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Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 4 years ago
Yeah that's way too long for something like that to be fixed.
It's one thing if you just went through a natural disaster, but I'm sure that wasn't the case.
You're welcome!

I'm not over the moon for a lot of the items in this round, but I'm sure eventually there'll come an orb that does that for me. Same with crates. Just waiting for that moment before I donate lol.
Good lord, people like that piss me off. x-x For both situations you described with latecomers and those who think they can go above you for something you already explained to them. I hope that system you have documents their moves so that if it comes back to you, it can be shown that they were in the wrong.
Hooray!! Looks pretty good with your avi!

I think I'll have to wait until a rig really knocks my socks off before I blow all my volts on orbs. xDD
Ugh, I kinda know those feels total.

I help send invoices to our corporate office for them to pay for things, and some management are terrible about getting the invoices to me until the last minute, so I end up with a giant pile and it stresses me out. Luckily though we changed to a new system of doing things, so that holds some management more accountable.
Yes, it's a vicious cycle!
Posted in a Posted 4 years ago
I could always go for coffee lol.
I should really buy some decaf for nights like these where I just want the taste and not the caffeine...
Nothing beats quality time with those you love. :) Like koneko said, bread can wait!

I definitely eat too much junk food. xP
I should eat whole grain more often since I probably eat way too much white bread. >.> Could stand to eat more veggies and fruits too. Not that I don't like them, but I don't eat them as much as I should.
I'm a sucker for bread, and carbs in general. xD GIMME ALL THE UNHEALTHY SUGARS!!
Posted in Feeling very stressed lately Posted 4 years ago
All those things sound very stressful indeed. The stuff going on with your job sounds like the most stressful (to me).

Hope you can find another one that you really like! Also hope your mom's visit goes well.
Good job getting your vitamins in. xD

Sounds like me with my Panera salad I had for lunch today at work. Had the option of adding an apple, bread, chips, and a cookie. I took all but the apple because I already had the salad, which was the healthy part of my day. :P BUT OTHER COWORKERS DID THAT TOO!!
Yep, sometimes just gotta go the easier route. xD Been there!
Oh that sounds good! Maybe like a stir fry. :o