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Posted in I am literally falling apart Posted 3 years ago

So I have Crohn's, and because I had to leave my job in order to move, I lost my insurance and thus had to quit my medication. It took so long to get things sorted out here that I of course ended up having a flare of symptoms again, which led to being unable to get a new job, which made going to a doctor seem impossible. I finally went anyway, and I'm in the process of trying to get some form of financial help so that I can start treatment, which will be a long way off since they want to do tests first and that'll put me months out. Not sure what I'll do until then, but one step at a time I guess.
But because life hates me, it decided that being in constant pain from one condition wasn't enough! The other day I took my ear tunnels out to clean them, and somehow one ear tore and was really irritated/swollen. Did a lot of cleaning and whatnot and basically I lost 2 sizes in one day, seemingly out of nowhere. Then while that's going on, I start having UTI symptoms. No idea how or why, but hey, sure, let's make me even more miserable. Had to contact a cheap clinic for antibiotics, so there's that. And now my lower back hurts. It started yesterday and hasn't let up since. I've been taking Tylenol and it helps slightly, but I have no idea where this pain came from or what to do about it aside from that. I told the doctor about it, fearing it was related to the infection, but they didn't seem to think it was cause for alarm. I guess we'll see if the pain clears up along with the other symptoms.
Just... why? Why do so many things have to be wrong with my stupid body at once? And how am I supposed to get a job like this? I can't keep paying my bills for much longer; I've got enough for another couple of months if I don't have any more unexpected expenses like this, but at this rate, I'm not counting on it. I really don't know what to do. I need money, like, yesterday. There are luckily a few things I can do to help with the medical costs, but that's not gonna cover my car insurance, cell phone, credit card, etc when what little I have in the bank runs out while I'm still too sick to work.
idk man, feels an awful lot like I'm circling the drain.

Posted in Atraction? what? Posted 3 years ago

This is something I can relate to.

My best friend and I have been very close for a long time. In a society where friendships are treated as shallow and replaceable and romance is given all the attention and importance, I was told that I must be in love with her because I talked to her every day, spent time with her whenever I could, and shared deep and personal things with her. It especially bothered me hearing this as an adult, from other adults. It seems so childish to go "Oh, those two people aren't afraid to sit less than five feet apart or talk about their feelings? MUST BE DATING".

Nonetheless, I had only been in one serious relationship at that point, so when my friend confessed to me that she did have those kinds of feelings for me, I felt pressured into dating her anyway. I was afraid of losing her as a friend if I said no, and I was starting to think maybe everyone else was right, because after breaking up with my previous partner, it occurred to me that I had no idea what the difference was between "romance" and "friendship". So I started framing our relationship in those terms, only to eventually realize that I did not actually feel that way. It took me a lot of searching and questioning to encounter the term "queerplatonic", and I told her that was what I really felt/wanted. I wanted to spend my life with her because she was my best friend, even if I didn't have romantic feelings. I guess she accepted that, because here we are years later living together as friends--even if we are closer than "just friends", it isn't a romantic relationship.

I do get jealous. I worry about the possibility of her "finding someone" someday and leaving me behind. With the level of importance society places on romantic relationships, that's not an unreasonable fear, especially since I know a typical marriage relationship is something she's always wanted that I can't provide. I don't want the most important relationship in both our lives to suddenly take a backseat to some newer relationship with less depth and history, just because it has one thing that this one doesn't. I don't like the thought of my best friend inevitably having less time for me, or betraying our plans to make a life together as friends. I don't think it's very likely to happen, and I suppose if it did, I'd eventually get through it and find my own way, but it's not something I like to think about. That said, if it did come down to it, I know I can at least trust that we'll always be friends. We have been through so much together and done so much for each other, neither of us is going to simply abandon the other, no matter how much things may change in the future. Even if we did decide living together wasn't best for us, that would just free us both up to find something that did work, and I don't doubt we would still never be too far apart. It can be hard to remember that when doubts and fears creep in, but I know what we have is too meaningful to just disappear because someone else came into the picture.

It took me a very long time to come to the conclusion that I was aromantic. I thought I had been in love or had crushes in the past, and maybe to some extent I did for all I know, but looking back, I think those feelings were more likely to be other kinds of attraction and even envy. They were all people I more or less wanted to be, and with my one serious relationship that ended, the fact that we were friends and got along well just made "romantic interest" seem like the natural conclusion. We're raised to believe that this is the done thing, told that if you're particularly close with someone it has to be romantic, and expected to form those kinds of relationships. It's not surprising to me that it took over 30 years and 2 failed attempts to figure it out, especially when I had other confusing circumstances adding to the mix.

Enter: dysphoria. Not only has it played a huge role in complicating my experience with relationships and my ability to distinguish envy from attraction, but it's also messed up my experience with how I respond to sexual attraction. I know I'm not asexual, but I feel very uncomfortable involving real people--but especially myself--in my fantasies. It may not be the same for your case, but for me, it comes down to feeling like my body is gross/wrong and no one would (or should) want it. I don't want anyone to be attracted to me as I am now, because I don't like how I am now (physically speaking). I'm hoping that in time, my health and confidence will improve and I'll reach a point where I can be more comfortable exploring sexuality. But that's a long ways off.

In conclusion: There are many types of attraction and ways of experiencing (or not experiencing) them. On top of these things being fluid for a lot of people, it can get very confusing! Reading about these helped me a lot in figuring out my own feelings and knowing I wasn't just weird/broken or alone. Whether you believe you are aro and/or ace or not, I highly recommend seeking out communities where these experiences can be safely and openly discussed. It might help you get more perspective on your feelings. I also think it'd be a good idea to have a serious talk with your friend about what both of your goals are and where you stand. Even if you don't have all the answers right now, talking it out in depth can get you both to a better place of understanding.

Posted in What's everyone doing tonight? Posted 3 years ago

Probably nothing; it's cold and dark and my friend has a migraine, so I don't think we'll be going on a walk or to the store or anything now that she's off work. Maybe I'll take the opportunity to try to draw or write a little bit.

Posted in raffle prizes Posted 3 years ago

@Vozzy: Thank you!

Posted in raffle prizes Posted 3 years ago

I got a message from Static saying the raffle prizes had been granted. Most of them showed up in my inventory, but I noticed one was missing! I replied to the PM, but that might not have been the right way to ask about it. I wanted to give it a while to see if I got any response before making a thread here.
On the announcement thread, it has me next to October '17 crate, July '18 crate, and two bundles. I received them all except the July '18 crate.

Posted in The Trash Heap [S] CIs+RIGs+more Posted 3 years ago

@Wildfire: no problem; thanks for buying!

Posted in The Trash Heap [S] CIs+RIGs+more Posted 3 years ago

@Wildfire: lol i gotcha.
and ty!

Posted in The Trash Heap [S] CIs+RIGs+more Posted 3 years ago

@Wildfire: i have just enough! sent you a trade.

Posted in Thanksgiving and Christmas Posted 3 years ago

I don't do Thanksgiving any more, but I enjoy a lot of the food that comes with this time of year. Favorites are pumpkin pie, green bean casserole, and stuffing with gravy.

As for what I want for xmas, I got a very long list of things I really want/need, and would be happy to get any of 'em.

Posted in New Month, New Goals Posted 3 years ago

@Totalanimefan: i appreciate it :^)

Posted in The Trash Heap [S] CIs+RIGs+more Posted 3 years ago

sending both trades now!

Posted in The Trash Heap [S] CIs+RIGs+more Posted 3 years ago

added a couple of the new CIs for sale.

Posted in New Month, New Goals Posted 3 years ago

Gonna start applying for work. Not really looking forward to it, but has to be done. Then when I have a source of income, first order of business is to get insurance and get to a specialist. I have been without my medicine for over half a year now since I had to leave my last job.
Aside from that, it would be nice to get more exercise and try to focus on losing weight/getting in better shape. It's been very hard to even care about that while I've been sick for so long, but hopefully once I get money and can see a doctor, I'll be able to get on track.

Posted in Fave candies? Posted 3 years ago

@Totalanimefan: why ty :^) i like your current, too