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Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/13 22:06:36 )



Voltie — he/him Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/13 23:07:37 )
I went to Niagara Falls before, whole tourist experience. I was stupid and fell for the 'fake photographer' statues in both Ripley's and the wax museum. Both times I stood to the side politely waiting for them to take photos like a goddamn chump. also got to wear the poncho and ride in the boat it was pretty cool I guess, I'd recommend it

Uhh I never really think about the future but:
Finally launch my webcomic
Study or work in Japan
Learn HTML5
Make video games
Learn to animate better/Make an animation
Move to a city

Voltie — sewer rat Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/13 23:12:11 )
My list:
1. George R.R. Martin finishes the Game of Thrones

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/13 23:24:09 )



Voltie — sewer rat Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/13 23:25:01 )
HTML5 is the new current standard for building web sites. HTML is the code for making a website. The 5 is like latest version of HTML, I think. (I'm using the term "code" very lightly here, so average folks like us would understand faster.)

Voltie — sewer rat Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/13 23:26:37 )
@apollo im burning: I'll have to save up for a cryogenic freezer then. Smh.

Voltie — he/him Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/13 23:31:17 )
@Boris: So BOTH Ripley's and the Wax Museum have like, statues/wax figures of men crouching with a camera in front of their face so it looks like they're about to take a photo of an exhibit. Like I can't remember who he's taking a photo of but the one in the Wax Museum is supposed to be a paparazzo I think? It's been years, I think the camera flashes occasionally. So I thought it was a dude taking photos of the figure and was like 'oh geez don't want to get in his way' and I stood there for about a minute before my friends called my ass out. Then we went to Ripley's and I did the exact same thing because I'm a dumbass who can't remember 10 minutes earlier in my life.

(also this is on the Canadian side I forgot to mention that)

Html5 is a coding language, it's the latest version of html. it can also be used to code games which is why I want to learn it. I learned Flash in school and welp, obsolete now. /sad trumpet

Man I love when people ask me about my comic. It's about a failing, asshole film director who really wants to be famous at any costs, and discovers he has the ability to speak to, attract, and channel the dead. So immediately he starts to exploit it and starts up a crappy ghost hunting show with his brother (think like Ghost Adventures). Needless to say things go bad from there.

@apollo im burning: yeah it was pretty embarrassing but I'm always making a fool of myself, nothing new...

Thank you for the support! It is really time consuming and I keep pushing it back so I really hope I'm able to pull this off c':

I'm not picky, I just really want out of small town living because it's horrible. Right now I'm eyeing up Vancouver or Toronto. Also considering moving to the states for a little while, or travelling abroad if possible for work.

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/13 23:41:11 )



Voltie — He/They Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/14 00:05:11 )
Upon realizing I'm a chronically ill disabled person, I long ago realized that having a Bucket List isn't really something I can aim for. But I do have a few things I'd consider to be on it, but none of them are that amazing:

1, Move to Michigan (ASAP)
2, But some cute Lolita-esc clothes
3, Learn to code a little more
4, ????
5, Profit

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/14 00:25:04 )



Donator — She/Buns Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/14 00:32:28 )
I have an alright bucket list.

1. Build/acquire a tear drop trailer
2. Get good at pole or serial silks
3. Learn more moves for Lindy Hop/other dances
4. Get my SCUBA certification
5. Start making more money from my Etsy.
6. Learn how to make dresses..better. lol I know basics.
7. Learn American Sign Language

There's more but, those are really big things.

ping me
Art in sig by Seo
Art in post by Cedes

Voltie — sewer rat Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/14 01:29:09 )
@apollo im burning: Definitely not with our current technology. In the reaaaally far off future, maybe?? I feel it would be easier if we had anti-freeze components in our flesh/blood like some arctic fish or frogs, but we're mammals that don't have that ability. Plus, the brain is delicate and complex af. It's really hard to believe in cryogenics rn, but idk. Science has made the impossible possible before.

sayonara cheesecakes ( 0 ڡ≦)ゞ✩◄-gallery-►

Voltie — he/him Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/14 02:46:53 )
@Apollo im burning: Ah thank you o': Finding out people are interested really does help motivate me!

Putting it under a cut because it's long and maybe sounds like a self pity party? whateves

I could see small town life being nice for some people but it's not for me. For most my life I've lived in one and it really sucked. Yeah the fact that everyone knows each other's business is so stressful, there's always rumours being started. You're also expected to conform and that clearly didn't work with me. Since I came here in grade 2 I was a 'weird kid' and clearly 'different' so I was bullied by kids and adults alike pretty much my entire life so it's like yeah. I'm not cut out for life here. it was traumatic as a kid and it's got me anxious now because I see the looks I get when I do leave the house. Unless you're into outdoorsy activities or drinking/drugs there's nothing to do here, either. Barely any restaurants, no activities, no stores, no services. To make it more sad my mom moved us here because she had a great time growing up here so she wanted the same experience for us but me and my brother.... it was worst experiences of our lives. My sister thrived though, she loves it. Anyway sorry I went off. orz

@Boris: YEAH they had like, clothing on and just looked like real people!

Yeah I still can but the issue is that a lot of people don't have Flash installed anymore and support of it is slowly being phased out so it wouldnt have a lot of lasting power. But HTML5 is supported by browsers and mobile so it's the wave into the future.

Thanks c; That's nice to know

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/14 03:09:47 )



Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/14 03:59:50 )
It will probably never be fullfilled but here goes none the less:

1. Travel to the UK/Ireland, New Zealand, Japan and USA.
2. Get a tattoo
3. Parachute/skydive
4. Finish writing a story and get it publised ( working title for it is Tiny Wishes )
5. Mountainhiking
6. Dive in a coral reef
7. Move to an other location where I can keep pets
8: get a playstation4
9. new computer
10. get to katsucon and/or japan expo
11. make one of my dreamcosplays
12 Oh and get a good camera
13 learn sign language
14. get over my fear of failure and doubt on myself and open up commissions

Suddenly my list got a lot loonger than expected lol.

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/14 04:16:55 )


pls don't

Donator — 0% Edible Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/14 04:47:50 )
I've got a bit of a bucket list, been knocking off things on it here and there most of this year. Not many of those big and expensive stuff like traveling and all that, I'll probably never be able to afford any of those.

1. Go to a trampoline park
2. Finish a sleeve tattoo
3. Visit New Orleans
4. Visit a haunted house (even though I've already been through a haunted asylum before it was demolished a year later).
5. Participate a colour run ( a 5k with colour powder)
6. Go to a midnight movie premiere
7. Go to a drive in theater
8. Travel by myself
9. Do dart balloon painting
10. Replace my entire wardrobe with clothes I like (lol yes a pintrest item, and I've slowly been working on it)

That's the ones I can think of right now, I'm sure as I go on there will be more and more things I'll want to do before I die.

Donator — nyan? Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/14 04:54:21 )
I've never really had a bucket list, to be honest.

sell me rigs please♥

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/14 06:34:25 )
Apollo Im Burning:

@TeaTales: Is there a particular state (or states) that you'd like to visit?
And getting a tattoo is also on my bucket list xD but I'm so indecisive, so idk if I ever will get one in the end. Do you have an idea for yours?
You sound so adventurous! I'd be terrified to skydive Σ(゜ロ゜;)
What is your story about?
Aaahhh cosplaying is another item on my list! What are your dream cosplays? :3 :3 :3
Lastly, what kind of commissions? :D

Definitly San Diego, and New York, got friends living each place. I'd also like to visit that little 'danish town'. Think it could be fun. Houston for New Orleans, Los Angeles.. Hahah,, if I had a car and drivers license I would defiitly grab the chance to just drive trough USA and get to discover the local histories, communities and culture. I find it very interesting to get to know about such things. Oh and experience Yellowstone and Grand Canyon. Though I would also have to feel the need to be wary of LGBTQ-hating/driscriminating states, but that would be something I would look further into whenever I get th chance, not exactly like I wave a flag in the face of everyone on my way, but better safe than sorry ^^;;

Oh have I few designs on my mind , one is the celtic triquetra, but I also want one with a bird either flying from breaking chains, or sitting on some barbed wire.
Skydiving have been on my want-to-try list since I was what..? Must've been around 10-11 years old 8'D I like experiencing such adventureous stuff.

The stor is about a girl who get into an accident and wake up from a coma, unable to speak and walk, she one day finds a music-box by her hospitalbed, as she opens it she also get a locked in spirit, out of the box, who helps her trough her ordeals, help her get her confidence back, as well as celebrates the small daily victories as she slowly recovers. The story is partically inspired by a dream I once had. I also have made some 'soundtrack' and sketchy illustrations for a short wordless 'comic' of them too,. by 'soundtrack' its meant as in; i have the melody down on paper, I know th instruments needd, but I dont have the software to make it on my own, and would rather prefer to have the actual instruments and make it that way. :vanora_sweat:
One of my dream ccosplays that have been on my list the longest is Lia d' beaumont from Le chevalier d'Eon manga cover nr 5. I honestly want to make both outfits, have been collecting gold beads and crinoline over the years have yet to find a perfect fabric though. That and the many embroideries + laces is hard to find ^^;;;

And lastly: digital art commissions, of ocs/avatars and/ or backgrouds, if people would want it. Think it would have a better chance of selling than my tiny business-card-sized, paintings I've started making, or the hand band-embroidered bags I can make, as well as the books that I am working on binding myself ( teaching myself different bookbinding techniqu for the sake of one cosplay hahah. doubt those experimental books would end up selling, so tey just end up as sketchbooks once they're done. been too humid the past 5 days that I havent glued the first ones yet )

Voltie — He/They Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/14 22:55:43 )
@Apollo Im Burning: It's where my husband's family is :D He moved here to Oregon 6 years ago to be with me, but now we're hoping to move back there within the next 5 years. ^^ Thanks for asking!

Lolita is soooo cute, I'm glad you agree! I used to own lolita dresses when I was in college, I miss it a lot O:

Coding is something I always wanted to try, but always felt too self-conscious to do, like I had to be perfect at it right away or it was worthless. Now I'm making a loooot of errors, but making mistakes is a part of learning! ^^
Gender Fluid (He/they) | Asexual | Married | Jewish
Art Shop

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