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Forums General Chit-Chat What did you think of _____ when you were little?

Donator — Easterbun Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/14 00:22:41 )
What did you think of growing up when you were little ?

Voltie — Princess Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/14 00:26:10 )
@GuttedBunny: I thought I would become a large, intelligent and powerful human! I also thought people would stop bossing me around...unfortunately that's not the case :vanora_xd:

Donator — Easterbun Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/14 00:28:27 )
@Saeyra: LOOOL LIKE, SAME! But on top of that I thought this; that I would no longer be the person I was. That I would be someone else or something like being in the mind of someone else who thought differently than me.

Donator — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/14 00:28:32 )
I thought I'd figure out my life and have all my shit together.

...well, uh, progress has been made.
Luna Chandra
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Donator — Easterbun Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/14 00:29:46 )
@Slytherclaw: ikr lol. Progress is hard to make in life though I’ve found.

Voltie — Princess Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/14 01:17:51 )
@GuttedBunny: I don't remember thinking I would be a different person. Just the same person with superpowers. The funny thing is, I still to this day say "when I grow up I wanna be/do/have that!!" I never lost the dreamer in me. I guess I got lucky life didn't beat it out of me...yet. The goals have changed but I still feel like the same person.

Donator — Easterbun Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/14 01:20:20 )
@Saeyra: I mean what I’m saying is I didn’t believe that i would ever grow up. I felt I would become a different person because of how much life i lived. I’m happy for you though :) keep dreaming. Even when you ha e grown up keep dreaming :)

Voltie — Princess Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/14 01:28:18 )
@GuttedBunny: I am grown though! In my late 20's as we speak! I think what you meant is grown old :vanora_xd: Every so often I try to think what I would say to my little self if I could go back in time. It's sort of a way to appreciate all the things I have and how far I have come.

Donator — He/Him Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/14 01:32:45 )
I never thought about it.

Ping me!


Donator — A.I. Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/14 01:33:06 )
I always thought there would be some day when we woke up and felt different, somehow "graduated" from growing up and officially became adults. I wanted to grow up because I wanted people to take me seriously; I was excited to have freedoms and be able to do my own thing, but of course didn't realise how great kids actually have it. xD And now, of course, I know that you feel no different when you become an adult. It just kind of creeps by and then a few years later you maybe realise it. "oh yeah, I can legally drive and drink alcohol and stuff."

Donator — Easterbun Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/14 01:36:03 )
@Saeyra: I didn’t think you weren’t grown up. I mean MORE grown up xD

Voltie — Princess Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/14 01:37:12 )
@Vii: Dude, I think its only gonna hit me when I have kids of my own. It hasn't yet so far! :vanora_xd:

Voltie — Princess Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/14 01:39:04 )
When I was a kid I used to have soooooo many suggestions for my older self when my older self would become a parent. Unfortunately, I have forgotten them all. So..sorry kid self and future kids. I should have written them down! :vanora_xd:

Donator — A.I. Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/14 01:43:03 )
I still don't consider myself an adult, believe me. And who knows if it'll even sink in when you have kids! xD I'm still sitting here playing video games and wasting time on the internet, instead of adulting. xD

Donator — Easterbun Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/14 01:44:33 )
@Vii: LOOL same dooooeee!

Voltie — Princess Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/14 01:49:11 )
@Vii: Maybe when I have kids we will all be kid buddies...though, that would be so bad. Noone would be adulting in the house! :vanora_xd:

Donator — A.I. Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/14 01:51:05 )
@Saeyra: Imagine the kids going to school and everyone's sharing stories about their home life. "Yeah, my dad comes home and drinks coffee while reading the newspaper"
Our kids: "my mom is a real geek and reads a lot of books and my dad always talks about x TV show and they're always dragging me around to conventions"
[ often multitasking unsuccessfully ] | [ I may take a while to respond, but haven't forgotten you! ♥ ]
qu'est-ce que tu vas chercher?

Voltie — Princess Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/14 01:56:59 )
@Vii: that's really mild compared to "my mom's in her jammies all day, calls us little noobs and beats our asses on all the games, she also makes me roll a d20 to see if I will get in trouble or not, she then adds it to my persuasion modifier which is -5. I hate my life." My hubby actually wants to train little strategic geniuses for strategy games haha.

Voltie — she/her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/14 02:27:09 )
I thought... it would be GREAT because finally I could play with all my sister's toys! And she would respect me! And...


dear Lord I need a new signature someone help me

Voltie — Princess Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/14 02:29:27 )
@superbearwars: Yeah! All we wanted was a little respect! R.E.S.P.E.C.T. :vanora_sad:

Always ping me please.

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