayer's regret. But, I did spend a lot of time thinking out-loud which helped me get my head cleared up a bit and narrow down what is actually bothering me.
Our day bed was in the living room/game room, worked there for awhile but then it just looks like a bed in a living room. So I moved it to my daughter's room as a spare bed for guests or slumber party friends. It's slightly smaller than a twin. <.< An annoying size but it works well for guests/friends. it's useful.
Good afternoon. <3
I got a strong coffee this AM before daycare hours, so worth it.
but then a kid called out, so I only have 3 +1[mine] today. CX /turned out relaxing. lol
@Wildfire: omg, I've had to shovel a long driveway before [multiple times] and part of a street to get out. XDD Don't miss that. Although... kind of do, actually. I find shoveling snow to be a bit therapeutic.
I skiied as a teen out here, I enjoyed it as a yoooouth. but - did one last hill run at like, 18 and decided it's not for me anymore. XD Snowboarding has definitely picked up in popularity now.
I think I see more snowboarders on the resorts now than skiiers. But I see the skiiers out in the wild more.
omgosh, how are your allergies going this year?
@Wildfire: When I imagine cars going off the cliff [hollywood style], I remember when a semi [semis aren't allowed on this road], going over the edge. It was a potato truck. The driver lived. Shaken, no injuries [thank god], and on that one cliffside on the mountain, there are a LOT of potatoes growing. lol.
It's not so much a cliff but a steep hill and a few trees stopped the semi from going all the way down the mountain.
Once a year, the newspaper out here prints an article to remind people to hike that way and get free potatoes. lol.
Winter sports are super expensive. Skiing and snowboarding are HUGE out here. The most I do is ice skate, and I'm still paying for skate rentals and the admission to the local rink.
We got a ton of snow again. FINALLY got my truck unburied to work on it and it's buried again. OTL
@Wildfire: omg what a dumbass. e_e Driving experiences like that really make a person not want to drive anymore. ;(
I watched a guy a couple weeks ago, pass me on the mountain pass [no pass zone] and almost get into a head on collision. He swerved back into our lane forcing himself into the line of traffic. So dumb for this kind of weather, we have ice and snow banks and wildlife on the mountain.

We have sun here, buuut- snow too. I'm not big on winter sports, haven't been since I was a teen. So going outside isn't something I have a desire to do anymore. Which forces me to be inside and working 95% of my week. ;T I don't have time to do indoor sports either like swimming or anything. :\

I get in that winter rut of "same sh-t, different day"
@Purpsy: A sleeping bag for a daybed is actually genius. o3o
I have a day bed at my house, it's such a weird size. e.e'

My weekend was somewhat eventful, and not. I ended up having a lot of stress that I vented out to friends. Now I'm sitting here, regretting having done that.
Made me realize I'm dealing with seasonal depression. Cx
Good Morning.

I have quite a few notifications to catch up on, I logged off for the weekend to work and spend time with friends. :d
@Wildfire: Lots of animes! A lot of those I haven't watched, but have seen on my recommendations. Dr. Stone I watched forever ago and never caught up/finished it.
I've been re-watching Trigun. [comfort anime]. My husband keeps wanting to re-watch Violet Evergarden and I can't bring myself to re-watch it. lol. XD It's good, great even, but dang it wrecked me.
Devil's a Part-Timer is also one of my comfort watches.

We have a lot on our watch list and I have zero patience for sitting on the couch and being like "what should we watch tonight" and flip through a billion options and never decide on one.

My son is so used to seeing everyone in snow-weather clothing, that now that I've been wearing spaghetti strapped shirts to bed and the occasional shorts, he comments "why are you wearing that?" or "... That's... underwear.. " he's 9. lol. He gives me that grandfather look of "And THATS what your wearing? I don't think so."
@Totalanimefan: Thanks for adding me into the raffle. c:

Like a lot has happened since that 2010ish time frame, but it still feeeeels.. super recent. XD
@MimikyuToo: My husband and I were quirky teens. We hung out in all the different groups. He was a teen that just didn't date [or show interest in it], so no one asked him or me [us] "kiss already!" or "when will you guys just start dating already?!" Everyone knew him well enough. [and me], My dating history was 'bad boys'. lol! XD
We were in the same boat in the end, where neither of us wanted to kill the friendship by taking it a step further. CX We just needed a push, or, he did. I was ready. lol.

And Thank you. I finally made a western gunslinger chic that looks good. C:
@Wildfire: What anime did you end up bingeing?

I lived in Hawaii for 2 years as a teen, and in winter I'd get Cold! and refuse to go out because that wet cold was torture. Hawaii never went below 60*f [if I remember right]. I imagine FL is similar?
omg, I just remembered, I lived in Hawaii, had to get to North Dakota [colder than Wyo because of windchill] for Christmas. I went from 75*f to -15* in one day. I mentally prepared to be cold, but I ended up feeling okay once I got out of that ND airport. I was the tannest, blondest person in ND that Christmas.

I feel like my son would enjoy a book like that. :d

Old soul kids are the best!
I was one myself. lol. <3 Now I'm youthful spirited in my adulthood. XD
@MimikyuToo: I still think of 2010-ish time frame as recent. OTL
I love that you guys stayed friends for years. <3

My husband and I sort of jumped the gun after a year-ish. We met in 2009 or 2010. probably 2009.
o3o I married my husband in 2011. We were teenage besties, hadn't thought of dating until he joined the military. XDDD
We married in SoCal.

/jumped into your convo because it's relatable. X3