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Forums Hangouts Just yandere things [Hangout/freebies]

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/04/8 02:15:32 )
@saeyra: WHELP. Same here! I'm trying to lose some weight too, so it's been tough. TT ~ TT
I try and work out every day too. Ahhhh. I just love unhealthy food. u wu

@lordlucre: Oh! It's nice to meet you too!

Donator — FluffyBoi Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/04/8 02:16:43 )
@Yandere: How are you doing?

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/04/8 05:24:49 )

Questing: Virtuous Guard x2 | Alice | Merlantis | Sticky Fingers x2 | Squidplay | Woodland Fae x1 | Splish Splash x1

@Yandere: whoa but i so stills ay you did amazing 'nods' i so likes haha. but then, I already know im weird haha.

Voltie — Princess Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/04/8 14:39:22 )

@Yandere: Food is just too good. Exercise also sucks but I guess it depends what kind you do. I hate running. It feels like my lungs want to explode. Even though I know its the cheapest and most effective exercise it makes me want to die.


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/04/9 00:00:58 )
@lordlucre: As good as I could be, I suppose. o 3o ;;
I'm taking off tomorrow for a mental health day, so I'm pretty excited about that. Haha.

How about you?

@star2000shadow: Gah, thanks. I really do try. Hands/posing really are my weaknesses. I mean, shading isn't on point, but it's good enough, I guess.
Nah, you're not weird at all. : D

@saeyra: It really is. TT ____ TT. I love a lot of fried stuff too- it's so delicioius. ahhhh.
I hate running too! Really... any workout. I recently bought a cheap elliptical and I watch anime while doing it, so it's not completely horrible. It was only like $100, and just come with basic necessities. (I also got it on sale because we used cash back from my credit card. ohohoh) u vu /// Pretty good deal if you ask me.

Donator — FluffyBoi Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/04/9 00:21:37 )
@Yandere: I hope it goes well for you then!

Voltie — Princess Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/04/9 01:09:15 )

@Yandere: Oh nice! I hope that helps you lose some weight. In my experience playing sports is a good way to exercise, you get to socialize and work out while still having fun. It just abit expensive depending on what sport. I play badminton and you have to rent a court everytime. Football/soccer is a super cheap sport with barely any rent but ruuuuuuunnniiiiinggg whyyyyy god whyyy Same with basketball.


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/04/9 13:57:10 )
@lordlucre: Haha. Pretty good so far, though I'm sure I'll feel the exhaustion of weight tomorrow when I go back. xD

@saeyra: I've been up and down recently, but I've only been working out for about two weeks now. Shouldn't see too much weight loss. Haha.
Yeah! Badminton is a ton of fun! There aren't any courts here either though. There's a park near me with tons of workout equipment and a track, but that's about it. There's a baseball field that schools use sometimes too though. q vq I'm not really a fan of baseball though. I'm really picky with sports because I'm generally bad at them. wheeze.
I like swimming a bit... but ... I also can't really swim well so I'm sure it's not really a workout. xD

Donator — FluffyBoi Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/04/9 14:25:28 )
@Yandere: Oh dear. XD

Voltie — Princess Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/04/9 14:48:18 )

@Yandere: Yeah we have a park with workout equipment too and I kept trying to get my hubbs to go try them out with me but he is so shy in front of other people haha. He is like "nooo keep walking, keep walking!!" With swimming its really tempting to just lie on your back and float. Its like you are exercising INSIDE a bed with soft pillows everywhere! Why fight the pillows? Join the pillows!!


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/04/9 16:00:33 )
@lordlucre: Yep. At least vacation is soon though! * v* !! Anywho, what are you up to?

@saeyra: Yeahh. Around my block is a nice area, but a few blocks farther down is... not so good. Plus, I'd need to drag my hubby along too since I don't want to walk around on my own either (it's about a three block walk).
I like the comfort of my own home too.
GAH, yEAH! I just want to float there. q vq It's just a nice feeling. Actually swimming you need to like hold your breath and ugh. It's just horrible.

Donator — FluffyBoi Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/04/9 16:02:12 )
@Yandere: Trying to fully wake up. Have this story to write for a class I'm taking on Wednesday nights.

Voltie — Princess Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/04/9 16:08:28 )

@Yandere: What I like to do in water is pretend I can dance. I stand on my tippy toes and spin around like a ballerina. Water=automatic grace. You know you look like a damn swan no matter what! Haha


Always ping me please.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/04/9 19:09:18 )
@lordlucre: Ahhh. That's why I have coffee. xD It's what barely keeps me awake. Hahaha.
Ooh, that sounds cool though! Can I ask what the story is about?

@saeyra: Hahha. I do that too! XD I'm glad I'm not the only one!
Either that or just slowly doggy paddle back and forth. I really can't swim at all.

Donator — FluffyBoi Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/04/9 19:12:27 )
@Yandere: Well, our topic this time is surrealism, which I had to read up on(I can be too literal at times). Finally came up with an idea about woods with spirits and the lord petitioning the mayor of the town to desist from deforestation, stuff like that.

Donator — Cat Mama Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/04/9 20:00:40 )
November 2017 - February 2018
@yandere: Thanks for letting me know about your new hang-out so we can continue our convo. Haha.

The rest of the reply shall be in here!

Surprisingly enough, I actually got the okay/go ahead to use a character I traded for the other day in a story of mine. It was a totally unexpected, but welcome surprise answer. So, I suppose asking the character's owner or creator ahead of time can't hurt, since everyone has different policies anyway? But still, like I said...fanfiction is always another great option if they're not okay with me using the character in an original story. I'm just pleasantly surprised by my first experience with that. Besides, the worst that can come from asking is a "no" right? I don't think anyone will flip out for simply asking them.

Oh yeah, same here! There are a few of my OCs who are like a piece of my soul and being, (aka those who are like me. Lol) and I normally ship them with/give them my ideal kind of partner (is that a bad thing? Lol) but I still try to make them different from each other. At least a little bit. Like with the partner, sometimes I'll have them be a a bit of an arrogant little SOB instead of just confident, but still a total sweetheart on the inside. Lol. Plus, they all different backstories too, so *shrugs* it's not like they're totally alike. And I do have characters who aren't like me/my ideal partner either. So...I think it's okay to have a few who are quite like me. As long as they aren't total carbon copies of each other.

That is so true though! Nobody I know of uses "shite" where I'm from and it is a way to kind of get around swearing, especially since I rarely use curse words. Usually just slang from time to time. Lol. German curse words/insults are the best though. Always hilarious/helpful if you're in need of a good laugh.

And well, I wouldn't say that you have to feel bad for criticizing some people when you're going through the art forums. I mean as long as it's kept to yourself or constructive criticism. As long as you don't tell people their art is a bunch of shite and they need to go back to art school (even though it may just be a hobby for them like it is for you) you're fine. I can't see you being that rude anyway, so chances are, you'll fall under the "fine" category in this instance.

Ahh! Thank you so much for the compliment! *blushes* I love emoticons though! They make a post super fun. Haha. And oh! Toyhouse does have it's own writing section now? How did I not know this, lol? If you could tell me where about to find it, I'd really appreciate that honestly! But argh! I shall look forward to your commission orders in this case then!

Yes, please! All the cutesy/innocent stuff! I mean I don't mind some of theother parts of romance since it's part of life. Like as long as it's not super detailed or anything, but give me all the fluff and I'm good! Lol. And aww! That's adorable! I'm shipping you guys even MORE now!

I mean...I'm a writer, so I kind of HAVE to make things hard for my children/characters, or else you don't have much of a plot, you know. But I have a lot of good things happen to them too. So it kind of balances out I suppose.

And yas! Thank you *Hugs Ero whether he likes it or not* As far as writing for younger characters, I mean maybe it could be as a result of kind of missing out of childhood? Or maybe you just thought it would be fun? Who knows why we do certain things, lol? I certainly don't. I only took a little bit of psychology in high school. Lol.

And there! I'm done! Lol.


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/04/10 00:41:00 )
@lordlucre: Ahh. I feel like I still never really grasp the situation with surrealism- even with art. ||OTL. Though it was always really distinguishable!
Oooh, that sounds interesting though. O:

@lithinel: Yes, of course! * V* //// I was pretty upset when the thread was just locked. orz. I was like omg... our conversation. STILL SO MANY THINGS TO TALK ABOUT.

Ahhh, that is awesome! I've thought about doing that too, but I'm definitely not confrontational so I usually just take the easy way out. |||OTL.
Yeah, worst that happens is they say no and you find a new alternative or something. uv u

Yeah! Usually only the ones I've created though... Or they'll have emotions/memories that I've gone through. Hmmm, like a relationship with an ex or something. It's kinda hard to explain without directly explaining what character and how it directly relates to me, but I hope that makes sense!
omg no. I definitely set up characters that I like with characters that I like. SWEATS. I definitely do the same thing. xD

Hahahah. YEAH. I mean, I can't really curse at all in my occupation. These kids would run home and tell their parents so quick. Jesus. I was talking about how everyone should make better choices/decisions and I ended up messing up my words and saying "De-shisions" And the kids were like GAASSSSPPP. I'm assuming because of the "shi" part. xD Then I proceeded to reprimand them about how deshisions wasn't even anything bad, I just messed up my wording. Hahahaha. L
YES! * V* !!! They really are! Any german words are the best. hahaha. I'll say ways around cursing too. Like "What the french toast?" "Son of a biscuit." "Shiitake mushrooms." etc.
I know how to say "F off u dirty pig" in German. | D Compliments of my husband who only learned languages to curse. Hahaha.

At least I don't type it out, I just... say it in my head and move onto the next one. There's times where I've dropped tons of gold on a style that I like though, so I suppose it's really just up to preference and how much currency you have.
Ahhhhh. Yeah, it might be. I don't think I'd ever really tell that to someone, I'm just not that type of person. I've had people ask me that in the past though. BAAHHAHAHA. "Why is your couple art so expensive?" Like. bruh. It's all fake currency, why do you care.

Heeee, of course! * V* ////
I do too! I would use japanese ones more often, but I'd need to look them up and whatnot.
YEAH! I think you can upload written story things. I could have sworn I read about it/saw it on someone's profile. YEAh! There's a " create literature" option now, you can upload it and put a little blurb too. : D !!!
YUS! Make sure you ping/link me to your thread when it's set up.

I wholeheartedly agree! I mean, smut stuff is interesting sometimes too, but I'm really.... generally shy about that type of stuff normally so reading about it just makes me sweat. Hahaha. So, I'll just stick to cutesy relationships for now. | D
I'm trying to convince him to make a toyhouse account too so he can upload art of his character(s) as well, but no budge! D:

I have a lame comic of sorts...two really but one is rarely updated because the whole fleshing out the story and drawing the background is kinda tough. weep. I have a lot planned for it, I just don't have a lot of exciting parts besides like halfway through the actual story. weep.

AHHAHAA. I'm not even sure how he would respond! xD He's not used to social interaction besides with Illario! And he... generally doesn't hug him. hahaha.
Hmm, I assume that's it, but I'll never really know. Maybe also a lot of adult things don't really seems exciting? Like, besides gossip and cheating (which... not really my jam), there's not much going on? I'm also always out of the loop with things so idk. It's better if there's no drama at work. q ___ q
I took psychology classes in school, but not enough to really delve into it. My father-in-law is a psychologist, but I'd definitely be way too embarrassed to ask him. He'd probably think I'm a psycho. Hahaha.

We write such long replies. Hahaha. whoops.


TH || dA ||webtoon

Donator — FluffyBoi Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/04/10 02:03:20 )
@Yandere: Yeah, I can be a bit too literal sometimes, so I was worried. Managed to write it down though!
Lucifer's Pet

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/04/10 11:52:51 )

Questing: Virtuous Guard x2 | Alice | Merlantis | Sticky Fingers x2 | Squidplay | Woodland Fae x1 | Splish Splash x1

@Yandere: don't feel bad i can't do hands or arms easily ether. heck i can't even do shoulders they always come off..odd..

Star's Memory Jar | Star's Quest |Star's Runway | Shadow Realm Market
Pls Mention as i wander

Avi art is best gift

Donator — She/Crazy Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/04/10 12:02:12 )

Oh! Very nice! I am glad to see you made a hangout thread. ^_^
-sends hugs-


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