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@Wildfire: The weirdness sort of carried over. I've hit a crashing point and whatever virus baby had/has is hitting me, I think.
My tummy just feels.. turning [but I'm also stressed]. My kids got Another snow day today, so that gives me a bit of opportunity to rest since they can help my mom with her daycare.
Good morning.
oof, been a little sick yesterday and today. T^T My birthday yesterday was a weird day. Mentally and over-all.

Wildfire, how is it so hot over there? o.0'
Good Morning.

It's my birthday. =O
@Wildfire: my dental appt was soooo long. bleh. no fun.
@Wildfire: He's done puking, but still sick. Whatever he has is viral. The other daycare baby has it too [and her mom T;T ].
It's definitely a good book, makes you think a bit about time and thoughts. I'm enjoying it so far.
I have a root canal appt. /ick/
@Wildfire: I did download the book The Law of Spirit on my kindle, so I got about halfway through that between baby pukes. Cx
I worked on Sunday and took a minute to wander a box store after work before heading home.
I have a big, expensive dental appointment today. >3< looking forward to it and also not at the same time.
It's been a long weekend and I'm ready for a better week. Cx
@Wildfire: lol it definitely counts, costco is exhausting. XD it's big and full of people.
@Wildfire: Did you make it to the gym or beach?

-eats a donut-
@Wildfire: nope definitely not. She's a workaholic. XD
I have a dentist appt today, they'll be doing work on some of my teeth. :T It's about time I get some holes fixed. But I'll have a numb face after my appt. Cx
@Wildfire: I think so too, my mom is likely going to push herself rather hard for the next week to build up that muscle again.

On a good note, I only have 5 kids today instead of my typical Thursday of 7.
@Wildfire: Seems like she'll have another week or two with assisted help and then she can start hoppin' around on her own after that.
This late morning, I find out if most of the staff is being laid off at my job. XD Sounds like they will [trying to be sneaky with info], I've been in management a couple times and once with a failing company.
I'm finally using my dental insurance through my job now too. XD beautiful timing.

omg! so much snow out there! Come spring it's going to be... ooof, so muddy.
Posted in Hello everyone! Posted 1 year ago
Welcome to Voltra. :)
@Wildfire: That terrain almost sounds like my area in central Oregon, but my house/area has waaaaay less snow. XD A brisking here and there and rare snow dump which clears up within a week.
My mom lost muscle strength by being off her leg for 7 weeks. Cx and although, she's in a medical profession, she 'forgot'.

I'm groggy this AM as well. Making coffee, hopefully that'll help. I passed out on the couch last night, tmj is comin' back strong in my jaw. /dangit/